First cycle - HRT

Black Series

New member
34 years old
6' 205lbs

Had low T levels and estrogen level was elevated. Under Dr prescribed HRT.

1ML Test CYP/ENA 90/10 blend per week
1MG Anastrozole twice per week
50MG DHEA daily
500MG L-Carnatine daily

On a low glycemic diet (1700calories, 100gram protein, 200gm carb, 40gram fat) for first 3 months before moving to higher protein and calorie intake to trim some body fat.

Gym 4 days per week. Push/Pull/Legs

Have been on it for 4th week starting today. Already feel waist line tighter, arms feel larger, chest tighter. No real problems with acne/oily skin. Trying to get plenty of sleep but sleep sucks when arms/chest/legs are sore lol.

How does this sound? Thanks!
Double the protein and cut the carbs in half would be a good start if you are trying to lose fat.

Yeah I am not sure why he put me on so many carbs. A lot of them are in things I don't eat so it will be easy to cut those down in lieu of more protein.