First Cycle Log - PSL Test E

Yikes, meant to post earlier. It's Wednesday now, but I last injected Monday afternoon.

Everything seems to be going well, I'm still just injecting my Quads (Left on Monday). I just can't get past how easy it is to hit that location.

I'm very much looking forward to bloodwork in the coming weeks. Not just to see where my test is, but I really want to see where my estrogen's at. I feel like I've experienced symptoms on both ends, which really makes it hard to say whether it is low or if it is high... I've read in places that abnormally stiff erections, consistent morning wood, but anti-climactic orgasms can be a sign of low estrogen. Which I feel I'm experiencing to some extent. This is alongside, clicking joints (shoulders especially). On the other hand, I've had little issues with nipple sensitivity and bloating quite a bit. So it's definitely a little mind game when it comes to guessing where your e2 is. Bloodwork leaves no questions unanswered. This, is why i'm anxious for it.

If anyone reading has maybe a suggestion about this, I have a question. When is the earliest week I could get bloodwork done while still seeing test close to or at it's peak concentration? I was planning to do it on Week 7 or 8. Being on Week 5 right now, I was considering pushing for Week 6, or early Week 7. Any thoughts?
Yeah, I decided to just do intra cycle bloods as originally planned. I'm just over thinking shit like I always do. I'm ultra analytical and sometimes it just gets in the way of simple stuff.

Let's talk about the gym this week though, Fuckin A! Strength and Muscular Endurance are up up up. I workout after work, so when I can pound out an extra 8-10 sets at high reps.. YEAH something's doing something cause I'm not all of a sudden just gonna become superman after 8.5 hours of factory work! It's great! Looking for the gains to come in soon too, I've read it's typically strength to come first around weeks 4-6, and size starts coming in the weeks after. Come on!!! Lol

I did Shoulders last night, i only added volume to Military Press this day. At work we've received a few new jobs that require a lot of over head pulling and pushing so I've been killing shoulders all week at work too. Went a little like this though :

DB Military Press - 45s/15, 65s/4, 60s/6, 55s/8, 50s/10, (45s/12, 30s/20) SS

Lateral Raises - 10s/15, 25s/4, 20s/6, (15s/8, 10s/15+) SS

Front Raises - 10s/15, 25s/4, 20s/6, (15s/8, 10s/15+) SS

Shrugs - 45s/20, 55s/15, 60s/15+

I'd also like to note that I tore my AC joint apart in my teens diving for a frisbee at a dead sprint. That shoulder has a lot less slippery-ness to it and my job doesn't help. I have to be a little cautious putting up heavy weights because of this.

I pinned in my Right Quad Thursday and all is well there. Becoming a normal process for me. I have no complaints as to the smoothness of PSLs EP Test. I have no way to compare as this is my only cycle, but I've heard much worse than what I've experienced.

Getting off here, gotta get to fuckin up my legs. Later all!
Lateral Raises -
Truly love the log tooo. it is excellently detailed. Idk if u heat your gear beforehand, but if not give it a try, it makes it flow into the pin much easier and seems to lessen the pip imo. Keep up the good work bud.
Hey hey everyone! What's up?

This is just a summary of Week 6, cause I've clearly slacked this week on posting. Been sleeping in A LOT and it's thrown my whole "norm" off.

Both injections this week went well... the first one I must have clipped a capillary or just plain gone through one cause after pulling the needle out it gushed for about 3-5 seconds down my leg and onto the floor and then just stopped! I wiped the surrounding area with alcohol and a cotton ball and proceeded to bandage the pin point as usual. Little to no pip as usual, no ones lying the EP line is smooth as silk. Literally the worst it ever becomes is a very small amount of muscle tightness around the injection site.. Makes coming back to injections less scary for a first timer like myself. Well done PSL!

In response to TWOLIP, I have yet to attempt heating my gear before injecting. I see no need really with hardly any PIP anyhow. Maybe if my gear was knotting me up injection after injection. Thanks for reading bro, I appreciate it and am happy you like my posts.

