First Cycle Layout.. Thought or suggestions?


New member
22 years old
181 lbs
13% BF
Lifting for 3+ years

Diet is good eats lots of whole grains, chicken, healthy fats, all that good shit.

Here's my Plan. Open to any suggestions please tell me your thoughts!!

Week's 1-10:
500mg GP Test-e
Week's 1-12:
0.5 mg GP Arimidex ED

Week's 12-16:
GP Clomid 50/50/50/50 (ED)
GP Nolva 20/20/20/20 (ED)
You are too young. Your brain / endocrine system are still developing and can be seriously messed up by running a cycle now. Wait until you are 25 years old. Come back then and we will help you out.
I'm not a vet or a pro bud, but at 22 yrs old all your gonna hear is your too young in which you are. I know your most likely going to follow through with your cycle but I do recommend you do a lot of research on cycling so young and what it can do to hurt your bodys future.
When I was 22 I was a 181 powerlifter pulling 500 pds, squatting same only benching 320 ish

I was on test
eating d bol


Now I m trt dependent for life, have mood swing s ( better now) bone s ache from getting so strong so fast so young

But I do understand your a not leave..let us see what you like..

Write a live at home, student, income enough to feed a cycle one can stop you and if you choose to act on this I ll not abandon you but w o a lot more info on who the hell you are what you lie how you live I CANNOT endorse you turning out as fkd up as me...not yet...OK ?

Please be comprehensive in your writing assignment;it shows mental maturity..that s what my biggest concern is...
also i would like to add in here in the writing you are going to do for us could you throw in when you hit puberty and when you became full grown in terms of height.
i live at home and make good money and have lots in the bank (rent free lol) so money is not an issue at all. i want i look good not so worried about strength. do i take arimidex on week 10-12? i wont be shooting anymore but the test e will still be in my system so yes or no?

1RM bench: 240~
Seated mil press 65s for 10 reps
leg press 590 for 8~
15~ Bodyweight pull ups
I do not dead lift or squat.. I know.. Rip me a new one lol. But i have very well developed quads for my size.

Also how do i incorporate HCG in thiss cycle? is HCGenerate the same thing?
i live at home and make good money and have lots in the bank (rent free lol) so money is not an issue at all

I live at home too. My OWN home though...I take it you live with your parents? If so, how do they feel about steroids? If you're under their roof you should abide by their rules...respect and all that

1RM bench: 240~
Seated mil press 65s for 10 reps
leg press 590 for 8~
15~ Bodyweight pull ups

Those are pretty low-average stats for someone who's been training 3+ years

I do not dead lift or squat.. I know.. Rip me a new one lol. But i have very well developed quads for my size.

Plenty of pros don't deadlift of squat...ANYMORE. They didn't get as big as they are WITHOUT deadlifts or squats.

Lets see a picture of those well developed wheels, and maybe midsection while you're at it.

Feel free to blur your face for privacy...
i still would like to know when you became fully grown and when you hit and finished puberty a lot of things can effect whether you should do this or not take it slow and make the right decision.