First cycle of Test, 59 years old


New member

I have been lurking on here and other sites for over 7 months doing homework. Thanks to all you folks for relating your own experiences and cycle advise.

As I said, I am near 60 years of age. I am 200 lbs, 5'10', 10% body fat and have been working out for almost 2 years.

I watch diet very closely. I was nearly 300lbs of pure fat when I started last year. Worked out daily at 0530, 30-45 min on treadmill pushing it, but have cut that down to 20 min a couple of times per week and focused on lifting.

Working out well but I just have to see what T-Enanthate at 500mg IM BID on Mon and Thursday will do. I am a medical professional and realize I cannot do this for long at my age, but I do not think one or two cycles will hurt, either.

I take no medications, BP is 100/64, HR 60 and have no joint problems (yet).

Have taken one dose of T-E, about 3 days ago. Feeling a BIT more like going to the gym and lifting fucking heavy weights, but I have read it is 3 weeks before I can expect to see much. Or 4-5.

I will keep you posted as to how it goes. Have Nov and Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I think at this low dose, I should not have any estrogen problems, but will take it anyway, PCT.

If I don't live through this, I might not post much more about all this. :gives:
Good luck, Yeah it takes at least 3 weeks to kick in. What you are feeling is all in your head. You should at least have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand if estrogen problems do occur. You don't want nolva for that on cycle. Nolva and clomid are for post cycle therapy (pct). Make sure you get bloodwork done before and after cycle at your age. If you haven't gotten it get it done immediately.
I wish the best to you man.
Let us know how it goes, id like you to keep me posted on this.
I have a friend who is around 55 and hes running test/tren without much results..
Just getting to that age where he cant do it anymore i guess.
Either that or hes not training hard enough or eat right :P
Hi Nitzo,

Will do. Been almost a week and expect to wait 2 more. I do eat like a Spartan and do treadmill and weight training 3 times per week.
Good gear? I have never heard of it not helping some. But then I don't know much about this. I will keep you posted man. I expect good results and will be dissappointed if I don't get them. I have never heard of age being a factor in T not working. I would think it would work better due to reduced amounts. What is he running?

im 49 i havent done a cycle since 96 (back problems) i started a cycle 15 wks ago, it was supposed to be 12 but i feel so good i dont want to stop. im up 22 lbs. benchin 325 for 6 reps ,could do more but i have delt pain. Im chasin my wife around the house 6 days a week. anyway i cant say anything bad about it, i hope your experience is as good as mine is. good luck and good job on the weight loss!
Thanks and hope it works so well for me. Been a week now and finally over the test flu. HOwever, I had an MMR booster the day after (for traveling) after my first injection, so hard to say what it was. But think it might have been both. No appetite for sev. days, tired, want to sleep. Weird. I feel bigger in chest and am thinking it is water gain? What does this long chain ester DO for 3-4 weeks before one feels the effects? I am still searching for exactly what the long chain ester is doing the first 3 weeks or you know physiologically what it is doing? :chimney::chimney:

Better today and hoping something kicks in soon. will.

I don't have any HGH for this cycle. Too expensive but am considering ordering some in a week or two. How much would I minimally need?

Day 7 tomorrow since starting TE. Took one dose of 400mg last Wed., then a dose of 250 Sat and now on the Mon-Thurs schedule and will take another 250 tomorrow. First day I have felt good. Got a vaccine the day after my first injection, but think I might have had the T flu and the reaction from the vaccine. Was not nauseated, but just did not want to eat for several days. Today I am hungry and feel much better.

About a 5 pound weight gain which I imagine is water and perhaps not related to the T?
Coming up on two weeks with frontloading of T E (Testososterone Depot-Galk) with 750 and 250 per week x 2 (total of 500 a week) on Sun and Thurs.

Problem is the gym and eating. Still off my appetite but trying and taking increased protein and forcing food. Gym, don't feel like going at all. Tired and went yest. Tried to lift normal (heavy fing weights! lol) and just had no ambition to finish and noticed my joints kind of hurt. Did ONE rep of tricep exercises and they are sore today. WEIRD.

Will keep you posted as I get into the next 2-3 weeks. Hoping it kicks in and I cannot wait to get to the gym. I already look like a 25 year old body with an UGLY old head but hoping the T will help me increase muscle size adn get rid of the final fat around my belly. Not much just enough to cover my abs which are finally becoming visable.

Waiting for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to come in the mail and have Comid, but will need more.

Any ideas about what the next week or so holds for me?

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the feeling of well being is weird. I am unemployed (business went South fast), house payment behind and frantically looking for work. Am a medical professional. BUT nothing around here and am looking to travel a bit for short assignments. NO ONE is calling me back. Normally I would be freaking out. YEsterday and today I have felt calm, not "speedy", confident and got a call from NC today, which of course I missed. lol...but I know it will all work out.

This is not normal for me. I am usually (in situations like this) so worried I stand and stare while worrying and seeing "the end" coming~! lol

Could this be testosterone working at a "quiet" level?
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Nothing. Coming up on 3 weeks next Wed. I am trusting you guys that this is even worth it and hoping something "happens" next week. No real weight gain or anything. BUT you all said it takes at least three weeks?
3 weeks and nothing yet

3 weeks of 500 Test E per week (frontloaded 750) and other than some "feelings" nothing visable and no "explosion" as I have read about. Using Test Depot from Galenk. Eating ok, workiing out every other day.
one day past three weeks. nothing....muscles supposed to feel "something"?

Hard to know what, "I exploded after the 3rd week! (former poster diff thread):bash:" means.... when I feel nothing. Test E at 500 week (M and Th). Water gain, nothing else. Horrible appetite. Any observations from the experienced would be appreciated. Thanks.