first cycle in 8 years


New member
I did a cycle before when I was 18, and yes I know that is way too young. I was stupid. This time I want to do it right. I have done a lot of research, and I am going to do 500mg a week of Scherring Testoviron Depot. I am going to get blood work done before hand. My question is what do I asked to be checked in the blood work? I didn't do anything right during my last cycle and didn't really keep any results. I just want to make sure I do everything possibly right this time.
Hormones (E2,Test,LH,SFH)
Lipids (standard full Set)
Full Liver Panel

I'm missing some but this is what I would ask. This gives you a good baseline to get back to once you're done with your cycle and could warn you if you need to be extra careful with something(if liver is weak already or blood is thick etc....)