First Cycle Ever Log- Test E/Dbol

Hardly surprising the help has dried up fast... I knew you were young from your posts...

How do you see "help" has dried up? I'm not asking for help in this thread just simply posting the results and progress of my journey. I'm sure if I ask for help people will still provide it. Just because Im young doesnt mean much I am much more mature and more intelligent than most people I come in contact with and I would say for my age as well.
How do you see "help" has dried up? I'm not asking for help in this thread just simply posting the results and progress of my journey. I'm sure if I ask for help people will still provide it. Just because Im young doesnt mean much I am much more mature and more intelligent than most people I come in contact with and I would say for my age as well.

Quite frankly, if you were mature and intelligent, you wouldn't be cycling at the age of 20...
Enough said :bash:
I'm not even going to argue with you. Thanks for the input and your opinion and have a nice day.

he's got a point man. cycling when your body is still developing greatly increases your risk of not recovering. your endocrine system is still in development and you're shutting it down during peak development time....not to mention you already had low-ish test....

its like when a pregnant woman takes drugs or drinks alcohol with a developing baby inside her....there's a chance of permanently hindering development.

you're shuttinng your hpta down when it's in critical development won't get that time back.
he's got a point man. cycling when your body is still developing greatly increases your risk of not recovering. your endocrine system is still in development and you're shutting it down during peak development time....not to mention you already had low-ish test....

its like when a pregnant woman takes drugs or drinks alcohol with a developing baby inside her....there's a chance of permanently hindering development.

you're shuttinng your hpta down when it's in critical development won't get that time back.

I understand all of this but Im not concerned with it too much. Maybe I could have grown another inch if I waited longer but im happy with my height and everything else. Not calling you a lair I just am wondering if you could provide some links to some studies showing endocrine system maturity by age or something? I understand what you are saying entirely I just dont believe its as big of an issue as people make it out to be. No matter what age you are there is always a chance you wont fully recover....
I only ask because I have never seen a legitimate study that shows steroids can stunt your growth if taken at an early age. Yeah im sure its not the best to take them at 14 or 15 when you're starting puberty but im sure its not nearly as bad at 20. I dont believe there has ever been scientific evidence to support the stunted growth claim?
He's not on about skeletal growth bro, he's trying to tell you that at your age, your natural testosterone is as high as it will ever be. You have everything already inside your body at it's peak to guarantee with the right diet and training, you will make gains...

By injecting synthetic materials into your bloodstream, you are tinkering with what god gave you at the one time when you really shouldn't. You are shutting your own testosterone production off at it's peak...

In all honesty, and people with naturally low test levels in youth are exempt here, you really shouldn't consider cycling until you are in your forties - but in reality we all get greedy and want to be supraphysiological.

Just be aware that each time you cycle, you'll be lowering your own natural Test levels from their current peak, and you'll never get that back... I'm sure some of the senior members on this forum will confirm that they wished they had addressed their training and diet first and foremost before diving straight into a life of needles.

Just trying to look out for a younger member bro... don't take hearing something that you don't want to hear to heart...

Oh, and FYI, I started cycling at 36, and even then I think I jumped in too soon... I'm 43 now and faced with a life of TRT already!
He's not on about skeletal growth bro, he's trying to tell you that at your age, your natural testosterone is as high as it will ever be. You have everything already inside your body at it's peak to guarantee with the right diet and training, you will make gains...

By injecting synthetic materials into your bloodstream, you are tinkering with what god gave you at the one time when you really shouldn't. You are shutting your own testosterone production off at it's peak...

In all honesty, and people with naturally low test levels in youth are exempt here, you really shouldn't consider cycling until you are in your forties - but in reality we all get greedy and want to be supraphysiological.

Just be aware that each time you cycle, you'll be lowering your own natural Test levels from their current peak, and you'll never get that back... I'm sure some of the senior members on this forum will confirm that they wished they had addressed their training and diet first and foremost before diving straight into a life of needles.

Just trying to look out for a younger member bro... don't take hearing something that you don't want to hear to heart...

Oh, and FYI, I started cycling at 36, and even then I think I jumped in too soon... I'm 43 now and faced with a life of TRT already!

I don't take it personal man,in all honesty I appreciate it very much because when I'm your age i will most likely be telling the same things to people my age just like you are. I have already started and my natural test levels aren't high for my age at all,if I don't recover to my test levels before cycle maybe I will hold off on cycle in the future and just focus on my diet and any natural ways I can increase my test. If I do have to go on TRT then so be it. I will be the one to blame and no one else,but I am not happy with my body or the way I look and I will do everything I can to change it so that i can be content and live the life I want to live. I would rather die happy than die depressed.
Update: Day 18

Sorry I haven't been updating much but there isn't much happening yet to really update. My workouts are going good and this past week I have fell off my diet but I am hopping back on and getting shit under control,I love pop-tarts lmao.

But my PIP from my second right glute injection which was Monday is no where near as bad as the first time,It doesn't hurt enough to put on a scale of 1 to 10 honestly. Although my left delt is still a little sore from last Thursdays injection.

Tonight will be my second injection into my left glute im starting to look forward to injecting now. I haven't been sweating or getting light headed anymore during injections like I did the first few times so I think im getting better at this.

