first cycle.. already on accutane and propecia.. can i still do this stack?


New member
hey guys, so i'm a complete AAS noob here.. i'll start out with my stats:

24 years old
6', 185lbs
low bodyfat % (visible abs)
8 years dedicated lifting
Bachelors of Science in Dietetics

i've always been on top of my workout and diet and have used test boosters several times in my life, such as bioforge, activate xtreme, hyperdrol x2.. now i'm looking to get into the next level of my physique, diet and training and wanted to try out the heavier stuff..

i've been prescribed accutane for 5 months now via dermatologist, and was told yesterday that i would have to be on it for another 2 months.. additionally, i've been taking propecia (finasteride) for about a year (also prescribed), to slow down any minor hair recession at the temples (runs in my family)..

my main goal is to ultimately be around 200lbs, very low body fat (looking for the underwear model look, but DON'T WANT to look like a blatant steroid user), i just want to look as close to juiced up as a natural person could get (except on juice lol)

now here's my question.. i know that the accutane is very harsh on the liver (as demonstrated by the monthly blood tests).. but i was wondering if there were any compounds i could take before having to wait for the accutane to be done with.. of course i could wait the 2 more months, plus 2-4 weeks for it to be completely cleared from my system, but i'd love to start sooner.. are there any compounds that will provide me with very lean, dry gains to get me to my goal, that won't put any extra hurt on my liver? i've been taking Liv52 and NOW's Liver Detox & Regen, daily, for the past 5 months (to protect against any weekend alcohol consumption whilst on the accutane)..

my friend ORIGINALLY (see new stack below) suggested that we would:

inject Test-E for 12-16 weeks
Run epistane for the first 4 weeks
nolvadex + clomid PCT

i understand that epistane is a bit harsh on the liver, so i was thinking i might wana stay away from products like that for general health purposes.. i've heard that compounds such as Test-E + Anavar (nolva + clomid + bioforge PCT) are relatively mild on the liver, and are esteemed for their lean, dry hard gains, for getting that underwear model look..

do you guys think combining Test-E + Anavar would be safe to begin running before i finish out my last 2 months on the accutane? or should i just wait altogether to start this cycle? Also, any other suggestions on compounds to use to achieve my goal, would be much appreciated :) thanks guys!
AFAIK you should not take any orals while on accutane unless you want your liver to fail

test-e should be fine on your liver

Anavar I don't know.
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AFAIK you should not take any orals while on accutane unless you want your liver to fail

test-e should be fine on your liver

Yes, Accutane is already rough on the liver and you would be adding extra stress on it. Everyone here recommend Test only for a first cycle either test e or test c. Since you only looking to add 15-20lbs that will suffice. 500mg a week. Read the Massive Newbie Info stick and read it all. Thatll give you a better understanding.
hey guys, so i'm a complete AAS noob here.. i'll start out with my stats:

24 years old
6', 185lbs
low bodyfat % (visible abs)
8 years dedicated lifting
Bachelors of Science in Dietetics

i've always been on top of my workout and diet and have used test boosters several times in my life, such as bioforge, activate xtreme, hyperdrol x2.. now i'm looking to get into the next level of my physique, diet and training and wanted to try out the heavier stuff..

i've been prescribed accutane for 5 months now via dermatologist, and was told yesterday that i would have to be on it for another 2 months.. additionally, i've been taking propecia (finasteride) for about a year (also prescribed), to slow down any minor hair recession at the temples (runs in my family)..

my main goal is to ultimately be around 200lbs, very low body fat (looking for the underwear model look, but DON'T WANT to look like a blatant steroid user), i just want to look as close to juiced up as a natural person could get (except on juice lol)

now here's my question.. i know that the accutane is very harsh on the liver (as demonstrated by the monthly blood tests).. but i was wondering if there were any compounds i could take before having to wait for the accutane to be done with.. of course i could wait the 2 more months, plus 2-4 weeks for it to be completely cleared from my system, but i'd love to start sooner.. are there any compounds that will provide me with very lean, dry gains to get me to my goal, that won't put any extra hurt on my liver? i've been taking Liv52 and NOW's Liver Detox & Regen, daily, for the past 5 months (to protect against any weekend alcohol consumption whilst on the accutane)..

my friend ORIGINALLY (see new stack below) suggested that we would:

inject Test-E for 12-16 weeks
Run epistane for the first 4 weeks
nolvadex + clomid PCT

i understand that epistane is a bit harsh on the liver, so i was thinking i might wana stay away from products like that for general health purposes.. i've heard that compounds such as Test-E + Anavar (nolva + clomid + bioforge PCT) are relatively mild on the liver, and are esteemed for their lean, dry hard gains, for getting that underwear model look..

do you guys think combining Test-E + Anavar would be safe to begin running before i finish out my last 2 months on the accutane? or should i just wait altogether to start this cycle? Also, any other suggestions on compounds to use to achieve my goal, would be much appreciated :) thanks guys!

propecia at 24?? well, if ur worried about going bald at your age u should just shave it down brother cuz that fire's already burnin. And FYI propecia only works while using it, once u stop any hair u would have re-grown while on WILL fall out...

lastly, propecia and acne meds are not a good combo with gear... u can't have ur cake and eat it too... so... do u want to keep a bit more hair for a "few" more years or do u want to improve your physique? it's up to u
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bro don't even try and take any steroids when your taking accutane i just got that shit done with and couldn't stand taking accutane after 3 months it will make you WEAK i got all my strength back after about a week and a half after i stopped taking it just workout with some lighter weights for now cuz accutane fucks your joints up wait 30 days or 2 weeks after your done with accutane before you lift heavyer and i would wait 30 days to start your cyle
Here's a brilliant idea - FUCK OFF THE ACCUTANE!