This next summary will cover my training the past two weeks. I've noticed that since I've been capable of training harder, and longer; I haven't necessarily been as easy to come back the next week. Yes, I can destroy myself in the gym, but it's taking me longer to recover from the "new" grueling work I'm putting myself through. It's a trade-off I didn't expect to make while on a cycle of test. Maybe I'm less sensitive to the drug than most, or I'm just waxed from work... who knows. Shit, my sleep could just be fuckin me up. I will be carefully monitoring all factors and hopefully able to pinpoint a culprit.

Next week is Week 7. I will set back the money for bloods this week, and also schedule an appointment for Monday or Thursday of Week 8. Definitely excited for this.

Alright, I think that's all for tonight. Thanks for reading everyone! I'll try to get a little more active on the forum again. Later!
i have done 3 amazing cycles. the first with pinnacle and the 2nd two with andromed ... the last one was their t400 n no matter what the pip was movement. lol had to sh!t sitting sideways. even running it warm with eq did nothing... as far as smooth gear, psl or optimum? i do not want to take this thread should i make one. just need quik answers or sugg. thnx
i have done 3 amazing cycles. the first with pinnacle and the 2nd two with andromed ... the last one was their t400 n no matter what the pip was movement. lol had to sh!t sitting sideways. even running it warm with eq did nothing... as far as smooth gear, psl or optimum? i do not want to take this thread should i make one. just need quik answers or sugg. thnx

I mean my pin points have yet to be unbearably painful with PSL gear and I've never used anything else. Only advice I can really give is to just try PSL cause it's doing well for me thus far. Again though, I'm going for bloods soon.. just cause it pins well doesn't mean it's good to go. I have a pretty good idea it's real though based on my performance in the gym, size increases, and mood.
Pinning is going well fellas, very short update here.

I'm currently taking up buying a home so my schedule is wacky at the moment. Some days I have to get up early, some I sleep in, throws off my gym time, eating, etc. Doing my best to manage everything.

I'm still very anxious for bloodwork. Lately I've been sluggish, very dry (skin, lips), and I could only push myself so far in the gym on Monday as my joints were achy as shit. Managed a decent workout, but nothing like the past few weeks. I think my e2 is low personally, and I want to try .25mg ADex e3d, but if I don't maintain consistent dosage now my bloods will show useless data.. waiting it out. Plenty of weeks left to straighten estradiol out and get back on the gains train.

Just a note, first week of cycle I was 183lbs I believe. Week 6 weigh in showed 192lbs. Up 9lbs, probably more now. This is fasted, waking weight. By the end of a day I'm close to 200 sometimes. Anyway.. I guess I'm saying more than I expected to say this post. Today I looked back at my last bulk, and compared it to now. I was nearly the same weight in both pictures, but in the old one I was bloated and chubby.. now I'm much much leaner and just look less puffy. 3Js the shit, leaning out before the cycle is really helping things stay controlled. I think I still have until Labor Day or the week after with him this year.. bet that progress will be insane compared to what I'm seeing now. Hands down, best decision I've made in a while, Thanks 3J.

Thanks for reading!
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What up what up! Need to get some words in here.

It's nearing Week 9 now, and my last injection was my first "different" site since at least 4 weeks ago. I've been doing Quads only now for a little while. Last time however, I did my L Delt. It did very well, little sting in, no pip afterward. Just a general tightness in the area for the remainder of the day. I will say that PSL's product in regards to PIP is what I would consider to be as good as it gets. Can't get any better than little to no pain.

I'd like to mention that that injeciton day was also the first day I've gained over 1lb in a week, in 4 weeks.. If anyone reads this and has Hypothyroidism, listen up these next few words may save you the hassle of scratching your head for two weeks before a light bulb clicks on! So, this week I was up 2.5lbs compared to the previous weigh-in. The previous weigh in I was 0.25lbs over my last one; and the one before that 0.5lbs above the previous. This being said, I was incredibly frustrated as 3J has added over a thousand additional calories to my diet and getting back no dice! For like 4 weeks I was just having dissapointing weigh-ins.. and it was really rather depressing. I did give PSL the benefit of the doubt here before questioning the legitimacy of my gear and went to research the only other factor that could be destroying my gains. My thyroid medication, it's the only other drug I religiously take.. and has proven a bitch for gains before. This is of course for me. Some people may have no problem with T4 hindering progress.. me on the other hand, NIGHT AND DAY difference.