I was going to do shoulder tonight at the gym but I forgot I play basketball with some buddies after work from 6-8 so it will be a good cardio session to help burn off some of these poptart carbs, so I will be going to the gym in the morning and hitting my shoulders real good.

My weight is up to 177.4 weighed upon waking this morning,not sure where the weigh gain is coming from but I don't mind it.
Update: Day 19

Alright guys I'm going to start this update with a question. I am curious as to if my adex is actually legitimate because I dont have a pill splitter yet,I will probably buy one today,but I have been splitting my 1mg tabs of Adex in half and taking .5mg EOD.

I am 19 days into cycle so im not really feeling any different yet but I dont believe my estrogen would be high either at this point. So if my e2 isnt high and im taking .5mg EOD shouldnt I notice some low e2 symptoms or something?

As for last nights pin it was my 6th pin,left glute,this was the first one I have done completely by myself and I fucked up on it bad im surprised I can walk today and if I can tomorrow I will be surprised. So far there is no PIP what so ever so I hope I got it into the muscle. I will be hitting shoulders later today after work and will let you know how I feel.
Update: Day 23

There still isn't much to update yet. I did my second pin in my right delt last night,it went real smooth didn't hurt until afterwards. After my pin maybe a couple of minutes later my arm was hurting pretty badly I couldn't even raise my arm the pain sucked pretty bad but It was time for bed anyway so I laid down and fell asleep. This morning my arm doesn't hurt to move it around and isn't even sore to the touch at the injection site.
I will be hitting my back and biceps later today after work so I am hoping I will have a great workout!
Update: Day 24

I had an AMAZING back and biceps workout last night,it was the first time my lats have gotten a pump in a very very long time. I did take two capsules of BSN Hyper Shred as a pre-workout and during my workout I had endless energy and I wasn't sure if it was form the Test starting to do its magic or if it was from the caffeine in the pills. I never drink soda and if I do its diet and I don't like coffee at all either, I haven't taken a pre workout in probably over a year.

The problem was I got home form the gym at about 8:15 and then ate my post workout meal followed by dinner and then a shower and I laid down for bed. I laid down at 10:30 and I was wide awake I couldnt sleep for even just a few minutes to save my life, I think the last I looked at the clock it was about 2:15 so i fell asleep then and woke up at 4am and fell back asleep at 4:45am then I woke up to get ready for work at 6:30am. Needless to say I am pissed and tired and not in a good mood. I will be going to bed at 8 tonight most likely.

My strength was up by alot in the gym last night on all my lifts I was adding about 10lbs easily,the pumps were fantastic. Also my hunger was practically un quenchable last night so I ended up eating some poptarts and peanut butter hoping it may help me goto sleep.

I weighed in this morning and my weight is up a solid 6-7lbs from starting.
Damn bro, u could of put that weight on without steroids being involved
get your nutrition in order, hire 3J and start from there!
Damn bro, u could of put that weight on without steroids being involved
get your nutrition in order, hire 3J and start from there!

Im pretty sure the weight is from my diet and has nothing to do with he AAS yet,I follow a very good and strict diet and I have actually showed my diet to 3J and he said it was pretty good for the most part, I did change out my dinner to beef instead of chicken so that it will be a little slower digesting with the extra fats in it.

The Test hasn't really kicked in for me yet,I am having great workout but I believe it is due to me pushing myself and also having such a good diet.

I appreciate your feedback man,thanks!
minus the age, i am totally stayina this own, you make your own choices, your a grown man now not a child something u may regret in the future as well, but hey your young, i was young and stupid too, made stupid choices as long as others here as well just be careful on what u do, dont go fucking yourself up man, u got along road ahead of u, u gotta think about, future kids ect, and take the risk of not totally receovering
alot of people know the positve's about steroids, but dont have a clue on the cons, goodluck man
minus the age, i am totally staying outta this one, you make your own choices, your a grown man now not a child something u may regret in the future as well, but hey your young, i was young and stupid too, made stupid choices as long as others here as well just be careful on what u do, dont go fucking yourself up man, u got along road ahead of u, u gotta think about, future kids ect, and take the risk of not totally receovering
alot of people know the positve's about steroids, but dont have a clue on the cons, goodluck man
minus the age, i am totally staying outta this one, you make your own choices, your a grown man now not a child something u may regret in the future as well, but hey your young, i was young and stupid too, made stupid choices as long as others here as well just be careful on what u do, dont go fucking yourself up man, u got along road ahead of u, u gotta think about, future kids ect, and take the risk of not totally receovering
alot of people know the positve's about steroids, but dont have a clue on the cons, goodluck man

I completely agree with you man and I realize the negatives as well as the positives thats why I take the time to research and evaluate everything I do beforehand. In my opinion alcohol and cigarettes are worse for you than steroids. But to each his own I guess. Thanks for the advice man, I appreciate it.
recovering alkie brother, i know the ropes on bad choices!
atleast your not out there making a stupid fool of yourself and hurting others, like i said i am staying outta the age thing as well, but just be smart about shit u got along road ahead of u bro!
recovering alkie brother, i know the ropes on bad choices!
atleast your not out there making a stupid fool of yourself and hurting others, like i said i am staying outta the age thing as well, but just be smart about shit u got along road ahead of u bro!

I do to man,my mother passed away 3 years ago from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol. Stay strong and don't give in man.