First cycle information


New member
Hey everyone Im new to this site and was just hoping to get a little advice.

First a big thanks to the guys who share there advice with noobs like my self. I was actually going to do a dbol only cycle for the first one but I wanted to make sure and do my research and now know that was a very bad idea so thanks again for steering me off that path. i have 60 10 mg tabs but havent taken any yet. A little info on my diet/ workout routine

3 day split/ 1. chest/tris/shoulders 2. legs 3. back and biceps. pretty standard routine but works for me. rest day between workout with at least 2 days off a week. I get plenty of rest to. really trying to do this right and be safe.

Diet 180 - 200 grams a day protien, 3000 carlories, about 300 - 400 carbs and about 90 grams of fats daily try to eat really clean. do use a mass gainer though

Im 5'8 189 lbs about 20 percent body fat. yea im kinda fat but I guess come with the mass gains.

so for my first cycle here's what i came up with and if someone could tell me if this is good or a bad start, thanks. im not scared of injections so no biggie there. only health issues ive had is asthma. not sure if thats something to consider. its very mild but do use medication.

so here it is :
1- 4 weeks 10 -20 mg dbol daily

1-8 weeks 250mg a week Testosterone Enanthate.

Liv 52 liver protectant twice daily

nolva starting last week of cycle and use 20 mg each day for about 4 weeks after. 5 weeks total

please, any advice suggestions etc. is greatly welcome. i need all the help i can get. looking to gain about 20 - 30 lbs. muscle mass
thanks for the reply. so if i increased to 500 mg of test a week say 250 mon 250 thurs. could i do about 8 weeks? or should i stick to 250 mg a week for 12 - 14 weeks? thanks.
first cycle should always be a test only cycle. 300mg to 500mg of test E or every week is a great first cycle. dont rush, make shure you get a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case you start bloating or get sensitive itchy nips dude. get a PCT and please read alot more before jumping into this head first. and at 20% BF you should throw in some cardio before runing a cycle. a good cardiovascular system transports nutrients alot faster. and can destroy breathing disorders. take it slow bro bro.
Thanks man. I will deffinitly take my time on this. man i wish i didnt even buy the dbol now, but if you feel its better not to take it than I'm not going to. Id much rather take the time and get great results. I study everyday on forums and read and than read somemore. im going to be doing this on my own so deffinitly listening to what the experienced people are telling me. I really need to work on my cardio like you say. its just a matter of me getting of my ass and doing it. As far as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would Anastrozole be a good one? I dont mean to bombard yall with questions just really wanting to learn all i can.
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it depends on how sensitive you are to estrogen sides, test will convert to estrogen and if your estrogen gets out of hand then you start to see bloat, nipples get sensitive, along with other shit. theres also aromasin, and letro for very sensitive people. but read up on your ai's and see what each one is doing to u and how it works. and for the cardio just start runing low impact on the oliptical for 15 to 20 min for starters, then after a couple weeks get off that hamster machine and run outside or on a tredmill.
Send the D-bol to a friend and please , please , please do not take the D-bol. I am sure you can get away with taking it but you need to make good use of those fresh receptors and run just a test only cycle at 250mg e3d. to see how your body will react to steroids. You will be amazed at the results....TRUST ME !!! Make sure you have your cycle all planned out and all products needed for any possibility of anything going wrong , before you stick one needle in your quads/ass wherever lol
Aromasin/Test/Syringes/alcohol wipes etc
A well planned cycle will yield a safe cycle. Make sure to always order more than you are gonna need. I would run this test only cycle for 10-12 wks.
Good Luck
Peace Oz
ill read up on those and get all the info i can. i will deinitly make sure i have everything on hand before even thinking of starting my first cycle. Im deffinitly not gonna take the dbol. I should have done more research before even getting it. im just glad i read up on here before I made that mistake. Ive read that the muscle mass you can aquire from a good safe cycle will amaze you. I'm really looking forward to it. Just trying to be patient and do it right. Thanks for your input guys.
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