I found a little recommendation made by after probably a couple weeks of on and off searching for answers. And I'll provide a link so anyone interested can read. But, to summarize, the paragraph essentially was for the professional administering the drugs to patients. It said that (and this is what I gathered so correct me if I'm incorrect) synthroid (T4) and Testosterone have an interaction where the testosterone will have an amplification effect on the T4 almost. This will take an otherwise NEUTRAL thyroid environment on a normal(for that patient) dose of Levothyroxine, to a potentially severe HYPER thyroid environment on that same dose when Test is added to the mix. I can only assume that a website talking about pharmaceutical drugs would only be talking about physiological doses of Test, and this would lead me to believe that with a supraphysiological dose, it would only be that much greater of an effect. They then proceed to make a recommendation that the T4 dose be cut by 25-50% of the current dose when Test begins being administered.

I cut my dose by 30+% and within 5 days, I was seeing weight come up again at a above average pace. If the test is real, which I'm only assuming it is and my levels are moderately high.. then this would be spot on with what this write-up recommended. If the test is not, or severely underdosed, than I'm simply gaining weight because I've lowered my T4 and my metabolism is slower than a normal persons now. I'd like to believe the first story, and we'll just have to see when my bloodwork comes in after I get tested on Monday morning.

Drug Interaction Report -[]=major&types[]=minor&types[]=moderate&types[]=food&professional=1

So, I was 191 on the money 3 weeks ago (Week 5), 2 weeks ago 191.5 (Week 6), 1 weeks weigh in back 191.75 (Week 7 Thursday), This past weigh in 194 (Week 8 Thursday)

Hopefully this coming weeks weigh-in is as promising as the last weigh-in was.

Thank you all for continuing to follow, I appreciate your patience with my odd frequency of posts. I am in the middle of buying a home.. so.. I'm just a tad busy at the moment.

Later all!
So about that bloodwork....

I'll be short, and add a dedicated post with full details on my bloods later BUT, they actually came out well.

I took a trough reading, so on injection day before pinning I went and had my blood drawn. This draw will result in the lowest possible test reading for the week. My TT was 2100+, confirming the gear is indeed good to go.

I appreciate your interest, but I sense your lack of belief in PSLs legitimacy and if you really wanted to know, don't come asking so helplessly. I took the risk buying, and I stated I would reveal my bloods when I had them taken, be patient or go buy your own and be the guinea pig.
Alright guys, pins have been good.

Weight is coming up at a rate of 1.5lbs or more per week right now. Everything is looking good.

Here's my mid cycle bloods.

I'll let you all decide if the levels are good or bad. Personally I think they are just fine for 500mg/wk..

Note : this was taken on injection day before injection took place. I am running Test E, but I suppose there could still be a slight dip in TT throughout the week and if so the day I had drawn would be the day. Either way though, 2100+ is good with me.

To anyone holding back on PSL.. I say try it out. I risked my dollars and it's paying off handsomely. I will say, I wrote a comment in my purchase that I was a member of Ology and planned on doing a log of their product. I'm not endorsing their product, I'm not being paid by them to say it's good to go. Simply stating, I mentioned that when I purchased it.. and my gear came just fine. To the people that have gotten bad gear from them... I'm not sure I believe it now. A second run of their gear may test the odds perhaps.

Anyway, all is well. I'm 196.5 lbs and counting. End of Week 10 injections today. Monday begins Week 11.. Gotta put on another 10-15 by the end of PCT. I've got a plan in mind and I don't wanna be behind on my schedule....

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As usual, Thanks for reading everyone!
I'll be short, and add a dedicated post with full details on my bloods later BUT, they actually came out well.

I took a trough reading, so on injection day before pinning I went and had my blood drawn. This draw will result in the lowest possible test reading for the week. My TT was 2100+, confirming the gear is indeed good to go.

