First cycle in over a year

So kids
34 5 7 204
Recently lost 35 lbs damn you hernia surgery
Yep went lard ass
I am around 15% bf
Got married in August little lay off
Back to lifting diet in check
Been back lifting about 2 months solid strength has coming back very quickly.
Year ago completely effed up pct stopped test c tren e cycle 3 weeks in
Shut natty production completely
Just rebounded back I am still on low side or range. Doc said I could t go on trt chose not to right now. Wanna try for baby next yr, so was apprehensive about trt.
I have done several cycles since was 25
Test c
Test p
Tren a /e
Test e
So on to my questions
Is it too soon to do a short 8 week prop only cycle or a longer test e 12 wks
Just mild
Maybe 100 mg eod or 500 to 700 week cyp cycle .
Any thoughts ?
If it was me I would just run some clomid/nolva for 4-6 weeks at moderate doses. Say like 25/20mg per day. Itll help get your natty levels up, and give you a small boost for that time.

Have your kid, then do it big.
Yeah I did that last yr when I screwed up little closed and hcg reboot.
Kid still another 6 months off before we "try" was thinking Dec to Feb 1st just prop or cyp.
then a proper pct since I know first hand what happens when you botch it
If it was me I would just run some clomid/nolva for 4-6 weeks at moderate doses. Say like 25/20mg per day. Itll help get your natty levels up, and give you a small boost for that time.

Have your kid, then do it big.
Worst case scenario do some hCG to get your nuts going again. Plenty of PRO bodybuilders out there that blast and cruise and still have kids.
Ok I think i need to clarify.
My actual question is. I am back to lifting steady again, how many weeks or months should I want to run just a test only cycle.

My last cycle ended 7/5/2012
That's when I botched my pct.
I have been seeing Dr regularly I did clomid and hcg
I'm still lower end on test but everything works no bedroom issues.
Since I don't know what my levels were to begin with( first cycle at 25) Dr assumes I have always been lower
So that being said should I give it another month before I run a test only cycle or just do a low dose one Dec 1 to Feb
1 or run cyp for 12 weeks
just wanna get back where I was no crazy compounds just easy and predictable
Thanks again for all input
I wouldn't worry too much about it to be honest. I do blood work and I've been on the very low end and also been elevated... As long as you don't have bedroom issues I wouldn't worry too much about being on the lower end in your blood tests (plus like you said you don't have a base line to draw a concrete conclusion on your natty levels), I'm sure you'll reproduce just fine. And you've been off for over a year now if this is where your at in terms of test levels thats probably where there going to stay. So waiting around isn't going to do much, your going to do a cycle and suppress the system again to low levels... Just concentrate on doing a full and proper PCT get your blood work done 5 weeks after PCT is done and determine a course of action from there.