First cycle (Dbol & Prop)

I hate it when the muscle twitches while ur in there. I used to think that it was from hitting or nicking a nerve but I've had that happen in so many damn spots in my quads that I think it's just a reaction from that muscle when entering it (sometimes). Almost like an in involuntery reflex. Anyway, glad u were able to find a new source.
if your pinning the exact same location everytime you do your quad you could be hitting scar tissue , thats what would be making it harder to pin through
Guys I need some help.
I'm on my 10th injection already (EOD) and I'm not sure but I don't think I really feel it kicking in.
Is that normal? I mean that's almost 3 weeks now.
I think my stuff might be fake. And ohh have I complicated things, I only bought 1 10ml vial at 200mg/ml and I was going to buy the rest later since that'll only last about 4 weeks but I started sleeping with my sources gf. (I know I know, don't say anything)
So now I can't even get anymore, but not sure if I even want to if it isn't real.

200mg/ml? Bro, I believe prop only comes in 100mg/ml, also I've never really heard of 24mg Dbols, what lab are u using?
Prop is available in 200mg/ml. It's just really rare so I figured I was getting a good deal but Ohh well lesson learned. I think the nolva/tamox I got from him is fake too! I looked up the company I have it from and they don't even have it listed on their site.

Here is a picture of the crappy old propionate.

Don't know what brand the dbol was. Never ended up getting it as to ppls advice.
Ok first time today using new stuff from life sciences corp.
Everything went nice and smooth. Did my left delt. It's my 15th injection and this is the first time and of my areas pinned has been sore for the whole day. So I'm assuming I now have the good stuff. Too bad I wasted so much time on that cheap underdosed shit I had before.

Can't wait till this stuff starts kicking in.
Guys I have a quick question.
After this cycle I plan to go straight to dieting down for summer.
Is it a bad idea to start during my PCT or should I wait 3-4 weeks after my last pin and my PCT is done?
I'd be inetersted in knowing what you think of the Life Sciences Corp product..... for that matter, anybody that may know something about this lab.... pm if you do know something... wether it s g2g or not!

Sorry for scamming on your thread dude! I'm just looking for some info on them! U a canuck?
I'd be inetersted in knowing what you think of the Life Sciences Corp product..... for that matter, anybody that may know something about this lab.... pm if you do know something... wether it s g2g or not!

Sorry for scamming on your thread dude! I'm just looking for some info on them! U a canuck?

Ive only been on the new stuff for 12 days so I think it's still too soon to comment.
Ya I'm from Toronto.
Guys I have a quick question.
After this cycle I plan to go straight to dieting down for summer.
Is it a bad idea to start during my PCT or should I wait 3-4 weeks after my last pin and my PCT is done?


Just an update.
I started at 180lbs, after 4 weeks with that garbage I had I gained 5lbs. But I think that's just me eating more. Now after 2 weeks on the new stuff I'm up to 192lbs. That's 7lbs in 2 weeks.
That seems about normal right?
I think Im starting to feel it kicking in too :)
Hi folks!
I have another question.
When starting my post cycle therapy (pct), when should I be feeling my weakest and start losing my gains?
If you've followed my thread you'll know why I ran I short cycle of prop. I'm 13 days in my PCT of nolva only on 40mg and to be honest I've lost a couple pounds of weight but strength wise I pretty much didn't lose anything. I mean now as opposed to before the weight feels heavy as fuck but I still manage to do it.

I'm just curious if I was going to lose if most of it would have happened already? Or after I'm done my PCT? For me in common sense I'd think the first week would be the worst. Since my body wouldn't be producing natural test, im just not sure if it works like that?
Thanks in advance!
I gained 5lbs after 4 weeks on the old shit which I think was fake or underdosed. I think that was a result of me just eating more.
Then I gained 10 lbs after 5 weeks of the real stuff. I also didn't really notice any huge strength gains until the new gear.
So from beginning to end I started at 180 lbs and ended with 195 lbs.
Hi folks!
I have another question.
When starting my post cycle therapy (pct), when should I be feeling my weakest and start losing my gains?
If you've followed my thread you'll know why I ran I short cycle of prop. I'm 13 days in my post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva only on 40mg and to be honest I've lost a couple pounds of weight but strength wise I pretty much didn't lose anything. I mean now as opposed to before the weight feels heavy as fuck but I still manage to do it.

I'm just curious if I was going to lose if most of it would have happened already? Or after I'm done my post cycle therapy (pct)? For me in common sense I'd think the first week would be the worst. Since my body wouldn't be producing natural test, im just not sure if it works like that?
Thanks in advance!

Bump, anyone?
It's mostly water weight that you've lost. That and the mental sides make it seem more like the weight is heavier than it used to be. The first week or two of post cycle therapy (pct) (depends how long you were on gear) are usually the worst, but as your natural test levels start slowly coming back, it gets a lot better.
Hope it helps dude :)
It's mostly water weight that you've lost. That and the mental sides make it seem more like the weight is heavier than it used to be. The first week or two of PCT (depends how long you were on gear) are usually the worst, but as your natural test levels start slowly coming back, it gets a lot better.
Hope it helps dude :)

Thanks dude! My PCT is done. Started my cut :)