first cycle/first week 125mg test e/ 150mg deca


New member
hey fellas, this is my first cycle. im going to do 125mg test e and deca 150mg for the first week and bump it to 300mg test e and deca 300mg for the rest of the cycle. is this a good idea? or is it even going to do anything at all.
deca is depressing causing motherfucker. i have tried it only 200 mg /week just to see what happens without test...... i realized it is very anabolic...more anabolic than test..but you feel like shit.....dont think deca is harmless. i am scared to use it without test or low dosed test like yours.

600t/ 400 d is fine

500/ 300 is also fine.

only 500t is also fine (recommended)

but your 300/300 would not be that fine.

test should always be much higher then deca...dont let deca androgen takes its place to receptor. they fuckin dont leave them...and they provide very low activity..and you feel like shit for the long long time so test should always be greater then deca..much greater.