Finished Diesel Cycle + PCT, What Next?


New member
As the title says i just finished my Diesel and PCT cycle.

Now i am contemplating what next?

Should I run another diesel cycle, or should I run a Sarm either S4 or Osta? as a bridge till i know WTF i want to run next???
so you just finished your pct and you already want to jump into another cycle of superdrol? you do know that time on+pct=time you have atleast 8 weeks to wait there bud...

sarms are an interesting thing. i plan on running ostarine myself, but dont think that you dont need any pct at all with them. although there is minimal is shutdown at the end of the day..

i think you need to do more reading on this should know the beast is a very serious steroid and you shouldnt be popping them in like tic tacs just cause you liked your previous need to wait a little, let your body heal up or youll regret jumping into another cycle...
Thanks for the response guys.

I have been off my cycle and PCT for about 4 weeks now.. if i remember correctly that is long enough.(for Dieselboloan).

As for how it worked for me:
Obvisously all my lifts increased big time, with no joint issues.
My piss was a dark yellow tint to it, I didn't drink enough water, OOPS.
Doing a mirror check i could definetly see a difference, not only leaner, but more muscle.
got my best militaly press of 360 for 4 reps.
Didn't have any issues with gyno, noticed morning wood very regulary.
People told me they could definetly tell I was getting bigger.

So i am thinking of:
Starting my other bottle of diesel(got the 2 4 1) deal.
cycle of Beastdrol
or Either Sarm S4, or Osta

Thanks guys.
yea i decided to only do 3 weeks of this (i am younger) and it was my first prohormone to try. so i wanted to play it safe. i stopped about 2 weeks ago. because i had so much room to grow, i want to say i grew about 15 lbs muscle in 3 weeks. and maybe a 2 or 3 lbs of fat, only cause it made me hungry as hell and was told by a friend who lifting for several years to eat everything i can.
i loved it... and hate that im now doing post. but oh well.. i didnt want to take to much and risk hurting myself since im young.

:D definately recommend this.
p.s. now im cutting some of the fat... and i accidentally missed a week and a half at the gym cause of work and lazyness... and been running a bit more. but ive still kept almost all muscle weight. lost maybe a lb or 2 of muscle