First cycle dbol + test cyp 22 yrs old


New member
Okay so I got my test cyp and dbol last weekend & started taking it since. I also I have the dbol oral liquid dropper, works much better IMO.

Test cyp 300, pin Monday & Thursday
60 ml dbol 50, been taking 50 mg everyday so far. AI on hand as well as pct. any thoughts on this? Good cycle? The dbol pump is insane and its only been a week. Anyways, how long until the cyp kicks in? 4 weeks? Preciate it
- josh
May I ASK ur age, height weight bodyfat yr s training etc.

22 is young...too young but you ve pulled the trigger so...
Cyp 3-5 weeks. Itchy nip s and erection s usually are my 1 st indications it s g t go.

How long u gonna do this and did u get p c t drug s as well ?
You are too young to cycle at 22. Imo you should wait till 25 at least before jumping to cycle train.