First Cycle : 500mg Test E, Estrogen balance question


New member
Hi guys!

Sorry for being selfish and making my first post as a new thread regarding information I need.

I am 30, 6'1" and was 192lb 20% bf when I started my first ever 20 week cycle of Test E 500mg/wk.

Cycle is basically 500mg/wk in two injections with nothing else on a slow cutting diet.

I did a pre cycle blood test and everything was normal. Particularly, E2 was like 34 with less than 39 being the normal range.

I have plenty of Nolva, Clomid, Aromasin on hand.

Up until week 3 I basically only had trouble with injection site pain and some flu like symptoms.

Wk 3-6, I also noted a lot of bloat. End of wk 6, I got bloodwork done again. Everything was fine - RBC, Heamoglobin, lipids all fine but my E2 had shot up to 101.

Same night I got the results I also noticed mildly tender pecs/nipple area. I took 25mg Aromasin.
Next night my nipples became really tender and slightly painful pecs so I added 40mg Nolva with 12.5mg Aromasin. Bloat is pretty much gone.

Been taking 40mg Nolva and 12.5mg Aromasin every day for the last 3 days. Nip sensitivity and pain has reduced by about 70% but still at some point in the day the tenderness can rise and then fall.

Should I keep taking 40mg Nolva till chest symptoms are fully gone and then continue the 12.5mg Aromasin till end of cycle?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I realize I should have taken a low dose AI from the beginning.

Is 101 a really high amount of E2? Should I be taking a higher dosage of Aromasin? Shouldn't the nolva have taken care of the nip sensitivity completely by now?

Am I in any danger of crashing my E2 running both Nolva and Aromasin for what will probably end up being a week given how my symptoms have responded.
so why weren't you on an ai to start with??

to be honest, I was getting mixed responses skimming the internet, my initial plan was also a shorter cycle and final straw was a guy who did basically the same cycle and convinced me the dosage I plan on using will have mild sides at best. So I decided to do bloodwork around 5-6 weeks in and then see if i needed to control e2 levels.

After tonight I feel like might cut nolva to 20mg because I am definitely feeling a lot less sides atm. Maybe I will switch Aromasin to 25mg ed and get another blood work 10 days from now

eta: skimming more of that FAQ link posted, a lot of my symptoms seems rather mild and could just be be worrying about it too much. I definitely had a bad night a few nights ago. Hoping to taper the nolva quickly and stay on 12.5mg Aromasin.

Will read all of the FAQ asap.
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to be honest, I was getting mixed responses skimming the internet, my initial plan was also a shorter cycle and final straw was a guy who did basically the same cycle and convinced me the dosage I plan on using will have mild sides at best. So I decided to do bloodwork around 5-6 weeks in and then see if i needed to control e2 levels.

After tonight I feel like might cut nolva to 20mg because I am definitely feeling a lot less sides atm. Maybe I will switch Aromasin to 25mg ed and get another blood work 10 days from now

if you did adex at .25 to .5mg eod you would have never came to this issue in the first place

its prevention over damage control every single time
if you did adex at .25 to .5mg eod you would have never came to this issue in the first place

its prevention over damage control every single time

you're right. but how bad do you think it is for me now? The sides seem to be getting better. I will try to dial in the E2 after getting off nolva and being only on the AI for a few days to see where the levels are.

I only have access to Aromasin, is that fine?
you're right. but how bad do you think it is for me now? The sides seem to be getting better. I will try to dial in the E2 after getting off nolva and being only on the AI for a few days to see where the levels are.

I only have access to Aromasin, is that fine?

that pain and sensitivity youre feeling is likely gyno development..

i'd stay on the 40mg nolva till the pain is gone.. while doing that you can start taking 12.5mg aromasin daily and bump it up to 25mg when you come off the nolva
that pain and sensitivity youre feeling is likely gyno development..

i'd stay on the 40mg nolva till the pain is gone.. while doing that you can start taking 12.5mg aromasin daily and bump it up to 25mg when you come off the nolva

great. that is what I am following and plan the same switch in AI dosage after coming off Nolva

Two questions:
1. Should I bump the AI to 25 while still on Nolva since my E2 was 101 in the report.
2. How long does it take for the pain/sensitivity to go away? A week? Two? I was prompt in my response to the treatment of the symptoms
The answer to that is as long as it takes... Its different for everyone.. 40mg nolva and 25mg aromasin should handle the problem.. Youre lucky you're catching it early before it solidifies
Nolva will not lower e2. It's a serm. Read up on them. An ai manages e2. Read up on those too...

But doesn't it work to compete for estrogen receptors at specific sites like breast tissue? I am only taking nolva for the symptoms to dial down. AI is Aromasin which I will continue till end of cycle.

I would recommend reading for retention instead of skimming.

Of course my good sir. Knowledge is Power.
It was 2am in the morning, I was just bookmarking the links for later reading but skimmed some of it anyways
Thanks again. That's a helluva amount of information to digest. hCG injections sound like a pain in the ass to draw up. I already ordered some vials but will go the route of administering it during the last 6 weeks of my cycle.

Seems you shouldn't run it when getting gyno symptoms anyways.
Ideally HCG should be run from week 1 until 3 days before commencing PCT...

But you are right, it's never too early to start HCG, so start it as soon as you get it.

I'd personally run it at 2 x 500iu Sub-Q injections weekly - and like I said, run this up to 3 days before starting your PCT.

I'd normally only recommend 2 x 250iu jabs per week, but you are late starting.

Look, you seem a bright lad, you've done the right thing asking for help on here.

You just need to go to all the stickies and drown yourself in knowledge for future cycles now.

Good luck
Ideally HCG should be run from week 1 until 3 days before commencing PCT...

But you are right, it's never too early to start HCG, so start it as soon as you get it.

I'd personally run it at 2 x 500iu Sub-Q injections weekly - and like I said, run this up to 3 days before starting your PCT.

I'd normally only recommend 2 x 250iu jabs per week, but you are late starting.

Look, you seem a bright lad, you've done the right thing asking for help on here.

You just need to go to all the stickies and drown yourself in knowledge for future cycles now.

Good luck

So I opened the powered hcg amp (5000iu) and put 1ml water in it. Before that I had put 4ml bac water in a empty vial. I have now (just like the steps mentioned) added the 1ml reconstituted solution into the 4ml bac water.

I am having trouble figuring out how much hcg I have now. Say if I were to do 2x250iu injections per week, how much hcg would I draw out per injection?

Say for both a IM syringe and insulin syringe.

Also, how many weeks will this solution last?


I have another 5000iu hcg powder ampule. Would it be better to do the 10ml reconstitution?

Also, the powdered hcg before mixing can be stored in room temp in the dark?
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5000 iu in 5ml will make it 1000iu per ml..

so if you want 250iu just go to the 25 mark on the syringe