First Cycle Log - PSL Test E

Sure, I started my bulk at 178, gained 3-5lbs and then started cycle. At my highest weight I was 201, fasted, first thing in the morning.

I'm on Week 3 of PCT, and am at 196.5lbs. Unfortunately, there are many factors that could have caused the loss, some controllable, some not.. it's hard to say exactly. But either way, nearly over 20lbs while on and I had a few weeks of complications during cycle that I didn't gain anything. (Drug interaction made me lower my prescribed thyroid dose to get me gaining again).

So, weight 183lbs to 201lbs, now I'm 196-197lbs. Not the worst, not the best. I'm happy with the experience and the gear was good to go, nearly 0 pip (any I did have was my own fault).

In terms of strength, I saw very noticeable improvements in aggression in the gym, motivation in the gym and life, and definitely a clear improvement of strength.. nothing like the immediate strength of an oral, but it's just enough that you don't get stupid with weight in my opinion, keeps you humble and focused. Basically, I went from dropping 10-20lbs per set to get more reps to only 5-10lbs and capable of doing additional sets to boot.

For example :

Starting dumbbell press - I'd go 75-80lbs/4reps, then drop to 65-70lbs/6, (55-60/8, 30/20) Superset

On cycle I was capable of consistently dropping only 5lbs off and doing two high rep extra sets. 85/4, 80/6, 75/8, 70/10, (65/12, 40/20) Superset


So I'd aim to improve one exercise per day like that.. and do my normals for the other movements. Typically I'd add major volume like that to my compound movements, and leave the isolation the same.

Anyway, hope this answers your questions. I'll answer more if you've got any?

Thanks for the reply, pretty good info.
Im jumping on my first cycle soon and hearing other peoples experience is very helpful.
Did you have any bad sides whatsoever and if so how did u manage them?
Thanks for the reply, pretty good info.
Im jumping on my first cycle soon and hearing other peoples experience is very helpful.
Did you have any bad sides whatsoever and if so how did u manage them?

On cycle, Acne on my back. It wasn't terrible, but there were new ones everyday. If you have a girl who's nice enough, she'll make sure to wash it really good for you every time you shower like mine does :)

Off cycle (guessing the Clomid), I've developed a little more acne, little zits across my shoulders, back as usual, and some on my chest, a few sometimes around my hairline. Just make sure you scrub yourself good I'd say. Also, I've been tanning.. the oil might not help my case right now..

Last side effect. This ones irrelevant to most but you asked so I'll be thorough and make mention of it. Around Week 7 I stopped gaining.. for like 3 weeks I went without gaining a single pound. I was eating 4500+ a day.. and nothing... so I did some research on possible drug interactions with my thyroid medication and low and behold it was the issue. Test amplifies the effects of T3, and T4. So, essentially my body was eating through everything I was giving it... But with the interaction it made me require more calories as I was burning more now... Sure enough, I adjust the dosage and within 1-2 weeks I'm gaining steadily again.

Hope this helps. :)
Today my Melanotan II order came in! Bravo to RUI/AR-R, the product packaging was impeccable, still cold even with a weather delayed delivery! Ordered needles too, they came just fine.

I reconstituted my first ever vial of the peptide with my on-hand BAC water and injected 0.8mg right into my abdominal fat! I felt a very small amount of nausea, but the only real side effect I felt was getting flush in the face. People were like, your face is really red what's wrong? I was like...??, went to the mirror and yep, looked like rosatia.. that red blotchy rash you get from a hot shower on your arms.. (if you're pretty white like me)

I plan to load with 0.8mg-1mg of it per day for 10-14 days, and then run a maintenance dose of .7mg -.8mg two to three times a week. Should last me the next couple months.

