first cycle begins!

Still waiting on gear, did shoulders this morning

Ran 3 miles to the gym

Warm up- stretched, arm circles with 5lb DB 1 minute each arm, front raises 10lbs, lateral raises 10lbs
Military press:
95lbs x 12 reps
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 8 reps
175lbs x 5 failed the 6th rep
155lbs x 7 reps failed the 8th rep
Front DB raises
30lbs x 10 reps each arm 3 sets
Lateral DB raises
30lbs x 8 reps each arm 3 sets

3 mile run home
May possibly go back tonight and do arms and core and take tomorrow off, not sure yet though. That means running 12 miles total today, on second thought I may skip tonight haha!
Today I did chest and back but changed it up.

Ran 3 miles to the gym

Warm up-
BB bench-

I did a ton of push ups today for my chest workout some with weight on my back
Standard push up w/45lbs
Military push up no weight
Wide push up w/45lbs
Decline push up no weight (feet up higher than head)
Diamond push ups 45lbs
1x28reps 1x24reps my arms were shot after that

Decided to do a bunch of pull ups for back some with weight, more than anything else today

Warm up-
Wide grip pull down

Dead lift
Anymore weight and my knee starts hurting, used to start hurting at anything higher than 250, so it's getting better.

Wide grip pull up w/45lbs
Reverse grip pull up no weight
Close grip pull up w/45lbs (I seem to struggle the most with this grip)
Wide grip negatives w/90lbs (lats and biceps were screaming during these!)
Bent over rows focusing on squeezing more than weight
95lbs x 10reps
135lbs x 10reps

Ran 3 miles home

Definitely feeling this workout already, feels like I tore up the muscles a lot today. Whole upper body feels like I am just flexing as hard as I can. Not sure how much mass something like this would put on but I do think it will make me stronger and give my muscles a good cut look.
Got my stuff in, going to probably wait a week or so to get started. Gonna have a party at a buddies house watching the UFC fights and I plan on getting drunk lol. Don't need to be drinking while on cycle.

Yes, the picture is in a shower at my gym lol, I only got one picture taken and then my phone died. I have never tried doing a back and bi pose before so I'll practice a little and get the other pictures of everything else put up.

If anyone is wondering what that line is on my left shoulder, it's a tattoo of a zipper, I have a big scar from breaking my clavicle and they put a metal plate on it. So I put a zipper on the scar lol.
Cool I'm excited to see how your cycle goes bro. I used to ride/race years ago KTM & yamaha for me I miss those days
Awesome! Thanks for the advice. I plan on eating and eating and eating. My maintenance calories right now is from 3100 to 3300, so I figured if I bumped my calories up to 4000 for a little bit to see how I react, then 4500 after I put on 4 to 5 pounds, then 5000 as I get to about 205lbs. But like you said, eat anything and everything that will help you grow.

I have a pretty tough time putting on any fat, I could eat shit food all day everyday and not put on fat, but I won't feel good while I'm working out. I do a lot of cardio, so I figure I'll just be sticking with my normal cardio, or possibly backing it down a little. I want to gain muscle, and I know cardio in excess is a muscle killer.

My routine will be:

Day 1) Chest and back

Day 2) Legs and shoulders

Day 3) Core and arms

Day 4) Rest streching and a hike


I am very excited to start, everything should be here by the end of the week.
I am using Pinnacle, and by what everyone is saying about them, it will be great gear! Since this is my first cycle, and log, if there is anything I should be adding let me know! I will be getting before pictures up the day my stuff comes in, and probably do weekly or bi weekly pictures.

sounds perfect. 4000 calories every day is excellent. the more the better.

and I know your not looking to bulk up all stocky. You wont, not every one gets all bloated up. With using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and eating a clean diet and good water intake you will not get puffed up at all, especially with the cardio you do.

You should see great results nice gain in muscle and maybe drop % in BF
Cool I'm excited to see how your cycle goes bro. I used to ride/race years ago KTM & yamaha for me I miss those days

Nice! Hondas for me, I get a smoking deal on bikes from a Honda dealership. Ya riding is an awesome sport, I couldn't imagine doing anything else!
sounds perfect. 4000 calories every day is excellent. the more the better.

and I know your not looking to bulk up all stocky. You wont, not every one gets all bloated up. With using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and eating a clean diet and good water intake you will not get puffed up at all, especially with the cardio you do.

You should see great results nice gain in muscle and maybe drop % in BF

Ya I figured I would bump it up to 4000 to start off, seeing as it is about 500 to 600 more than my maintenance calories. Shouldn't be to much that it makes me put on fat. Ya my first run with test I want to keep my goals realistic, I would like to get to around 205lbs and drop a percent or 2 bf if possible. If I can get to 205lbs and stay the same bf I would be happy too.

I don't know what to expect yet, and I have heard a lot of people claim to put on 25lbs+ during one cycle. I'm assuming they have a bunch of water weight too. And as you said, I need to drink a lot of water, which I do already (2+ gallons a day), and eat clean. I am pretty certain my diet is in check, because I read most people talk about doing cardio and they don't do cardio lol, walking on a treadmill on an incline isn't cardio. It may work to burn fat, which is most of the time the goal. But to call that a cardio workout I think is a bit of a stretch. And they are worried about losing muscle from doing that. I actually do cardio workouts and am still able to gain muscle, so my diet must be pretty good.

I think I should be able to reach my goals pretty easily, I know I could do it naturally but I want to try it out and see what all the hub bub is about!
Yeah cardio isn't what makes you lose muscle. Its the amount of calories burned off from cardio would cause you to need to eat even more food to feed your muscles. Yeah as long as your diet makes up for the calories you burn off from cardio you can do more.

I know this is your first cycle and stick to test only this time around but I have heard EQ is great for stamina, cardio, strength and also gives a lean look without bloating. Something to look into next cycle. Anyways for this cycle you can expect to put on around 15-20 pounds though about 5 pounds will be water you will lose afterwards.

For me I had ZERO signs of water retention whole cycle then last week before post cycle therapy (pct) I had high water retention. Nothing serious, my face got red after doing situps or deadlifts.

what are you taking for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and what dose
I have adex, not sure on the dose yet because I will probably wait to see signs of gyno like itchy nipples or puffy nipples before I take it o see how I react to test. I have read tons of different doses to start at though but will probably start at .5mg per day if needed and adjust from there
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.5 ed is pretty high. I did 1mg for 2 days only and my joints got all creaky and painful and I lost a ton of water and bad headaches.

.25 e3d would be okay to start with. You may not get gyno at all, but thats not the only reason to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). It helps lower your BP and keep estrogen levels from getting too high.
.5 ed is pretty high. I did 1mg for 2 days only and my joints got all creaky and painful and I lost a ton of water and bad headaches.

.25 e3d would be okay to start with. You may not get gyno at all, but thats not the only reason to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). It helps lower your BP and keep estrogen levels from getting too high.
Ya, my wife has a BP cuff at our house, so I think I may hold off on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until I see signs of gyno, high BP, or see signs of high estrogen. I want to see how my body reacts with testosterone to see if I need the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or not. Like you said, I may not need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but it's smart to have it on hand.