First cycle ever, Helladrol.

Last week on cycle. Today started my 6th week. Yesterday I got 315# for two on the flat bench. I'm definitely gonna get to my 350 goal I'm shooting for but I'm positive I will on my next cycle. I may be able to get it on decline bench. I'm gonna try it on next chest day later on in the week. I knew my body would respond pretty good on a PH but wasn't sure till now. Little to no sides either. Next cycle is gonna be halo and tbol. I think this will really get me stronger. I definitely see a major change in my physique as well. I have veins in my shoulders and chest now that I never have. I just wish I lost more body fat on the cycle. In two weeks m going to do a 3 week cut. Then beginning of July I'm going on cycle again... 6 weeks on and 4 off. Fuck it :p
I think you should take 10 weeks off. After PCT that is.
Only thing you could contemplate running during the break IMHO would be some SARMs.

That's what I have done.
If you check my log, I posted my mass tracking chart again. and you can see that when I finished my cycle, I was 4 weeks on PCT, 4 weeks off, 6 weeks sarms.
I don't feel that SARMS are suppresive all that much. Of course, that could be due to the fact that I use Unique...
Last week on cycle. Today started my 6th week. Yesterday I got 315# for two on the flat bench. I'm definitely gonna get to my 350 goal I'm shooting for but I'm positive I will on my next cycle. I may be able to get it on decline bench. I'm gonna try it on next chest day later on in the week. I knew my body would respond pretty good on a PH but wasn't sure till now. Little to no sides either. Next cycle is gonna be halo and tbol. I think this will really get me stronger. I definitely see a major change in my physique as well. I have veins in my shoulders and chest now that I never have. I just wish I lost more body fat on the cycle. In two weeks m going to do a 3 week cut. Then beginning of July I'm going on cycle again... 6 weeks on and 4 off. Fuck it :p

time on should equal time off recovery is important. happy your loving the cycle I know the feeling is hard to part with and you want to be on cycle as much as possible.
What do you guys think about this? Saturday will be end to my 6 weeks cycle of Halo. What do you think if i run 4 more weeks of Tbol @ 20mg per day for the next 4 weeks. Then wait a week and start Pct a week after i finish the Tbol? Or should i take some time off and then start my next cycle with 4 weeks of Tbol and roll thru 6 weeks of Halo?
HDrol converts to Tbol. Why didn't you just run Tbol in the first place? lol

My vote is time off though.

Never knew that and i did A LOT of research on Helladrol (so i thought). Tomorrow is gonna be my last day on cycle. Then next Sunday my PCT start. Boooooo
I have been having some shitty luck while on cycle. I keep getting hurt. On Sunday i was messing around with my son on the cough wrestling and i pushed him off me and i feel like i tore my rotator cuff in my shoulder Something just isn't right. I can still lift but certain movements fucking hurt. The first couple days this week hurt and bothered me while sleeping. Hopefully my next go round will be better as far as injuries. Im going to the gym tonight to get some cardio and for in. I always say I'm just going to do that but i usually throw some arms and chest in too. We will see. I definitely can tell a difference and can saw i did grow some. Staying steady at 210lbs for the past month or so. Sunday will start my cut for the summer. End goal is 10%bf.
HDrol converts to Tbol. Why didn't you just run Tbol in the first place? lol

My vote is time off though.

It's extremely close in relations to tbol but not the same exact compound. The results are similar and so is the chemical structure but mechabol is the exact chemical that hdrol converts into. It only takes one slight difference in the chemical make for your body not to recognize it as the same compound. So don't stop you'll loose some then recoupe and start making new gains, just continue with the tbol. remember there is very little difference between testosterone and dbol and there is even a smaller difference between dbol and equipoise.
Based on all the research I have done Halo converts to actual oral turinabol.
There was a study where they used horse livers and they actually found it converted to Tbol.
Read quite a few papers on that. never once did I come across mechabol.