Very much looking forward to keeping a "mini log" of it on here, as I run my cycle out, and lead up to the final bloodwork. I've been tanning for a couple weeks now, every other day.. building a little base tan. Hoping this will get me that really nice goldish brown color I'm after. :)

Thanks for reading!
On cycle, Acne on my back. It wasn't terrible, but there were new ones everyday. If you have a girl who's nice enough, she'll make sure to wash it really good for you every time you shower like mine does :)

Off cycle (guessing the Clomid), I've developed a little more acne, little zits across my shoulders, back as usual, and some on my chest, a few sometimes around my hairline. Just make sure you scrub yourself good I'd say. Also, I've been tanning.. the oil might not help my case right now..

Last side effect. This ones irrelevant to most but you asked so I'll be thorough and make mention of it. Around Week 7 I stopped gaining.. for like 3 weeks I went without gaining a single pound. I was eating 4500+ a day.. and nothing... so I did some research on possible drug interactions with my thyroid medication and low and behold it was the issue. Test amplifies the effects of T3, and T4. So, essentially my body was eating through everything I was giving it... But with the interaction it made me require more calories as I was burning more now... Sure enough, I adjust the dosage and within 1-2 weeks I'm gaining steadily again.

Hope this helps. :)

Good info again!
Sucks for those 3 weeks, you could have gained even more, but yeah not that big deal.
I dont personally care much about acne but Im a bit scared about gyno ahah
Good info again!
Sucks for those 3 weeks, you could have gained even more, but yeah not that big deal.
I dont personally care much about acne but Im a bit scared about gyno ahah

Gyno is one of those things that the internet has blown out of proportion. It exists, and it's important to know how to prevent it. But it's not really as common as everyone thinks, and isn't exactly common to develop a severe case of it either. Like one that couldn't be reversed.

Many confuse, being fat with gyno.. Many males develop fat on their chests, doesn't mean they have gyno.

Make sure if you cycle, you know how to take an AI, and familiarize yourself with PCT protocols. Clomid/Nolvadex
Raloxifene, maybe.
And don't disregard HCG, it's a necessity.

Thanks for reading!
Gyno is one of those things that the internet has blown out of proportion. It exists, and it's important to know how to prevent it. But it's not really as common as everyone thinks, and isn't exactly common to develop a severe case of it either. Like one that couldn't be reversed.

Many confuse, being fat with gyno.. Many males develop fat on their chests, doesn't mean they have gyno.

Make sure if you cycle, you know how to take an AI, and familiarize yourself with PCT protocols. Clomid/Nolvadex
Raloxifene, maybe.
And don't disregard HCG, it's a necessity.

Thanks for reading!

Well I'm on TRT so no pct for me!
Im still not sure if Aromasin or Arimidex on cycle tho. You used Arimidex eod if im not wrong? Seems like it did the job didnt it?
Yeah actually. It worked very well at 0.25mg EOD. No complaints.

Nice about no PCT.. Im slightly jealous of those on a good TRT protocol. It has its pros and cons I'm sure.
Yeah actually. It worked very well at 0.25mg EOD. No complaints.

Nice about no PCT.. Im slightly jealous of those on a good TRT protocol. It has its pros and cons I'm sure.

Good to know I think I'll stick to Arimidex either, Ill open a diary thread like this when I begin the cycle, thanks for the asnwers

And about the TRT, well I really have no choice ahah
I cant produce any test since when I was young, I have no idea what having "natural" testosterone means but yeah the no pct thing is nice
Melanotan II is awesome, getting tanner every day. You can definitely still burn on this stuff though, so for anyone reading who's fairer skinned, it's an amazing drug but it's not completely fool-proof. Use your head, I bumped up from 10 minutes in a bed to 12 and it didn't burn me a lot but I could tell had I gone for more that I would have been much worse off.

Today ends PCT Week 3, and brings me to the final week. Everything seems good. Balls seem heavier, libido is fine, tits aren't sore or itchy, developing acne. Normal PCT stuff I'd say. Looking forward to bloods in a month or so. :)

Anyway, thanks for reading I just wanted to get in a quick update.
What's up!

