First cycle (get the fuk in here)


New member
hey guys thinking of running first cycle.
Details :5'9 187lbs 3 years srs training. age 19

thinking of running 3mls test eth and 2.5mls deca a week for 8-12 weeks then pct with nolvadex.

Are these amounts far too low? i didnt want anything too high
Nineteen is too young. Come back when you're 25. Until then research, eat, and train.
I don't care what the pros did. As a forum and community we have a moral responsibility to give you good advice. At your age good advice is to focus on ur diet and training. Not gear
I don't care what the pros did. As a forum and community we have a moral responsibility to give you good advice. At your age good advice is to focus on ur diet and training. Not gear

See, psychologically you're not ready for this stuff. Someone gives you sage advice and you get all immature. Imagine how you'll be when you mess up all your hormones? Teen males and those in their young twenties generally are not mature enough to mess with gear. I'm totally for gear but you have to be mature and you have to have your training and diet dialled in. Your test should be absolutely fine right at nineteen.
No im going to do it now are you goin to help me out or be a hardass abot it

Reminds me a lot of myself at 19. Life is so going to bite you in the ass if you don't stop and realize you aren't owed anything. You were given sound advice take it. I did the shit too early now my test is all fucked up.