First clen cycle opinions are highly apreciated


New member
SORRY i know its wrong section but Idk how to delete it im new here

Hey, i want to start my first clen cycle to help me cutt along diet and training.
My stats are 5,8 height, 187lb weight,been lifting for 3-4 years,on and off, I don,t want to mention age probably from the negative feedback:) i weightlift 5-6 days a week and 5-6 days a week cardio.
I was thinking of using it for about 6-8 weeks non stop( with the aid of ketotifen from week 2 and on)+taurine. Would this cycle work?
Day 1:20mcg
Day 2:40mcg
Day 3:60mcg
Day 4:60mcg(will up faster if sides are ok)
Day 5:80mcg
Day 6:80mcg
Day 7:100mcg
Weeks 5-7 oscilate from 100mcg-120mcg depending on sides
*will take all the pills in the morning
*will take keto at night
*2-5g taurine daily
Another question: What diet works best IYO? Keto? And which type of cardio light of hiit?
Thank you for your time
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Run the clen 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off. Taurine is great. the doses look good. Slowly bump it up like you have.
Tyvm :) so you don,t think running it with ketotifen is a good ideea? i wanted just because of the expiration date i bought too many pills and they seem to expire quicker than i thought, and summer is coming :)