First cycle ever, Helladrol.

this is why ph's are a god send legal and you can reap amazing results


Last Thursday the 19th i started PCT. I decided to just stick with the Forged pct, no Clomid. I don't want to take that stuff on a PH cycle and to be honest i don't think its necessary with a mild PH like Helladrol. The only real thing i notice not that I'm not taking anything is the recover time after a session. I put in 1.5 hours on Saturday morning and I'm still sore. LOL When on cycle i was read to roll the next morning. So today is day 5 of PCT and so far my gains are still there. I can still hit 315# on the bench for 3. I am going to use that as a measurement of gains or losses after cycle. Still weight is at 210. Im also starting carb cycling. Days off are going to be super low carbs with calories around 2200. I want to get back down to 190ish. I have this stubborn BF that I'm trying to lean off. Man i miss my PH's. FUQ

Last Thursday the 19th i started PCT. I decided to just stick with the Forged pct, no Clomid. I don't want to take that stuff on a PH cycle and to be honest i don't think its necessary with a mild PH like Helladrol. The only real thing i notice not that I'm not taking anything is the recover time after a session. I put in 1.5 hours on Saturday morning and I'm still sore. LOL When on cycle i was read to roll the next morning. So today is day 5 of PCT and so far my gains are still there. I can still hit 315# on the bench for 3. I am going to use that as a measurement of gains or losses after cycle. Still weight is at 210. Im also starting carb cycling. Days off are going to be super low carbs with calories around 2200. I want to get back down to 190ish. I have this stubborn BF that I'm trying to lean off. Man i miss my PH's. FUQ

I agree that on feeling is amazing
I think i f'd up my pct thus the reason i have been soo dam sore for like 3 days after a session. I have been only taking 2 caps of the Forged Post Cycle per day and i should be taking 4. I realized this a week ago. Now I'm starting to get back to normal. I don't know if this could have hurt me or not. Saturday at the gym and old mentor of mine that i haven seen in two months came up to me and said "what have you been taking these days?, your arms and shoulders are looking big bro". This make me feel like a million bucks. So i don't think i lost much of my gains from cycle. I can feel the difference and i do believe that i am not as big as i was on, but I'm happy with what the Helladrol did for me. Im no where as big as i want to be, nor do i think just PH alone will do it for me. I need a real cycle to do that. I have to get my diet back in place and do work. Man i miss the Halo pumps! LOL
Osta in PCT really does help with keeping the gains from your cycle (low dose, like 10-15mg), will likely help with recovery time (as will GW, IMO) as well. I personally only use 2 caps of forged PCT, but then again I've got a quite a few other factors going on in my PCT as well.

As for getting where you want to be, PH could do it for you, but it's going to take more than one cycle to get the size you want (even with real gear, going to take more than one cycle to get where you want to be).
I think i f'd up my pct thus the reason i have been soo dam sore for like 3 days after a session. I have been only taking 2 caps of the Forged Post Cycle per day and i should be taking 4. I realized this a week ago. Now I'm starting to get back to normal. I don't know if this could have hurt me or not. Saturday at the gym and old mentor of mine that i haven seen in two months came up to me and said "what have you been taking these days?, your arms and shoulders are looking big bro". This make me feel like a million bucks. So i don't think i lost much of my gains from cycle. I can feel the difference and i do believe that i am not as big as i was on, but I'm happy with what the Helladrol did for me. Im no where as big as i want to be, nor do i think just PH alone will do it for me. I need a real cycle to do that. I have to get my diet back in place and do work. Man i miss the Halo pumps! LOL

your get there takes time and sweat :)
Osta in PCT really does help with keeping the gains from your cycle (low dose, like 10-15mg), will likely help with recovery time (as will GW, IMO) as well. I personally only use 2 caps of forged PCT, but then again I've got a quite a few other factors going on in my PCT as well.

As for getting where you want to be, PH could do it for you, but it's going to take more than one cycle to get the size you want (even with real gear, going to take more than one cycle to get where you want to be).

I feel that the 4 pills of Forged help me like night and day. Ever since i have been on 2 pills per day i have been taking forever to recoup from a session. Im talking 4 days of soreness. Same routine i was doing before PH's and during. Just wearing me and holding on to the soreness. Now that i have been a week back on track i feel better and normal. I don't know if its a coincidence or what. Also i ran out of Forma the last 2 weeks on cycle. I started back on the Forma two weeks ago so i don't know if this played a part in recoup time. I did more research on Forma. The entire cycle i believed that Forma was and estrogen blocker. Come to find out its a mild steroid. The entire cycle i was applying more to my chest area and lower part of my stomach where i have the fat. Thinking it would help get rid of it***8230; The past two weeks i switched it up and i apply it to my elbow fore arm area and up to my shoulders to help the recoup time. This is awesome. Wish i knew this in the beginning! I goes this is why it was a first cycle learning curve. Anyone who runs a PH cycle should get at least 3 bottles of the Forma to do it right.

your get there takes time and sweat :)
For sure. Rome wasn't built in a day! LOL Don't know what i want to be bigger then Rome! :scratchhe