I appreciate your interest, but I sense your lack of belief in PSLs legitimacy and if you really wanted to know, don't come asking so helplessly. I took the risk buying, and I stated I would reveal my bloods when I had them taken, be patient or go buy your own and be the guinea pig.

First of all, don't make the mistake of letting my post count fool you. There are no helpless questions here.
Secondly, I asked that because it had been 10 days since your last update, while still being active on the forum. You've had a great detailed and up to date log so far, didn't want to see another one down the drain.

Think of it as a friendly nudge.

Glad to hear things are going well.
What's up!

Alright, have some time off work, would like to post a little here.

Recently, as noted in previous posts, I've had bloodwork done, and I've adjusted my T4 medication dose to allow my test to do some work. I went out on a limb with that T4 adjustment prior to bloodwork.. So I didn't technically know at that point that my gear was real or not, or whether it was truly my T4 dose ruining my precious gains.

I'm here to confirm, after 3-4 weeks of medication being adjusted, and bloodwork coming back positive for PSL's legitimacy.. I was indeed suffering from a drug interaction.

I am now gaining at a very welcoming rate. On Thursday, I reported to 3J at 196.5lbs.. that's over 1.5lbs up from the previous week. Yesterday (Sunday), I weighed myself dry in the morning at 198.5+ it was very very close to 199. I'd say everything is going very well now and I'm extremely happy to report so.

As far as pinning go, I've got a good thing going now and have been rotating delts and ventro glute. Little to no pip.. very little soreness if any! Amazing stuff.

This first cycle is turning out very well!

Thanks for reading!
Hi, short and sweet here this time.

Feeling great, a very uplifted and outgoing individual at work lately. A riot of laughter and sense of well being these past few weeks actually. This shit's great. Today's injection marked 1 of 2 for Week 12 (the final injection week for the Test)... dum dum dummmm.. BUT! I have I am hoping enough for another week, I'm at the very end of the vial here and I think I might just finish it off for sake of not having 2 injections worth of test sitting around for 4-5 months AND for potentially another 1-2 lbs of mass. This would put me at 13 weeks of injections and I don't see it being much more of a problem than 12 weeks at this point.. especially considering how late I had my blood work and how well it still looked that far in.

If anyone reading this has any opinions on that extra week.. please feel free to explain your thoughts on it. I'd be happy to listen to the risks/rewards and decide against it if it's not advised.

Alright, now just a quick statement about my workouts.. I've been spacing them out the past week or two, sometimes just doing Upper Body, and Lower Body days.. Or training 3 days a week and really getting some good rest in. I feel absolutely fantastic. Everytime I'm in the gym my weights are up (just a tad of course), my reps are up, my energy is great and I'll work like a dog until I leave because of it! I'm seeing some excellent results from adding in some additional rest, but these next 4 weeks I'll be grinding it out each day and leaving the weekends off, back to the usual!

Over and out fellers. Thanks for reading!
Definitely finish it off, 2 more injections, no point in letting it just sit there. What was your net gain on this first cycle?
Definitely finish it off, 2 more injections, no point in letting it just sit there. What was your net gain on this first cycle?

Well, I'm still on it and moving at a rate of 1.5lbs/week.. I can't really say yet. At least not net. Isn't net like a post loss number? Like net income (post tax and post investment)

Anyway, I wake up around 200 now, my diet is pretty clean, I have 1 cheat meal a week and a few gainer shakes throughout the week as well but only in addition to my regular meals. If all goes well, I'll be a little over 200 Thursday morning, 202 next week, and hopefully snag 5-6 more lbs through the non injection weeks between and the 4 weeks of PCT.

So, I started bulking at 178. I started cycle at 183. I am now 200lbs so that's 17lbs on cycle, 22lbs for the bulk thus far. And now, I'm still moving up weight at week 12 with no apparent signs of it stopping until my test goes back down.

A lot of people I think expect a huge loss after cycle.. so I'll keep this log going with updates for a couple months after PCT just to give people an idea of what can be kept.

Is it bad to pre-load syringes of test? That way I can see if I really have enough to finish out an extra week?