First Cycle Ever Log- Test E/Dbol

Day 3

I slept much better last night than on the first night of my injection and Dbol. Took the Dbol the same as yesterday. PIP was much worse today, I could hardly move my right leg without my glute hurting pretty badly. I had a container to load today at work that took about 2 hours and my chest has severe DOMS from my workout Monday night and my glute wasn't feeling good at all either so it sucked to say the least. The rest of the day at work went by and my glute was still hurting like hell after sitting for a while the pain would go away but when I stand up I could barely walk which isn't good because I don't want people at work to notice. I didn't go to the gym after work today because my chest and triceps were way way to sore to do shoulders which is what I had planned,plus my glute was still in pain. One thing I have noticed is a decrease in appetite which is not good any thoughts on this?
dbol messes with your stomach. thats one of the downsides, just gotta force feed yourself for 4 weeks
Thanks man I appreciate all you advice as always. 3J suggested I quit taking the Dbol since its my first cycle but I have already started and I am feeling the effects in the gym and I love it so far, I dont have stomach issues now it goes down fine but the appetite is still lowered which is a problem since im trying to gain weight. What are your thoght should I stick with the Dbol since it seems to working well or save it for a future cycle?
its still early man, dbol sides can show up at any time. i loved dbol for 2 weeks then at week three it decided it wanted to hate me. luckily i knew it was the dbol because i know test does not give me side effects.

take 3j's advice. you really won't need the dbol. in the end i truly believe a dbol kickstart has minimal effects on end result. 4 weeks is not enough time to make any good gains besides water. the strength and size goes away soon after stopping. most of it at least...

you'll do great on test alone, dbol will not be the difference maker in this cycle.
its still early man, dbol sides can show up at any time. i loved dbol for 2 weeks then at week three it decided it wanted to hate me. luckily i knew it was the dbol because i know test does not give me side effects.

take 3j's advice. you really won't need the dbol. in the end i truly believe a dbol kickstart has minimal effects on end result. 4 weeks is not enough time to make any good gains besides water. the strength and size goes away soon after stopping. most of it at least...

you'll do great on test alone, dbol will not be the difference maker in this cycle.

Alright man thanks! I will be dropping the Dbol and only running the Test.
Day 4

After talking with some experienced members here on ology and really thinking about it, I have decided to drop the Dbol. I have already taken 20mg today and was going to take 10mg later but I am saving the Dbol for next cycle and running Test only. I will be weighing myself in the morning at the gym before my workout, I do feel like I have gained some water weight from the Dbol the past few days as my muscles feel more full than usual. PIP has gone down tremendously today as opposed to yesterday and I would say it is about like it was the first day after injection. I will be doing an injection later tonight in my left glute, im hoping this one doesn't go like the first one did. I want to rotate in between injection sites to keep the receptors fresh I want to either do my delts or my glutes does anyone have any advice on where I should inject next monday? Thanks.
wait i am so confused.. how did you start this post today and be asking questions but your already posting like day1-5 in the log??? what am i missing

also everything you're saying is happening is in your head the drugs have nearly kicked in yet
i assume he started monday and just started posting today so he was filling us in on the first few days....and the questions were asked and answered today lol.
i assume he started monday and just started posting today so he was filling us in on the first few days....and the questions were asked and answered today lol.

^This is correct. I wasnt going to make a log at first but then I decided to do one to keep me motivated and show my progress and receive critiquing and help when needed. Today is day 4.
wait i am so confused.. how did you start this post today and be asking questions but your already posting like day1-5 in the log??? what am i missing

also everything you're saying is happening is in your head the drugs have nearly kicked in yet

I started Monday man I was just filling in what happened each day. I didnt decide to make the log until today,which is day 4. Sorry for the confusion.
^This is correct. I wasnt going to make a log at first but then I decided to do one to keep me motivated and show my progress and receive critiquing and help when needed. Today is day 4.

You need help staying motivated to train? yikes....

While we all need it once in awhile if you struggle with consistency, AAS probably isn't for you. (This is my opinion)
You need help staying motivated to train? yikes....

While we all need it once in awhile if you struggle with consistency, AAS probably isn't for you. (This is my opinion)

I don't struggle with consistency and I don't need help to stay motivated,but help doesn't hurt so I figured why not? I love to lift and if i could I would live inside the gym and hopefully one day I will be able to if I open my own.
But also when I was very ignorant to AAS and Pro Hormones I ran a pro hormone and it messed me up so bad that I did lose motivation to train and I was very very lethargic,I'm sure it was because of my estrogen but at the time I didn't know that.

I have talked with 3J some and I may become a client for the next two months so that I will get more out of my cycle,my main goal is a body recomp I want to stop being skinny fat very very bad and I want to gain a nice amount of muscle and lose some fat, I know its a long journey but im excited and I am devoting my all to it. I decided to stop taking the Dbol since this is my first cycle so that I can see how my body reacts with just the Test E,plus the Dbol was making me very bloated and my eyes where turning red lol. I will be doing Shoulders later today at the gym and will update you guys on that as soon as possible. I took some before pictures yesterday but they where in bad lighting and they looked terribble which honestly made me depressed a little, I got very sad when I looked at my pictures because of my skinny fat physique I think the Dbol had already increased my estrogen a little I was slightly moody yesterday and didnt realize it until my girlfriend mentioned it and I thought about it. I took .5mg of Adex yesterday and was planning to do .5mg E3D,I may try .25EOD depending on how I feel.
red eyes? you may want to get your liver values or yellow eyes can be a sign of jaundice and orals can cause this in people with not so strong livers. not to scare you but get that looked at asap. were you using liver support?
Yeah Im using a bunch of liver support. I did some digging and read that the red eyes can be from the spike in BP from the Dbol. But either way I quit taking it and I am still taking some liver supps.

There isnt much to update really. My PIP form last Monday's pin finally went away Saturday and the PIP from my pin on Thursday went away Saturday as well. I did my second pin alot better seeing as how my girlfriend pulled my first pin out the wrong direction in which I injected, I believe that is what caused the PIP. Thursdays pin still made me sweat and light headed like Mondays pin did though. I will be doing my 3rd pin later today in my right delt,my girlfriend is out of town at the moment so I am having a friend help me do it.
my first cycle i would dread pinning to the point where i contemplated aborting the cycle cuz pinning scared the shit out of me. by the time i was done i was soaked in sweat and pale as a ghost and shaky lol.
my first cycle i would dread pinning to the point where i contemplated aborting the cycle cuz pinning scared the shit out of me. by the time i was done i was soaked in sweat and pale as a ghost and shaky lol.

You have no idea how happy that just made me to read that man! I just have to say fuck it real quick and stick it in. I don't start to sweat or get lightheaded until its almost done. I will post some pictures soon, I took some the other day but they didn't look good at all, I was bloated from the Dbol pretty bad,but its gone now I will try to take some someday this week if I can. Waiting for the Test to start working sucks...its like torture just waiting. Do you think i Should get bloods at week 6 or 7?

All day today I have been rather warm. My forehead is pretty hot to the touch, I dont feel sick at all I feel pretty good actually. Is this a sign/symptom of the Test kicking in this early? lol