Weighed myself @ 180 this morning. :\ I'm definitely eating significantly more calories than I was before starting my bulk (5 days strong) + I cut cardio to a minimum. I'm going to wait until day 8 or so to decide to add more cals; I don't want to jump the gun and add a shit load of fat. If I find that calorie increase is the answer, I have a feeling I need to add more cals on days I do jiu jitsu.
With that said, I look more filled out; I think my face is a little puffier and my female coworker told me my arms looked bigger. Word.
Took .5 adex this morning because I'm an idiot. Feel like poop. My nipples looked a little puffier, so I thought maybe I should increase dose, but at .5 I really do feel the adex, which is not comfortable. I thought, perhaps, last time I took .5mg and felt like this, it was psychosomatic, but today I feel exactly the same poopiness. Also, before I dosed this morning, I felt great. 2 hours later, poopy.
For clarity:
poopy: lethargic, sleepy, uninterested in participating in life, listless, foggy, inability to focus
not sure if these are symptoms of low estradiol, but I bet it is, as I have a damn good ability to notice slight differences in mood and psyche