First cycle Q??


New member
ok guys just got a few questions been doing some research and havent found all the answers yet but ...

thhis is my first cycle ever on this kinda stuff only other thing i have been using is jacked3d...

so im going to be doing :

Metha-Drol Extreme - 1 bottle
Anabolic-Matrix Rx - 1 bottle
Ultra Male Rx - 1 cap daily
Advanced Cycle Support Rx - 1 bottle
E-Control Rx - 1 bottle


Metha-Drol Extreme - 2 caps daily (1 cap AM / 1 cap PM)
Anabolic-Matrix Rx - 2 caps daily with food
Ultra Male Rx - 1 cap daily
Advanced Cycle Support Rx - 2 caps daily


Ultra Male Rx - 1 cap daily
Anabolic-Matrix Rx - 2 caps daily with food
Advanced Cycle Support Rx - 2 caps daily
E-Control Rx - 3 caps daily (last 3 weeks)


does this have everything that i need for the full 8 weeks all the pct and everything??
or is this too harsh for a first cycle and too many orals ??

or what other option is there for me to take for a first cycle ?

kinda a noob but been working out for abt 2yrs+ im at 5'8 and weight 130

thanks any help is appreciated!!
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For a first cycle that is hardcore and you will explode on it. If you want to add to your PCT grab some clomid from RUI and you will be set.
yea i kinda figgured this is too much for a first cycle ...what do you recommend for a first cycle? i want to gain weight and muscle mass ???
thanks all the help is appreciated!
What's your age 18, 19? 130lbs.??? Unless you're a female, you might want to start upping the calories before you go jumping into a cycle of anything.
For a first cycle that is hardcore and you will explode on it. If you want to add to your PCT grab some clomid from RUI and you will be set.

Why would you advocate this without knowing any specific details, especially since this is his first cycle.

I made an impulse decision on a pro-hormone due to a site sponsor doing something similar in my case.

I don't mean any disrespect, it just pisses me off when I see shit like this.

The guy is probably 18.
im 24 actually ....just need some insight on what to try for the first time...gaining weight is really tough for you guys recommend andromass or androbulk???
Alright I'll start there ...this kinda stuff would be my last alternative! But lets go with the weight gainers and see how that works for now.... thanks man
Alright I'll start there ...this kinda stuff would be my last alternative! But lets go with the weight gainers and see how that works for now.... thanks man

The age was irrelevant I was just trying to make a point to the guy. You can gain so much weight from food alone at only 130lbs. Nice to have you on the forum man. Start writing shit down bro, diet, training, everything and you will start to see results. Stick around here and ask people for diet advice. The diet section is great.

Use weight gainer to 'supplement' your whole food intake. You should simply be using that to boost daily caloric intake, it's not near as good as whole food.

Personally I def wouldn't drop all that $ on those products, you're better off spending the money on quality food. Ask around I'm sure you'll hear the same stuff.