Got any links where I can find that info?
To give you an idea of how much different the Tbol is then Halo,

Tuesday i took 20mg of Tbol after being off Halo for3 days and holy shit.. I felt like the Hulk. I did 20mg Tuesday and Wednesday and my nuts shrunk up like a newborn baby. No bullshit. At the gym i was on fire. My shoulders session was better then every session i had at peak 6 weeks with Halo. Then Wed chest session i hit PB on the flat bench for 3! Wed night when i tried to fall asleep i wanted to go to the gym and work out. I just felt different all around. This is how i know the real deal is better then the PH. I am always sore the next day after a session, like pretty bad. The past two days I'm ready to roll. little to no soreness at all. Even with 2 days @ only 20mg. I could work out 2x per day on this shit. I just want to do it right when i do and get gains that i will keep. I did more reading on the forum of a Tbol only cycle and i decided against it. The more i researched it, i found more bad then good. So i decided to pull the plug and start fresh. PCT starts next Sunday. All i can say is it is two different animals and that was only at 20mg. In late july I'm going to take the plunge and do a real cycle with Sustanon 250 @ 500mg per week, an AI, Aromasin @ 20mg eod, and Tbol @ 40mg per day for the first 5 weeks. I gained 15lbs of muscle thus far with just a simple PH cycle. I more then bet i will gain 25lb with a test based cycle and keep it. And i will hit a super PB mark on the bench! As i sit today i would say I'm about 13-14% bf and 210lbs. Maybe 208 naked. BooM. This first ever PH cycle was a total success for me and would recommend this to anyone as long as your older then 27 years old. Just do it correctly and enjoy!
Based on all the research I have done Halo converts to actual oral turinabol.
There was a study where they used horse livers and they actually found it converted to Tbol.
Read quite a few papers on that. never once did I come across mechabol.

Got any links where I can find that info?

Halodrol only converts to Oral t-bol at like a 10 or 15% conversion rate. It's supposed to have some activity of it's own as well.
Yeah, hence the high dosing. In theory 100 mg Halo = 10-15 mg T-Bol, which isn't that far off of what OVER just did.
Imagine running 200 mg of Halo, I'm sure it would kick your ass too! (Can't pull that one off due to the fact it's methylated, not to give anyone any stupid ideas. LOL)

Edit: Post 666 :redhot:
Yeah, hence the high dosing. In theory 100 mg Halo = 10-15 mg T-Bol, which isn't that far off of what OVER just did.
Imagine running 200 mg of Halo, I'm sure it would kick your ass too! (Can't pull that one off due to the fact it's methylated, not to give anyone any stupid ideas. LOL)

Edit: Post 666 :redhot:

Hurry up! Post again :P
In late july I'm going to take the plunge and do a real cycle with Sustanon 250 @ 500mg per week, an AI, Aromasin @ 20mg eod, and Tbol @ 40mg per day for the first 5 weeks. I gained 15lbs of muscle thus far with just a simple PH cycle. I more then bet i will gain 25lb with a test based cycle and keep it.

I also had great luck with a hella cycle and was thinking about trying a real cycle next go-around too... Shit still makes me nervous though. I have a couple great kids, awesome wife, big house, and my dream job; the legal side of it scares me more than anything else. That's a lot to lose. But daaaanm!, I wanna be jacked! :)
Yeah, hence the high dosing. In theory 100 mg Halo = 10-15 mg T-Bol, which isn't that far off of what OVER just did.
Imagine running 200 mg of Halo, I'm sure it would kick your ass too! (Can't pull that one off due to the fact it's methylated, not to give anyone any stupid ideas. LOL)

Edit: Post 666 :redhot:

I can't wait to run 40mg of that shit. Gonna be the jump off to massiveness. I still have a bottle of Helladrol if i get scared and back out again. LOL
I also had great luck with a hella cycle and was thinking about trying a real cycle next go-around too... Shit still makes me nervous though. I have a couple great kids, awesome wife, big house, and my dream job; the legal side of it scares me more than anything else. That's a lot to lose. But daaaanm!, I wanna be jacked! :)

Im in the same boat as you are. I don't thing the feds are looking for a tiny bit of juice. They are looking for the orchard. Just a small fish in a huge ocean IMO.
I too am scared of the legal side effects that could come from AAS.
Doing great in my job, have a beautiful wife and daughter, all the toys I ever wanted. Life is good. Really good.
Don't feel like risking that, at least not without consulting legal council first AND utilizing all the gains I can get legally.
I too am scared of the legal side effects that could come from AAS.
Doing great in my job, have a beautiful wife and daughter, all the toys I ever wanted. Life is good. Really good.
Don't feel like risking that, at least not without consulting legal council first AND utilizing all the gains I can get legally.

this is why ph's are a god send legal and you can reap amazing results