First cycle ever after being natural for 4 years


New member
Hi guys, im very new to this site. Im 19 years old (nearly 20) been training since i left school around 4 years. Gone from being a chubby lad to having a decent body. Currently weighting 175lbs at 5ft7. Quite strong for my age and being natural. Although now im struggling to put size on, im eating clean and around 2500-3000 calories a day, training 5-6 days a week hard in the gym. I've made my mind up to start a cycle of test enanthate and dianabol. Im thinkining of test 400 every 5 days for 10 weeks along with dianabol 40mg for the first 4 weeks. I have nolvadex, clomid and letrazole on hand, also my pct will be nolvadex the standard 40/40/20/20 2 weeks after last jab. When i was younger i had acne moderately, its all gone now, i still get the odd spot wvery now and then but its nothing. Will i be very prone to acne still? Also will an aromatize inhibitor calm down the acne or not? Thanks anyway lad!
first thing your gonna want to do is your pre cycle time lapse kick starter of 5 years. then you can start with a test base, hcg, adex cycle, maybe some dbol and a clomid nolva pct after.
just letting you know, that if you're set on cycling and going to do it anyway, your cycle lay out plain sucks.

Your injection timing is incorrect as is your PCT. You're not even close to maximising efficiency of the compounds and setting your PCT up for failure. At such a young age this will stuff up your body hard core.
Funny how I knew this was a youngster post from the title. Years of training don't count from age 15-17. Believe me when I say that I was stronger than 95% of folks as a teen, but unless you're training with professionals - it takes years to learn proper form and technique.

You're not growing still OP?

Fix your diet.

Hormone use at your age is like flipping a coin with TRT on one side. Let mommy nature finish bestowing gifts on you, then change things.
Honestly mate...a hearty welcome to you ! Tough audience here for sure but all experienced gearheads and HW s a fuckin scientist to boot.

I did my 1 st cycle at 17-18..d bol and test. In retro spect I d never do gear again until I needed it for my age. Why ? I am convinced it s the root of my MENTAL issues laddie...seriously. An 18-21 yr olds cocky enuff plus ur hormone s are peaking so why dump methanol or nitrous on a naturally balanced and blue printed motor ? I ll bet whats left of my right nut your over training as all young un s do it. My avi is current..and I do 9-12 sets of big body parts 6-8 for little ones. It s more about food, maximizing your working sets and RESTING. A LOT OF RESTING. I have a 12 yr old cheerleaders metabolism,
always have,
...and at your age I d do 15-18 set s chest...2 a I do a body part 2 in a 10 day rotation....3-4 in the gym 1-2 off..but I m a feeble old fuck now.

My mood swings have been the bane of my adrenalized fueled career where gear was over looked do to the shit we did was not un common if not promoted.
The Germans isolated test and meth in the 30 s bro...and like all they kicked ass and burned out. Sure command, tanks tactics played part but imagine 3 million guy s geared up and taking..what ws it purivon ...meth tabs(ok 5 million vs the world too but my point ). the infantry holds ground and they walked from Poland to Moscow.....

I was a moody hard charger from age 26 until I m fried. My adrenal gland s fried, my bodies literally screwed together and my depressions are epic. I ll take surgery over depression.....and I ve had 12. The mental part of you is far from ready---please trust me ? What is the gd hurry. ???
Enjoy your youth mate. Train hard, rest, eat and b t w fucking releases test so there s that........
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I'm older then Teutonic and can echo his words....enjoy being young, screw the chems until you are WAY older. Diet is number one, not the chems.