First Bodybuilding show in 16 weeks!

scratch the post i had here. i am doing what i was planning. i am going to go through with the show and not do a powerlifting meet.
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very nice log! I too would love to see some pics once you hit the prop/tren/mast... Best of luck!!!
Hey everyone. Just an update. I'm currently 12 weeks out and sitting at about 8%. Eating 3600-3800 calories a day. No cardio yet.
Still debating between oral and injectable winstrol the last 4-6 weeks. What do you guys think? Pinning is not an issue, but the higher chance of infection and lumps due to the water based injection worries me a bit.
Still debating between oral and injectable winstrol the last 4-6 weeks. What do you guys think? Pinning is not an issue, but the higher chance of infection and lumps due to the water based injection worries me a bit.

you should be cutting out all injectables about a week before the show.. so keep that in mind
looks like your on track time wise... you still have some bf to lose though.. make sure you have it planned out right

Thanks for the reply 3j! I am coming off being sick, so I really can't wait to see what I look like after a couple weeks of being back to 100%! I'm sitting right at 238-240 still and slowly leaning out. I think it should be a great couple months and a good showing for me if all goes as planned!
3j, could you provide a brief explanation why to cutting out injectables a week out?

stongerone, looking good....just keep the progress going
Tested at 6.4% at 235lbs about a week ago. Test is starting to kick in finally and I'm feeling great dropping fat while eating big still. Currently taking in about 400 carbs, 360 protein and 30fat a day. Still not doing cardio more than once a week, so the diet+gear is really working well. Ill start cardio up in about a week as I am not going to lower my carbs for a while and I don't see myself getting much leaner without some cardio.
Guy I ended up starting anavar early and will run it for 10 weeks total at 50mg the first 5-6 and 100mg a day the last 4-5 weeks. Tren ace is still at 300 a week along with this week being the first week on 300mg mast due to a shipping issue that delayed everything. Currently back up to about 420g carbs. 420 protein, and 30 fats a day. Getting very lean!

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You are taking way too much gear bro. 1000 mg's of prop and tren???? You must be having nasty side effects. Your body cannot handle those super high doses properly. You are wasting $ by loading that much. I have seen huge gains from 800mgs of test enanthate per week, 600 mgs of eq a week, and 25mgs of d bol a day. I have never. and will never take that much because. I like my heart, and prostate to work properly. Best of luck with that.
Switching to orals stops water retention, as long as it's Winstrol (winny), oral tren, or are good to go.
Bam- can we see a picture of yourself???

You are taking way too much gear bro. 1000 mg's of prop and tren???? You must be having nasty side effects. Your body cannot handle those super high doses properly. You are wasting $ by loading that much. I have seen huge gains from 800mgs of test enanthate per week, 600 mgs of eq a week, and 25mgs of d bol a day. I have never. and will never take that much because. I like my heart, and prostate to work properly. Best of luck with that.