just wrapping up a 4 week cycle of androhard and dymethazine, so i'll give everyone a quick review. quite the potent cycle ive had in a long time, unfortunatly it was my worse run of prohormones ive had due to outside factors. for 3 weeks ive had outbreaks of giant cold sores on my lower lip which pretty much had me stay home most of the time. i had to use valtrax and some topical cream as well as minimize the protein intake because apparently the herpes virus feeds off of l-arginine. i also used some vacation days set up for this month to hit the gym. but then the wife took the opportunity to go out and about and leave me home with the kids, which lead to outbursts of anger from time to time when ever the kids drove me nuts. this left me burnt out, burned out to go to the gym. now i have the overall feeling of toxicity, cant wait to go back natty and give my organs a break. my lifts did go up on cycle, i look somewhat bigger and recieved quite a few no homo compliments from the brahs. to all the single guys living at home or no wife or kids, u guys have no excuse to get your workouts in and diet in check. go out there and DO IT! more importantly make sure your life is in check before starting any cycle or else it'll go south like mine did.