finished cycle of chlorodrol 50 need advice


here to learn
Hello everyone, I'm new to this board, I'm 40yr old, been lifting on and off since high school. Had my share of real gear several times but after along time off decided to tried a pro hormone. I took chlorodrol 50 by culver labs got it at mass nutrition for the suggested 4weeks. These are methylated so I'm taking milk thistle also. I gained a good 8 lbs. I'm now in second week of post cycle therapy (pct),taking clomid 50mg and their recommended post cycle therapy (pct) aromadrol 15 ( test booster)
Anyone has had any experience with chlorodrol 50? Should I add something else for post cycle therapy (pct)?
From the looks of the compound, looks like this stuff is the original halodrol-50. Well, the Origianl H-50 was spiked with DMT or something along those lines, not sure if this one is or not.
Prob could of thrown in some more support supps other than just millk thistle, however if you feel fine, the clomid and a that natural test booster you're taking should be good to go. Just keep your diet good so you don't lose the gains you made. Also, keep taking the milk thistle through out the PCT, maybe throw some liv52 in there and other support supps.

If you do another cycle, throw in all the other supposrt supps that should be taken, or just grab an all in one, like cycle assist.
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