First Cycle Ever Log- Test E/Dbol


So the fever/warm feeling has went away for the most part. I pinned my right delt for the first time last night with the help of a buddy. It wasn't bad at all same as both of the pins in my glute really, actually maybe even better for some reason I didn't sweat this time or get lightheaded. I will be going to the gym after work and hitting back/biceps and some abs work, I will take some pictures beforehand of me not flexing and flexing in various poses. Oh and my appetite was insane yesterday I eat 6 meals a day and about 30 minutes after each meal I was hungry and ready to eat again,im not sure if it has anything to do with the gear or if my metabolism is speeding up from my diet. I will post my current macros on my first post on page one,iim sure they will change once the test kicks in though as I want to gain some good size but keep fat gain at a minimum.

Edit:The hot feverish feeling is actually back now. I'm wearing shorts and a t shirt and I'm in an office that is air conditioned. So I don't believe I should be feeling so hot/warm, I might go check my blood pressure later after work just to see what it is.
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Update: Here is my training routine while on cycle


Let me know if this routine looks good for while on cycle. Thanks guys!
imo you still need rest days even on cycle. even just one would be beneficial to recovery.

I just figured since I have a desk job that I didnt need a day off while on cycle. I make sure i get 8 hours of sleep every night. But I may do legs on Saturday with shoulders and take Sunday off. Right now I hurt my shoulder last week lifting and it was fine a few days later but yesterday I did chest on its hurting like hell now,so im skipping shoulders until its completely healed I dont want any injuries at all especially on cycle.
I just figured since I have a desk job that I didnt need a day off while on cycle. I make sure i get 8 hours of sleep every night. But I may do legs on Saturday with shoulders and take Sunday off. Right now I hurt my shoulder last week lifting and it was fine a few days later but yesterday I did chest on its hurting like hell now,so im skipping shoulders until its completely healed I dont want any injuries at all especially on cycle.
well that's just one guy's opinion....others may feel differently.
If you are at an advanced level of training you should be able to seriously feel when u need rest..

anyone who knows their body will immediately recognize true over training

And before we even consider over training we need to hear way more then just what body part op trains each day...

how about he does only 5-10 sets with no intensity or
How about if he decides to do heavy/light - pump workouts
How about if he's eating enough to fuel the workouts.
I'm sorry you feel that way man. I mad my decision though and I will just have to live with any consequences that may come with it. I doubt they have gotten blood-work but they said they feel just like they did before the cycle but who really knows, I advise them to get blood work but they most likely wont listen to me seeing as how they are much bigger and think they know everything.

Trust me, friends are quick to crow about how much gear they are taking, but never so quick to shout out to the world that their cock doesn't get hard, or that they are now infertile...
I might be going blind in my old age here guys, but did the OP mention his age....?
I'm kinda guessing from reading this log that he isn't older than 20?

All day today I have been rather warm. My forehead is pretty hot to the touch, I dont feel sick at all I feel pretty good actually. Is this a sign/symptom of the Test kicking in this early? lol

Sadly not, it's a sign that you've left the heating on.... :bawling:
If you are at an advanced level of training you should be able to seriously feel when u need rest..

anyone who knows their body will immediately recognize true over training

And before we even consider over training we need to hear way more then just what body part op trains each day...

how about he does only 5-10 sets with no intensity or
How about if he decides to do heavy/light - pump workouts
How about if he's eating enough to fuel the workouts.

I change up the reps every week. I always keep the intensity high when im doing higher reps and when i do lower reps I take a longer break in between sets. One week i might do 12-15 reps on everything that week,other than calves and abs which are usually higher reps. It looks kind of like this

Week 1 12-15 reps
Week 2 9-12 reps
Week 3 6-9 reps
Week 4 3-5 reps

I then repeat and week 5 I start back the same as week 1 except all the weights should be a little heavier for each rep range and I may change up some of the isolation exercises but the compounds stay the same.
I designed this to go for 12 weeks while on cycle and printed it off from excel so that I can track my weight every workout I take the folder to the gym with me and write down the weights used for each set.

And yes I eat enough to fuel the workouts I have 40+ grams of carbs before trainign and 40+ afterwards with some protein as well. I get 8 hours of sleep everynight minimum as well.
If you are at an advanced level of training you should be able to seriously feel when u need rest..

anyone who knows their body will immediately recognize true over training

And before we even consider over training we need to hear way more then just what body part op trains each day...

Also I listen to my body very well. I can tell if I am over training for sure,so far I seem okay but my intensity isnt all it could be im waiting for the gear to kick in. By intensity I simply mean I wait a little longer between my sets.

how about he does only 5-10 sets with no intensity or
How about if he decides to do heavy/light - pump workouts
How about if he's eating enough to fuel the workouts.

Also I listen to my body very well. I can tell if I am over training for sure,so far I seem okay but my intensity isn't all it could be im waiting for the gear to kick in. By intensity I simply mean I wait a little longer between my sets. And I do believe in overtraining to some degree but I mostly believe in under nourishment and under sleeping. But that's just my .02 lol

Today is day 12 of my cycle. I have no side effects so far and have not seen or felt any difference yet. I did my left delt pin for the first time last night and its pretty sore today much worse than my right delt was but I believe it was due to me accidentally pulling the pin out very slightly then trying to push back in to make sure it was deep enough. Its not that bad though,I will be doing shoulders/traps/calves later tonight.
try to pin around your workout schedule. for example pin delts so you have enough time for pip to go away before you work them.
try to pin around your workout schedule. for example pin delts so you have enough time for pip to go away before you work them.

I dont really mind the PIP too much. Although the one from Monday in my right delt did make my bicep hurt pretty bad the next day and it interfered with my workout a little when I did back/biceps i couldn't curl that much because it hurt very bad. It felt like my bicep was very tight and it hurt all day before I even went to the gym and I hadn't done any physical activity so I assume it was from the injection...

Day 15. I am up 3lbs probably from increased water intake and calories as well. The PIP from my left delt injection Thursday hurt pretty bad but I pushed through and had a decent shoulder work out regardless. Tonight I will be pinning my right glute for the second time so im hoping PIP is non existent this time or at least not to bad. I will be going to the gym later today after work and Im feeling great today energy and mood wise. My chest is practically begging me to destroy it,im excited. I might start posting my workouts and the weights used if you guys want? Also I will see if I can get some pictures taken later today so we can get some progress pics started. Stay tuned my friends,only another week or two until the journey begins!!