First brew

What would you guys recomend for my first try at brewing. I'm pretty sure I want to try the Fina conversion. It seems pretty simple. also there is alot of BS it seems like on the use of just taking this mixture by itself (stacking with others). there is alot of contriversy on it. I took just dianabol by itself. Ya I know it was retarted. And I just want some of your guys thoughts.

Thank you
I would say Test Enth. It is almost goof proof. Cheap and easy. If youre gonna do tren, if it were me I would do it from powder, but thats just me. I know a lot of peeps do it from the fina pellets, but to me the powder is just cleaner.
So I have decided to do a 10 week cycle of test enth at 500mg per week. And then judge from there how my body reacts to it. I'm trying to add mass. what do u think what the best PCT. I was thinking of nolva on hand and clomid after. I believe that will be enough.

5' 11"
199 lbs
12% bf
Been training 4 years
Been in two comps

Diet is 3100 to 3500 depending on workout days etc
200grms protien and 250 carbs
Taking the rest of this year to fix shoulders and chest weak points.
I followed dorian Yates training philosophy
I train 3 to 4 days a week. Two days a w
eek cardio 30 mins.
How do u guys train different on juice ?
When I start how much more would u recommended to eat.
Also this will be my first brew any tips on doing it. It seems easy to do.
Whag do u guys think about buying all this stuff online should I do a prepaid card or what? Do u guys also have good luck getting the powder shipped to the USA.? And what's ur feelings on internet powder purchase. How much trouble can I get in if customs siezes the package ?
Ok, rapidfire questions here lol:shoot7:

So I have decided to do a 10 week cycle of test enth at 500mg per week. And then judge from there how my body reacts to it. I'm trying to add mass. what do u think what the best PCT. I was thinking of nolva on hand and clomid after. I believe that will be enough. I would study up more on PCT!

5' 11"
199 lbs
12% bf
Been training 4 years
Been in two comps

Diet is 3100 to 3500 depending on workout days etc
200grms protien and 250 carbs
Taking the rest of this year to fix shoulders and chest weak points.
I followed dorian Yates training philosophy
I train 3 to 4 days a week. Two days a w
eek cardio 30 mins.
How do u guys train different on juice ?
When I start how much more would u recommended to eat.
Also this will be my first brew any tips on doing it. It seems easy to do.
It is.

Whag do u guys think about buying all this stuff online should I do a prepaid card or what?
Thats a good way to go about it.
Do u guys also have good luck getting the powder shipped to the USA.?
No probs for me yet...several shipments.
And what's ur feelings on internet powder purchase. How much trouble can I get in if customs siezes the package ?
Thats always the risk, it could be seized. Then you would get a letter. You would burn the letter and lay lowe for awhile. Most likely nothing would come of it the first time unless you were brilliant enough to show up to claim it.
Best of luck to you bro!
if credit cards are involved in the purchase of powders i would steer clear of that all together.
I have started to be more percise on the diet and I'm gaining weight just fine. I think I will hold off on the cycle for now. I feel like i need to research more about post cycle therapy (pct) and the other varibles. Then I will conclude what action I shall take. I also am going to move to germany in a year or to. Is it legal to get gear in Germany? I belive it is. It makes me mad that here in the states that people want to legilize MARY J and not take a more educated look at a safer way for us young bucks and Vets to get knowledge on the gear that if taken wrong can really screw up a life or two. I also think there is alot more to be researched and proven before people spout off their mouths about how fucked up I am for wanting to know more about gear.
sorry about the rant but thank you all for the input on my conflict. may joy rain upon everyone soak it up like a sponge lol :)
Finding good powder sources is next to impossible I used to help a friend of mine make it years ago. Now it is next to impossible to get anything and not worth the risk
Finding good powder sources is next to impossible I used to help a friend of mine make it years ago. Now it is next to impossible to get anything and not worth the risk

This is the second strange post of yours for the day... It is rediculously easy to find very high quality raw powders on the internet. There are several ways to get them that are backed by whole communities of people saying that the source is G2G.

With a WU account and about 2 weeks anyone can have almost any raw substance...