First Cycle en Route! Review & Critique


New member
Hey guys, been a while since I've made a thread about my first cycle. I've been researching for ~6-8 months now.

I've just placed my order after a few pathetically hilarious snafu's :insane:

Anyway, I'm going with a 14 week cycle of Test-E/500mg. Everything is Pinnacle except for the A-dex & Letro. The only error I seem to have made was not buying enough Adex/Aromasin for the entire cycle, but instead a mix of the two.

I have:
7500mg Test E
1500mg T-bol
1500mg Anavar
750mg Aromasin
30mg Adex
1000mg Nolva
125mg Letro
3000mg Chlomid
5000iu HCG

Week 1-4: 50/50/50/50 T-Bol to kickstart (or should I start at a lower dose and run it for 6 weeks?)
Week1-14: 500mg Test E
Week 1-10: .5mg Adex EOD (until I run out/PCT starts)
Week 11-17: Aromasin 6.25mg ED (used in to PCT because I've read that Aromasin boosts T production)
If things go very well, no real sides, I may add the Anavar for the last 4-6 weeks at 50mg, otherwise I don't want to add another compound.
Week 17-20:100/100/50/50 clomi 40/20/20/20 nolva

HCG: When do I blast 1000iu's EOD for 10 days? A week after my last Test pin?
A PM about bac water would rock!

I'll be pinning quads, delts, and glutes.



Shooting for a lean bulk, currently 175 @ 11-12% bodyfat, down from my last bulk up to 188.

350g protein/300g carbs/100g fats for 3500 calories.

Standard meals:
7:00am: 2 scoops whey/banana/1 serving nuts

10:00am: 8oz Ground beef/1oz cheese/rice

12:00pm 8oz Chicken/Rice/Broccoli

3:00pm: 2 cans Tuna/1 tbsp Mayo/2 slicesWhole Grain Bread

7:45pm: 2 scoops Whey

8:30pm: 8oz Ground Beef/1oz Cheese/Rice/Veg

Also will be having a whole bunch of hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt, honey, and oatmeal.
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I would have gone with the dbol kickstart if you must have one. i agree with kickstarts on first cycles because you definitely want to make the most out of it. others would say just the test to watch for interactions and safety. what are your stats? and why not 500mgs wkly of test? it's more then enough escpecially with a kick start.
I would have gone with the dbol kickstart if you must have one. i agree with kickstarts on first cycles because you definitely want to make the most out of it. others would say just the test to watch for interactions and safety. what are your stats? and why not 500mgs wkly of test? it's more then enough escpecially with a kick start.

I did say 500mgs of Test/week.

Stats are in the edit w/ diet at the bottom!

Also: 5'11'', been lifting on and off for 6 years. Seriously for the past 2 years - when I actually learned about how effective diet is.
dude ffor your first cycle use only test
your cycle should be something like this
test e 500mg/week 12 weeks
adex at 0.5 mg ed or aromasin at 12.5mg ed better to run aromasin 16weeks
start 21-23 days after your last pin of test e
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
clomid 50/50/50/50

keep the dbol for your next cycle and keep the Anavar (var) and tbol when you plan on doing a cut
but remember you can take all the gear in the world and still not grow if diet and workout are not in place remember bro
diet is the key so stick to your diet and dont cheat!
keep the hcg for your later cycles where a higher shutdown is expected
good luck
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I don't mind the tbol in there. I wouldn't add the anavar though. Clomid at 50/50/50/50 with nolva at 40/40/20/20. You can start the hcg right after your last jab of test if your starting pct on the 14 day mark. If your running aromasin into PCT, only run it for the first week of PCT...if your starting PCT on the 21 day mark then run it up to PCT.