First cycle Beginner needs help to do it right!


New member
First, my stats:

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 182 lb
BF: 14%
Age: 25 y/o
Gym experience? 5+ years

I've been lifting since the age of 19-20 - started off with just a bare 120 lb at 19 :bigok: and now it has taken me quite a while to get to 182 lb and I did gain some BF along the way because of lack of cardio/cutting diet (I've honestly never tried to lower my BF because I wanna get bigger not smaller, don't give a Fuck about abs atm.)

I wasn't mentally or physically prepared to workout on roids until now. I need mass, so I'm going to do my first Test-E cycle. I know I need PCT on hand for post cycle, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle. I just need help coming up with the full list of everything I need to get so I am not missing anything, and the perfect combination of each (read a lot of mixed reviews on different pct's for different folks, got me all confused).

I wanna do 500-600mg/weekly to begin.
What's recommended 10 or 12 weeks cycle?
Week 15-19 for PCT?
How much of all do I need to get from my source?

Also is it possible to inject test-E with insulin needles?

Any help would be appreciated.
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12 weeks test e or c 500mg weekly. 2 pins a week at 250 is recommended. Aromasin or arimidex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). clomid and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). 25g 1in needles are good for thighs and delts, 23g 1 1/2in for glutes
Wk 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg twice/wk e3.5d
Wk 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg eod - monitor and adjust accordingly.
Wk 1-14.5 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day before test injection.

Begins wk 15 to wk 19

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I got that. But I've read Clomid causes acne? Alternatives? And can someone explain the dosage? I don't get the 75/50/50/50. I read the PCT sticky thread but it has the same format of dosage.

I am basically looking for a shopping list ( with Pharmaceutical names ), what I need to give my source to get what I need exactly. How much of each to run a full 12 week cycle.

Aromasin comes in 25mg tabs, how do I do 12.5mg eod? Break it in half?
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I would do clomid 50/50/50/50. Means 50mg ed for 4 weeks
Nolva 40/40/20/20 40mg ed for 2 weeks, 20mged for 2 weeks
I would do clomid 50/50/50/50. Means 50mg ed for 4 weeks
Nolva 40/40/20/20 40mg ed for 2 weeks, 20mged for 2 weeks

Thank you metalhead, the confusing information over at steroid dot com got me a little confused. So PCT is 4 weeks.

Should the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) be injected in the same site as the TEST? would it matter or should I keep it separate.

Also TesT short ester vs long ester, any benefits or sides to either?

So Clomid with 50 mg dosage shouldn't cause Acne? I've had to deal with acne in my teenage years, but I've been 4 years clear thanks to accutane, and don't wanna have to put up with that shit EVER again, worst era of my life. Any tips to make sure I'm not suffering from acne?
you dont nee Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a test only cycle. yes it would def help but why use something you dont have too. its also shot subcontious or however the hell you spell it. its shot into your fat not muscle. i pinch my belly fat and shoot it 1/4in in. I'm not sure about clomid causeing acne but i know acne gets worse though pct's for myself. it could be clomid or the stress your putting on your body who knows. one side effect for test is acne so if your prone to it better be prepared for it. lots of water and b5 at 10g a day is the only thing that has helped me. clomid and nolva are a good combo for sure like metalhead dosed above
Clomid has no safer less acne prone alternatives then? HcG needs to be administered in a fat area such as belly fat or buttocks? and HcG needs to be done the day before the test. Got it.
you dont nee Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a test only cycle. yes it would def help but why use something you dont have too. its also shot subcontious or however the hell you spell it. its shot into your fat not muscle. i pinch my belly fat and shoot it 1/4in in. I'm not sure about clomid causeing acne but i know acne gets worse though pct's for myself. it could be clomid or the stress your putting on your body who knows. one side effect for test is acne so if your prone to it better be prepared for it. lots of water and b5 at 10g a day is the only thing that has helped me. clomid and nolva are a good combo for sure like metalhead dosed above

well ive been acne free for 4-5 years, have you ever tried accutane? supposedly kills the acne to never return again for most people that use it, so not sure if i should stress about that?

I drink a gallon of water a day. Do I need to up this during my test cycle?

Also do I need any liver protection supplements at all? Any recommended supplements?
Also the Test-E I'm getting comes as 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml) - so I need 3 of these for a 12 week cycle, correct? But it'll leave me with 3 extra weeks, should I just run 15 weeks Test-E and then do PCT 2 weeks later? or 3 weeks?
never tried accutane but i heard it works wonders minus the possible sides from it. ive read threads with guys who took accutane years earlier and had little to no acne during cycle but never as bad as they use to have it. theres no set water limit. drink lots of water. i drink almost two gallons a day. i use milk thistle for liver protection.
Also the Test-E I'm getting comes as 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml) - so I need 3 of these for a 12 week cycle, correct? But it'll leave me with 3 extra weeks, should I just run 15 weeks Test-E and then do PCT 2 weeks later? or 3 weeks?

just run it 12 weeks and save the rest. start pct 14 days after last inject. yes
for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) id use aromasin at 12.5mgeod or adex at .25mg eod. some people will tell you .5 eod for adex but i would only run .25 and adjust form there. it dries you the fuck out bad. ive never had joint pains as bad as i did taking adex .5 eod. pct is simple, i beleive some people overdo it. 50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks with nolva at 20mg ed for 4 weeks. this is what i do and ive never had problems recovering quickly
for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) id use aromasin at 12.5mgeod or adex at .25mg eod. some people will tell you .5 eod for adex but i would only run .25 and adjust form there. it dries you the fuck out bad. ive never had joint pains as bad as i did taking adex .5 eod. post cycle therapy (pct) is simple, i beleive some people overdo it. 50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks with nolva at 20mg ed for 4 weeks. this is what i do and ive never had problems recovering quickly

I think I'll be doing Aromasin and the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was recommend on steroid dot com forums as a boost to shock your tests and help them recover faster.

Is Bac water needed to split the dosage of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? I need to watch a lot of youtube videos on everything.
Good call on the aromasin. Much easier on the joints and since you can take it in pct, it raises test, too. I swear by it.
Good call on the aromasin. Much easier on the joints and since you can take it in pct, it raises test, too. I swear by it.

So should I continue taking Aromasin throughout the PCT? I thought Aromasin was during cycle only, and not during PCT.