Thanks for the response guys.
I have been off my cycle and PCT for about 4 weeks now.. if i remember correctly that is long enough.(for Dieselboloan).
As for how it worked for me:
Obvisously all my lifts increased big time, with no joint issues.
My piss was a dark yellow tint to it, I didn't drink enough water, OOPS.
Doing a mirror check i could definetly see a difference, not only leaner, but more muscle.
got my best militaly press of 360 for 4 reps.
Didn't have any issues with gyno, noticed morning wood very regulary.
People told me they could definetly tell I was getting bigger.
So i am thinking of:
Starting my other bottle of diesel(got the 2 4 1) deal.
cycle of Beastdrol
or Either Sarm S4, or Osta
Thanks guys.