First Bodybuilding show in 16 weeks!

Sorry for not posting for so long. I fried my laptop and couldn't remember my name or password. I will put some contest pics up as well as an update as I got a coach who adjusted my cycle.
My cycle was:
Prop- 700mg until 5weeks out. 500 at 5 and 4 weeks out. 300 at 3 weeks out. No test last 15 days.
Tren-500 until 5weeks out. 700mg the last 5 weeks.
Mast-500 until 5weeks out. 700mg the last 5 weeks.
***cut tren and mast out 5 days out
Anavar-50mg until 6 weeks out. 100mg from 6 out to show.
Winstrol-50mg 6-2weeks out. 100 final week
Halo-15-45mg depending on training starting 4weeks out.
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