This thread will contain all the juicy info of my first cycle.

As is recommended by the community here I've decided to go with Testosterone only for my first cycle, with a little HCG and Arimidex as well.
Cycle Schedule

Weeks 1-12
250mg/3.5 days - Testosterone Enanthate
250iu's/3.5 days - HCG
.25mg - EOD - Arimidex

Weeks 13-14
250iu's/3.5 days - HCG
.25mg - EOD - Arimidex
Beginning the 15th week, approximately 14 days after my final Testosterone injection, I will begin my PCT.
PCT Schedule

Weeks 1-2
Clomid 50mg/day
Nolvadex 40mg/day

Weeks 3-4
Clomid 50mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

Alright, so thats the skinny on how I plan on running everything.

As far as injections go, I did my first one yesterday right around this time. The pinning went great actually. I was very clean, wore gloves, wiped everything clean before drawing or injecting, aspirated, and didn't hit a vein my first time... This was my only real worry to be honest.
I knew to pull back on the syringe and check before injecting and was very relieved when no blood came in!

Okay, so that went great, I had no pain injecting. I went to work about an hour after injecting and as the night went on my ass got pretty sore. The worse it ever got was about as bad as someone punching or kneeing it. I of course got online and read 1,000,000 threads on pain and what's normal what's not. I have no redness, heat, fever, or festering so I'm fine! Just virgin muscle soreness. This morning it's just slightly sore, again, with no visual indications of an internal issue.

Note : I attempted the first injection with both Test and HCG, drawn both with a 23, and injected with a 25. I had no problem getting the product into the syringe, but keeping it from just being big HCG bubbles inside my Test's oily solution posed difficult.. It also made it very hard to tell how much I actually drew up. With that being said, I needed .25ml of my HCG solution, and had already pulled 1ml of my test into the syringe. I basically just pulled to the 1.5ml to account for the space the bubbles were taking up and ordered some insulin syringes to avoid this next week or the following week when they arrive. I would imagine, if I don't get the HCG dose perfect the first week or even the first two weeks, that it wouldn't be a huge deal cause the Test hasn't had time to completely shut me down yet. Surely let me know otherwise if it's a huge deal, but I'll just continue trying the dual solution until my insulin pins arrive.

All in all, one day of injecting, and months of preparing, I feel pretty good about this. Can't wait to feel the effects! Thanks for reading and stay tuned, maybe I'll just xfer my training log into this thread as well. I just got a Chromebook, so posting will be a lot easier now that I'm using a real keyboard and not my phone. That is all!

Do you just repeat your steps after your done with week 3-4 of clomid and nolvadex?
Do you just repeat your steps after your done with week 3-4 of clomid and nolvadex?

Absolutely not actually.

So, to just kinda give you the most abrupt "no-bull" response to this question.. it's as simple as this.

You cycle "on" for set amount of time, PCT for set amount of time and then go into a normalization period. Normalization period = Cycle time + PCT time. Then, you may repeat the steps over and begin your next cycle.

Example : I ran test for 12 weeks, but it was active at above 1/2 concentration for 2 weeks at least. So 14 weeks. PCT will be 4-5 weeks depending on my mood at the end.. if I want to run out clomid for a fifth week or not.

14 (cycle on time) + 5 (pct time) = 19 weeks of normalization.

Thats nearly 5 months! I know... But, start any sooner and you'll be risking your balls forever.. taking a good long break is well worth the wait when you may potentially be shut down forever from running the next cycle so immediately.

Unless you're going to commit to TRT and be injecting for life.. that's a whole different deal though.
Hey any before and after pics?

Ummmm, I can find my intra cycle pics I took and post them. Might be a minute though. (Day or Two)

Honestly, I just feel fat as fuck right now and my gym-going is not as consistent as I'd like... I'm just not up to snuff physique wise. Perhaps an after picture when I go into the cut and drop 10-15lbs?
Ummmm, I can find my intra cycle pics I took and post them. Might be a minute though. (Day or Two)

Honestly, I just feel fat as fuck right now and my gym-going is not as consistent as I'd like... I'm just not up to snuff physique wise. Perhaps an after picture when I go into the cut and drop 10-15lbs?