That shit is pure poison. Go for creams and UV treatment. I swear accutane is a major contribution as to why I'm so fucked in the head even ten years post-treatment. I don't even know why that drug is still legal.
Here's a brilliant idea - FUCK OFF THE ACCUTANE!

That shit is pure poison. Go for creams and UV treatment. I swear accutane is a major contribution as to why I'm so fucked in the head even ten years post-treatment. I don't even know why that drug is still legal.

yeahhh, i've heard that before.. but i've tried everything under the sun (prescription acne meds like doxycycline, topicals, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, etc) and nothing's worked.. my derm eventually put me on the TANE.. i'm already pretty fucked up in the head, so i don't really notice much of a difference lol

anyways, i'm in the final stretch (2 months to go) and my acne has pretty much cleared up completely (i'm about 85% to zero blemishes).. so it's not really an option to stop now..
i'm not worried about going BALD.. i started noticing thinning at my temples about a year ago.. and know that pattern runs in my family. i didn't lose very much hair, but enough to know that it was starting.. since i've started the propecia, and now have been on it for approximately a year, my temples have filled back in (mostly) and i stopped the daily shedding..

i've read about a lot of people on these forums that run finasteride (propecia) alongside gear and still see good results.. i'm not trying to compete here, i just want to be a beautiful specimen.. so if that means only getting 80-90% out of the gear, than i'm fine with that.
propecia at 24?? well, if ur worried about going bald at your age u should just shave it down brother cuz that fire's already burnin. And FYI propecia only works while using it, once u stop any hair u would have re-grown while on WILL fall out...

lastly, propecia and acne meds are not a good combo with gear... u can't have ur cake and eat it too... so... do u want to keep a bit more hair for a "few" more years or do u want to improve your physique? it's up to u

i'm not worried about going BALD.. i started noticing thinning at my temples about a year ago.. and know that pattern runs in my family. i didn't lose very much hair, but enough to know that it was starting.. since i've started the propecia, and now have been on it for approximately a year, my temples have filled back in (mostly) and i stopped the daily shedding..

i've read about a lot of people on these forums that run finasteride (propecia) alongside gear and still see good results.. i'm not trying to compete here, i just want to be a beautiful specimen.. so if that means only getting 80-90% out of the gear, than i'm fine with that.
+1 on screw accutane. I had bad acne problems as a teen and tried topicals, minocyclin, doxycyclin, etc. That accutane sure fixed my acne but even 10 years later I feel like my skin is dry for life and hat shit is mentally toxic too imo.
Guys run gear on propecia but only injectables no orals. Then you don't have to worry about adding additional toxicity to your liver.
Guys run gear on propecia but only injectables no orals. Then you don't have to worry about adding additional toxicity to your liver.

so if somebody is taking liquid finasteride on a test e cycle and towards the end of it during the last 4-6 weeks they want to take var, that wouldn't be a good idea? is propecia hard on the liver? if so, would liquid finasteride be the same?
Good Post, been contemplating the same but injectibles only. I'm on month 3 and my whole body aches. I've been wanting or thinking of going on Test/Deca just to combat how much Accutane dries me out. Since I can't afford HGH, I see that as my only bet. I would stay away from all orals like said above. Anything you can take in orally will be processed by your liver.

Did you notice a difference with the liver supps you are taking? My derm has me on 40mg dose and monthly blood tests as well. I used to occasionally have a beer but since my last test, I stopped having any alcohol. Tightened up my diet too. Do you know what your liver counts were, before/after?
Dude accutane is fucking HORRID... When that shit first got approved the were pushing it through a few dermatologists and I had one of them. I dried out like a motherfucker... wake up to a red pillow of blood every night and peel like a snake every day. This is before kids started killing themselves and flying planes into the ground and shit while on the medication (I think one kid in Fla put a plane into an office building or something)

So I went through a year+ of hell and looking/feeling like shit... now my acne is very minimal because that stuff dries/kills many of the oil cells so acne won't come back.

Still not worth it... get off that shit. Retin-A and antibiotics will help. Don't fuck yourself with this bad stuff...

I mean seriously should you be taking ANYTHING that has a picture of a baby looking like an ALIEN on the back of each pill because thats what it will do to a baby?
Accutaine is VERY bad for you, i dont care what kind of acne you have, its not worth it, ( I am covered in scarring and still feel same way)
there are powerful anti-biotics that will help, and although very ruff on the body also, not liek accutain, that shit can mess you up at a genetic level, I cant believe its still beign givin out.

Also for balding ... it runs in family,... and is going to happen regardless if you use that stuff or not, just get used to it and live with it. (im balding now and didnt think I ever would) but tuff shit, shave head bald and move on. ;-)

anyway thats my 0.2

dont use steroids just yet, get off accutain or atleast learn WHY it is/can be so bad. (a doc giving you a drug by script DOESNT make it safe, I learned that a long time ago)
Good Post, been contemplating the same but injectibles only. I'm on month 3 and my whole body aches. I've been wanting or thinking of going on Test/Deca just to combat how much Accutane dries me out. Since I can't afford HGH, I see that as my only bet. I would stay away from all orals like said above. Anything you can take in orally will be processed by your liver.

Did you notice a difference with the liver supps you are taking? My derm has me on 40mg dose and monthly blood tests as well. I used to occasionally have a beer but since my last test, I stopped having any alcohol. Tightened up my diet too. Do you know what your liver counts were, before/after?

not true, IGF1 Des or IGFLR3 might help with tissues.
but still get off the accutain.