First cycle, conducting research for 2 months now. Please help!


New member

I am new to this forum. I'm 30 yo, and just finished my second contract with the Army after 10 years and 3 deployments with over 2 years in iraq. I'm 5'6" and 120lbs. I workout everyday and eat about 4000 calories. I consistently see people saying "do your research before you buy", but I have been researching for 2 months and still have no idea I just want to know that what I am putting in my body is real. I'm going with test e and dbol. Thank you.
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Well by posting this, you'll have a lot of scammers pm'ing you. Bad move.. I would recommend to read the ology faq's thread and research a first cycle. As far as sources go, you should read the site rules. You should know being in your position that everything is earned, not handed to you. I would be concerned on what kind of info you are expecting off of one post? I've got lots of posts and never had anyone pm me a source. To be honest, I would be concerned if they did! Stick around and get to know members. Let them get to know you. This isn't a drive up pharmacy. It's more like a club...
I was new here not long ago. Saying that made me go back and look at my join date. Man time flies. Anyway. I remember running around the first few days here like a chicken with my head cut off. Reading threads, announcing that I had no source for gear, stating how I didn't want to take anything I couldn't get a prescription for because of work drug testing. Oh, the good ole days.

My advice is spend a week reading thru threads. (If it even takes that long) If you haven't found 3 reputable, backed names to try by then, you're doing it wrong.
Also, since you've been researching for 2 months, lay out your cycle plans, diet, workout philosophy for us.
Like the guys have said lay out your diet and training. I have a difficult time believing that at 5'6" and 120 lbs you are doing things right. There is a problem somewhere that is very basic, and even if you do run a cycle, you will not make progress unless you have built a solid foundation.

Thanks for your service bro. We are here to help you and there are some questions to answer before we recommend using PED's. Foundation first.
Thank for your service to our country motogrunt! Check out the "sticky" threads on this forum. Listen to the feedback, with discernment. First cycle advise: keep it simple man. Test only, see how you react to that. Keep your diet for n check. Have AI on hand. Blood tests before, during & after. PCT.You'll be fine.
Get legal prescribed is very affordable and is is legal.
I agree, it covers your bases and then you can just blast with extra test and add a compound or oral down the line.
I would also agree for you to post up your layout.
you plan to use an AI during cycle? you should, not just for avoiding gyno, but to keep estrogen levels in healthy range. and do you have a PCT planned? I rec 4-5 weeks of a clomid and tamox ed
You also need to spend money on a diet consultant. The diet is the most important thing. If you can't grow with out steroids it is your diet. Here is a clue it's not about calorie count it about the right thing at the right time in the right amount. If you dont figure out the diet you wont grow enough on anabolic steroids to keep enough to make it worth risking your health. It may just be your metabolism. I had a hard time gorwing till I was in my mid 20s.
Thanks for the advise. My plan is this:
Week 1-4: 30MG Dbol/day
Week 1-6: 500 MG Test E/week (split up twice a week)
Week 7-8: 40mg/week Novaldex
Week 9-10: 20 mg/week Novaldex.
I prepare my keels for the week ahead of time. I eat 5 meals a day and 2 protein shakes (whey and cassein). Obviously being in the military for so long I have always been in shape, but being an ectomorph has proven to be extremely difficult to ever put significant gains on, even during years where I take my lifting seriously. Just look at the name of the forum, I've decided to join in hopes of meeting some reputable peoplease who can show me the way.
Well you have come to the right place. There are a lot of knowledgable people here. Do your self a favor and work on the diet. Fist off double the protein in your shakes don't excees 70 grams a shake. Add a shake to every meal and all one pre work out and post workout. Dont leave the gym without first having your shake.

We have a TRT consultant here on the sige who is an advertiser who can help you with getting a blood test and set you up with a prescribing doctor. Stop into the TRT forum. Spend atleast month getting your diet tweaked. It took me setting an alarm to wake up in the midle on the night and eating 5 scrambled eggs amd going back to sleep.

I was 6' 165 when I hit boot camp. I put on 15 pound with the right tweaks to my diet.
I think your cycle and pct are both off. Things are barely going to start kicking in at week 6, well except the d-bol will have already done it's thing. And pct starts 2 weeks after last pin. There will be other tweaks from other people who respond.

So, I gave you some advice in reply 4 or so. Have you followed that advice and found what you were initially looking for?
I think your cycle and pct are both off. Things are barely going to start kicking in at week 6, well except the d-bol will have already done it's thing. And pct starts 2 weeks after last pin. There will be other tweaks from other people who respond.

So, I gave you some advice in reply 4 or so. Have you followed that advice and found what you were initially looking for?

I dont agree. Going longer is not going to help. Its hard to eat enough for that long.
You definanlty came to the right place bro. Like to said, read, listen. There is a lot of knowledge to gain here.
Thanks for the advise. My plan is this:
Week 1-4: 30MG Dbol/day
Week 1-6: 500 MG Test E/week (split up twice a week)
Week 7-8: 40mg/week Novaldex
Week 9-10: 20 mg/week Novaldex.
I prepare my keels for the week ahead of time. I eat 5 meals a day and 2 protein shakes (whey and cassein). Obviously being in the military for so long I have always been in shape, but being an ectomorph has proven to be extremely difficult to ever put significant gains on, even during years where I take my lifting seriously. Just look at the name of the forum, I've decided to join in hopes of meeting some reputable peoplease who can show me the way.

6 weeks of running test e is a very short time. Test e doesn't kick in till 4-6 weeks. It is recommended to run test e atleast 12 weeks. If you have a hard time eating in 6 weeks time, it's not worth doing a cycle. Food has to be your full time job if you want to make gains...