You've been dodging the picture request for a while LOL
Absolutely not actually.

So, to just kinda give you the most abrupt "no-bull" response to this question.. it's as simple as this.

You cycle "on" for set amount of time, PCT for set amount of time and then go into a normalization period. Normalization period = Cycle time + PCT time. Then, you may repeat the steps over and begin your next cycle.

Example : I ran test for 12 weeks, but it was active at above 1/2 concentration for 2 weeks at least. So 14 weeks. PCT will be 4-5 weeks depending on my mood at the end.. if I want to run out clomid for a fifth week or not.

14 (cycle on time) + 5 (pct time) = 19 weeks of normalization.

Thats nearly 5 months! I know... But, start any sooner and you'll be risking your balls forever.. taking a good long break is well worth the wait when you may potentially be shut down forever from running the next cycle so immediately.

Unless you're going to commit to TRT and be injecting for life.. that's a whole different deal though.

Thanks for answering my question, I glad you told me this information or else I would of just reset. :biggthump
I was just curious because I am starting a test e at 500mg/week next week.

Yeah, I'm 20lbs heavier, little fatter but definitely packed on some meat too.

Unless I'm in the gym every day though, I get soft.. and therefore I don't look optimal in my eyes to take a picture.. not to mention I'm 3 weeks done in PCT and have acne on my shoulders/back/chest.. not the best looking at the moment.

Let's shoot for a definite pic post-cutting. I'll be off any meds for a while, lean, tan, and feel a little more comfortable about it all lol
Fitting a post in here while I have a spare moment!

I am very pleased with the MT2.. you can very passively tan and surpass those trying their hearts out to build a base! :)
I started pinning it before bed to counter the nausea and not worry about the red face. It's working very well!
I pinned it at 1mg daily for 15 days. And will now go to 1mg a week for 10 weeks or more depending on if I buy extra ahead of time. My pinning will be split Mon/Thurs 0.5mg per shot.

My arms are very resistant to tanning, but everything else is just right!

PCT ended last Thursday. Bloods are next on the agenda, will be having it drawn and tested in 6-8 weeks. :)

So far I actually feel pretty good, have little in the area of breast development, definitely getting fatter cause I'm lazy exercising wise right now.. but I'm still very excitable muscularly, and hard!

Hitting the gym tonight, need to get back in the swing of things.
Well prepared? You got all of RUI in your cabinet haha :D

I just talked to a good friend of mine about his test deca cycle, he used no AI, no SERMS, no HCG. Literally nothing... blew my mind. He was big, carried a ton of water, felt like shit, had a very bad case of erectile dysfunction.. took him a long time to recover after that cycle. Somehow he did... but he was 230-240 after that cycle, dude weighs 175 now. He said he knew all about this stuff before going into it, but decided to go into it unprotected, and now wishes he had done it correctly.

This place (the forum) really is crucial in helping people understand how to use AAS safely. Grateful for it, really. Being friends with people that don't take proper precautions, if I had continued on the path I was on.. it was a matter of time before TRT. Still could be.. but dammit I have a lot better of a chance now of putting it off till later.

Your friend sounds like me. I did two cycles first with test 400 tren 200, horrible shut down no AI no pct lost my lady etc. Was hormonal and actually cried. I guess I didn't learn somehow recovered but not sure my test was normal go back on a test deca and eq cycle. Again no AI till the end when my junk didn't work. No pct other then some test boosters sadly, didn't know how to get the stuff. Year and a half later and I feel like I have low test, no energy, Brain fog, junk works great most days but anyways this forum definitely has taught me alot and next cycle won't be done till planned out perfectly
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