First Cycle Critique please.


New member
Hi guys.

I'm going to starting my first cycle in the next 2 weeks so I just wanted to run my plans past you guys to see if you could critique them for me and let me know where I am going wrong or what I would need to change/ adjust beforehand.

My current stats are :

age: 26
weight : 175lbs
height : 5'9"
bodyfat : 12%
Training Time : 5 years

Cycle Goals:

This being my first cycle is intended to be a bulking cycle to allow me to put on more weight than I have previously been able to.

Training Experience.

I began weight training in 2008 as an ectomorph. When I filled out my first gym membership card I weighed 126lbs. For the first two years of training I trained 5 days/week and as of roughly september 2010 till now I have cut back to 3 training session/week due to work and family committments however my time is now starting to free up again and allow me to train more frequently. I have wanted to do my first cycle for some time but was worried I didnt have enough free time to dedicate myself to the required routine but like I said, times freed up now so its all good.

Cycle Info.

Duration : 8 weeks.

Test E - 400mg/week (2 pins/week) : weeks 1-8
Anadrol - 50mg/day : weeks 1-4
Armidex -0.5mg EOD : weeks 2-8


Pct will begin 2 weeks after last pin and last for 4 weeks.

Clomid : 100/50/50/50
Nolva : 40/20/20/20

Training Split.

Monday - Back & Bi's
Tuesday - Chest & Tri's
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Shoulders
Sunday - Light Cv


My Diet will consists of :

6 meals daily including chicken, tuna, beef, egg whites, oats, sweet potatoes and brown rice with possibbly a few others Iv missed. Also will be using On's serious mass, one each nite before bed. I can list a more detailed diet plan if required.

So thats pretty much what Iv got planned for the moment, all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

^^ agreed.

Stretch that cycle out to 12 weeks. It took me all the way to week five to start visually seeing my results, and i think it would suck to only see that for 3 more weeks. By going to 12 weeks, you will put on more quality weight if your diet is right, and youll love it.

Also, bump you test to 500mg/wk. People who think doing less then the recommended 500mg a week is safer are not particularly correct in my opinion. Experienced vets and other users wouldnt recommend such doses if they werent safe.

Good luck man.
I would stop training primaries and secondaries together. One if not both groups will be hindered by the other being worked. You could swap it out by doing back/tri and chest/bi or adding bis to your shoulder day, etc.
Thanks guys. The reason I was running a shorter cycle is that in 9 weeks time im goin out of the country for 7 days so thought it would be best to come off before that however, i think i will continue the cycle for the 12 weeks. When I start Il post a log up and also pics etc. Thanks again for the input fellas.