First cycle in 10yrs


New member

Looking at putting my first cycle in after 10yrs away from the juice, im planning on the cycle below and woundered what you guys thought.

Dianabol working upto 40mg
Deca 200mg
Nolvadex 10mg
proviron 25mg


Looking at putting my first cycle in after 10yrs away from the juice, im planning on the cycle below and woundered what you guys thought.

Dianabol working upto 40mg
Deca 200mg
Nolvadex 10mg
proviron 25mg


If u want to run deca than u will need to run a testosterone ester with it like test e, c, or p. And if u want to run dbol you can use it the for the first 4weeks as a jump start until the test pops in (if u use a long ester like test e or c) so ur cycle would b like this..

1-12 test e/c @ 500mg week
1-10 deca @ 400mg week
1-4 dbol @ 40mg ED you can keep it at this dose the whole 4 weeks

I would run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with this cycle 250iu 2x week. And I would buy an estrogen blocker or Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like sromadin or adex to combat gyno or bitch tits..
so would you use dbol for 4weeks on its own or bring test and deca in with it straight from week 1, im using nolvadex/proviron for the gyno/bitch tit

what needles do you guys use as ive always used green.

Paul much has changed. You would do well to do a bit of reading. A good basic test cycle(say 500mgs/week), with a low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and serm based pct sounds like it would be perfect IMO. Just a thought.
so would you use dbol for 4weeks on its own or bring test and deca in with it straight from week 1, im using nolvadex/proviron for the gyno/bitch tit

what needles do you guys use as ive always used green. I use 25g 1" for delts and quads and 23g 1.5" for glutes


*use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for estrogen and gyno control not a serm.
*NEVER do any cycle without a test base, even just a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) amount at least.
* i would start the injects AND orals at the same time. ( i avoid orals though mostly)
* Research a lot man because info has changed , we know a lot better now then deca and dbol cycles.

Good luck
Hi Guys

Things have changed alot in the years while ive been away from the sport, when i was on gear before it was all your old favourites that where around.

What i ordered in for this cycle was

Dbol 10mg
Deca 300mg
Primobolan (not oral)

So guys what would you use out off these above, i can get hold off Test cyp if neaded also being away for a while im not familiar with the meaning Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Serm,pct.
Tryed reading up on things but theres that much its like a minefield these days thats why i went with stacks i new from before.

Any help would be appreciated

Look up the pct stickies. The det-oak has an excellent write up. Standard pcts it's called.
Make sure you run test with deca, or test alone for your first cycle back. You'll feel awesome with the test coursing through you.
As another has said, read around these boards. They're incredible.
Hi Guys

Things have changed alot in the years while ive been away from the sport, when i was on gear before it was all your old favourites that where around.

What i ordered in for this cycle was

Dbol 10mg
Deca 300mg
Primobolan (not oral)

So guys what would you use out off these above, i can get hold off Test cyp if neaded also being away for a while im not familiar with the meaning Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Serm,pct.
Tryed reading up on things but theres that much its like a minefield these days thats why i went with stacks i new from before.

Any help would be appreciated


Primobolan expensive LOL. Do what im going to be doing. 400mg/wk of Test Cyp. 300mg/wk of Deca. 12 weeks test 10 weeks deca. You might want to do different Like 500mg/wk Test Cyp. 400mg/wk Deca Test cyp 15 weeks Deca 12 weeks. 18th week start post cycle therapy (pct). Deca needs to be run for long time from what I hear to get full benefits. Im just doing it for joints and Central Nervious coating. LOL. HCG is always good while on cycle.