First cycle for aspiring powerlifter


New member
I am 24, have never done a cycle, have worked out for 5 years. I am not interested in an extreme lbm gain. I powerlift and do not want to move up to the next weight class. I am interested in strength and losing some bodyfat.
I was thinking 40mg/day Oxandrolone for 4-6 weeks?
Suggestions? Thanks
Anavar is clean bro. A decent strength hormone, but hardly worth the price for what you want out of it. The powerlifters that I know do go with Anavar from time to time, but to them the "bang for my buck" award goes to Halotestin, and Winstrol (winny). Mostly Halo though, as it will cause zero weight gain. It is specifically a strength drug, and also helps them in contests as it increases aggression. It is quite toxic though, so guys I know start it four weeks out from contest time, so that its' usage is ceased right after they compete. 4 week cycles.
I think the Winstrol (winny) would be a bad choice as with the heavy weights and such your joints will fuckin kill you.... give the anavar a try at 40mg a day an see how it goes...
Ok. Well I am planning on going with paper products so would it be in my interest to get the Winstrol (winny) or the anavar? I had planned on getting the anavar, so I have enough money for it. But the Winstrol (winny) is quite a bit cheaper.
Anything post the anavar?

I have read that others take ALA with most orals. Which I was planning on doing. But I am unclear as to whether I need to take anything post an anavar cycle. Do I need to take anything post cycle since I am only going 4 weeks at 40 mg?
What about Winstrol (winny) then anadrol? or in conjunction.
Drol will pack on the weight. No way around it. Not interested in the Halo then bro? If you question most powerlifters, they will tell you that it is the backbone of most of their regimines. Especially come meet times.
When I was still powerlifting it was Adrol, but you will need to watch if you are close to your weight limit now.

I personally would drop down a few pounds then hit the Adrol 4-5 weeks out and watch how it comes together and adjust accordingly.

the Anavar (var) is good but imo if you added 75-100mg of tren eod and enough test to keep the willie working [300-400] mg week your strenght should shoot up and with a good diet while on cycle you can keep your weight down but your bf should really drop , i also have wanted to try halos very badly but they just arent in my budget
Thanks for all of the replies. Will I need to take anything post anavar, drol, halo cycles?( again if I do a 4 week cycle)
Also how long will these stay in my system? The federation that I might compete in does do random testing, but I am far enough away from it(late sept) that I am hoping that wouldnt be an issue.
DADAWG said:
the Anavar (var) is good but imo if you added 75-100mg of tren eod and enough test to keep the willie working [300-400] mg week your strenght should shoot up and with a good diet while on cycle you can keep your weight down but your bf should really drop , i also have wanted to try halos very badly but they just arent in my budget

I hear ya on the Halos bro. Plus, there aren't any 1/2-decently dosed ones available domesticly either. Luck of the Irish here, I just got set up with a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Doc, and 2 separate compounding pharmacies as well. I was pumped to try the Upjohn 10mg Halo Tabs. Guess what though.....discontinued. No generic Fluoxymesterone either I guess.
thor20032003 said:
Thanks for all of the replies. Will I need to take anything post anavar, drol, halo cycles?( again if I do a 4 week cycle)
Also how long will these stay in my system? The federation that I might compete in does do random testing, but I am far enough away from it(late sept) that I am hoping that wouldnt be an issue.

If you simply take an Avavar only cycle bro, then I do not think you need to worry much over post-cycle therapy. That's probably the only hormone I would say that about however. If you chose to stack any of the others mentioned [/i]with[/i] the Anavar (var), or even do one of them by itself, then it would be wise to add Clomid to your post-cycle. I never come off though, so I'm not the one to recommend how to run it, start it, or at what dose. Sorry.