First cycle: GP test cyp only (with pics)

Is it just me or does the OP have gyno?

I think he does .....better gets some bloods done there Shenky , or you gonna be sportin
38-double D"s soon. You need a full panel plus testosterone & E2 test . Labcorp will fix you up for $50.....Google them to find one in your area...~Bo
And you can officially start taking that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) now.........

I'll be getting labs in 2 weeks. The thing with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is I have 20 tabs of 1mg Arimadex only. I do not think it will last me the entire cycle... It will last me 40 days if I take half EOD. Is there some OTC version?
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thank you!

One more Q: How early does gyno symptoms occur during cycles, such as the one I'm on?
Okay, so if I am prone to gyno, will liquidex be enough to offset? Should I also have letro on hand?
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Alright fuckers, I have letro and liquidex on the way. Thanks for the advice! I'll start popping this Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as soon as I have a confirmation that .5 EOD is a good starting point.
Alright fuckers, I have letro and liquidex on the way. Thanks for the advice! I'll start popping this Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as soon as I have a confirmation that .5 EOD is a good starting point.

I would start off with .25 ml every other day . When you look at the extraction syringe it will be in the middle between the .2 and the .3 ; thats .25 ML .
I would start off with .25 ml every other day . When you look at the extraction syringe it will be in the middle between the .2 and the .3 ; thats .25 ML .

the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I currently have on hand is in pill form. I'll break it in quarters, though. If signs of gyno, or rather worsening of gyno, occurs, I'll increase to .5
^^^Yes^^^ What you and Bo just said. Keep away from letro unless you need it as it may crashyour E2 which is bad also.
Sunday, sept 29th, 13

2nd injection. Smooth as fuck on the glute. No pip, which is a far cry from my last injection in the quad - that shit still hurts. The only issue I had this morning was dosing; I either had too much or too little and pushing that shit back in the vial, only to have to pull it back in is infuriating. On initial draw I just needed more patience and it wouldn't have been a problem.

I decided I'm morbid enough to enjoy the injection process.

Feel like poop. I haven't been sleeping well, or enough and been running around between my two jobs. Regardless, I had a decent chest work out this morning. I decided to hold on to cardio at 50% of what I was previously doing for a few more weeks, so I'll be at 20 minutes low intensity post resistance training, and 20 minutes HIIT on rest days for a little while. Eventually I'll cut down to the 20 minute HIIT on off days.

I also changed my 3 day split into a 4 day, giving arms its own day.

Diet's going great. I assumed I'd fuck everything up my first week because I haven't cooked for myself like this in a while, but fuckin' A, everythuing turned out pretty good. The only thing I over cooked were steamed carrots.

I cooked enough chicken, rice, beans, eggs, veggies and ground turkey for the next 8 days or so, and am putting together each individual meal in tuppaware the night before. Is that how you guys do it?
Smart man. Cooking in advance and packing meals in ziplocks is the only way I can be sure to eat properly for success.
Not sure how important it is to be EXACT on syringe measurements. My eyes are bad and I do the "close enough" method. I do try to get close as possible, but don't obsess on it.
Smart man. Cooking in advance and packing meals in ziplocks is the only way I can be sure to eat properly for success.
Not sure how important it is to be EXACT on syringe measurements. My eyes are bad and I do the "close enough" method. I do try to get close as possible, but don't obsess on it.

Reading glasses are coming your way bought my first pair last year , now I cant live without them.....~Bo
So today was my 3rd injection, marking the first day of my second week on GP test cyp.

As I'm reading more into GP, I'm growing more skeptical; there are far too many mixed reviews for me to be comfortable. If I found steroidology before I purchased, I surely would have gone with a different lab; all other forums are shit in comparison. Oh well, you live and learn. Only a blood test on week 6 will tell.

Any of you have first or second hand experience with Geneza recently?

Diet's still going strong. I'm ravenous!

It's too early for me to feel any effect of the gear, but let me tell you, I KILLED it in the gym this morning.

PR's on squat @ 325 x 4 full reps and 1 partial and dumbell shoulder press @ 90 1b x 10 reps. The 90's felt so light, I should have gone with the 100's, but the dude who gave me a "lift off" for the 90's looked engrossed in his work out and I didn't want to bother him again.

I haven't dropped cardio completely, but I've really cut it down to HIIT post work out and on "rest" days. I train in Jiu Jitsu 3-5 times a week, so there's that, and in addition HIIT is more practical. 60 minutes low intensity cardio is a walk in the park compared to 15 minutes HIIT

Weighed in this morning at 182 pounds.
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Weighed myself @ 180 this morning. :\ I'm definitely eating significantly more calories than I was before starting my bulk (5 days strong) + I cut cardio to a minimum. I'm going to wait until day 8 or so to decide to add more cals; I don't want to jump the gun and add a shit load of fat. If I find that calorie increase is the answer, I have a feeling I need to add more cals on days I do jiu jitsu.

With that said, I look more filled out; I think my face is a little puffier and my female coworker told me my arms looked bigger. Word.

Took .5 adex this morning because I'm an idiot. Feel like poop. My nipples looked a little puffier, so I thought maybe I should increase dose, but at .5 I really do feel the adex, which is not comfortable. I thought, perhaps, last time I took .5mg and felt like this, it was psychosomatic, but today I feel exactly the same poopiness. Also, before I dosed this morning, I felt great. 2 hours later, poopy.

For clarity:

poopy: lethargic, sleepy, uninterested in participating in life, listless, foggy, inability to focus

not sure if these are symptoms of low estradiol, but I bet it is, as I have a damn good ability to notice slight differences in mood and psyche
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