First Cycle questions about Aromasin


New member
Hi everyone. So I had a few brief questions about what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I should be running. Let me start by saying i will be doing a 12 week cycle of Test E only pinning 250mg 2x per week. As for post cycle therapy (pct), ill be running the usual combo of Nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/50/50.

So to begin, as far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I'm leaning towards aromasin. Nothing against letro or Adex, but Aromasin seems to be the most logical option based on what I have read. From this, I'd like some opinions from more experienced users about whether this is the best Aromatase inhibitor (AI) based on my cycle.

Next, I would like to know if most people use 12.5mg ED or EoD of aromasin for a beginning cycle such as mine? Also, do you continue running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on pct?

Finally, with what is most likely the stupidest question, Aromasin is introduced to the system orally correct even in the case of its liquid form and not say, IM or SubQ?
Thanks in advance
12.5mg ED would be a good starting point in my opinion. I've been reading lately though that this may not be enough and may require 25mg ED, but as the amount of estrogen we aromatize is very much up to our genetics, I'd start small and work from there. It's far easier to bring estrogen down than it is to bring it back up if we go too far.

My .02c :)
Further to the OPs question ad other threads that have popped up lately, would you suggest dosing 12.5 ED of Aromasin every morning or would it make sense to split this up into two doses of 6.25 (morning/night) since its halflife is pretty short?

I'm kind of regretting getting stane rather than adex. There seems to be so many unknowns with aromasin...
Further to the OPs question ad other threads that have popped up lately, would you suggest dosing 12.5 ED of Aromasin every morning or would it make sense to split this up into two doses of 6.25 (morning/night) since its halflife is pretty short?

I'm kind of regretting spending all my $$ on stane rather than adex. There seems to be so many unknowns with aromasin...

Haha, I was on adex for YEARS but decided to move over after reading how arimidex can cause drowsiness which was plaguing me for some time and was requiring a bit of caffeine to get me moving. Juced_Porkchop actually has me thinking about letro now as it's the most bang for the buck, but I want to do some more research on it as I've always thought it was intended for gyno recovery only. I think bhrees is trying the 2x day split with aromasin right now to see if it makes a difference. Splitting it would keep the blood levels more stable at least, but I don't know with any certainty if that will make a difference in the big scheme of things.
Haha, I was on adex for YEARS but decided to move over after reading how arimidex can cause drowsiness which was plaguing me for some time and was requiring a bit of caffeine to get me moving. Juced_Porkchop actually has me thinking about letro now as it's the most bang for the buck, but I want to do some more research on it as I've always thought it was intended for gyno recovery only. I think bhrees is trying the 2x day split with aromasin right now to see if it makes a difference. Splitting it would keep the blood levels more stable at least, but I don't know with any certainty if that will make a difference in the big scheme of things.

Haha same here, letro has be intrigued, especially because juiced used to be a big aromasin supporter. Maybe I'll give it a go next time.

I'm about to start my cycle in a little over a week with Stane, I'm going to try morning/night dosing and see how it goes. I'll post bloods mid cycle. Good shit as always halfwit.
after my blood work came back with a 35 for E2 from using 12.5 i decided to only double up on the days i think im spiking, so one to two time a week i add an evening dose
Awesome, thanks for the replies fellas. And as far as dosing morning and night, I had never heard this so great info for me!
Haha same here, letro has be intrigued, especially because juiced used to be a big aromasin supporter. Maybe I'll give it a go next time.

I'm about to start my cycle in a little over a week with Stane, I'm going to try morning/night dosing and see how it goes. I'll post bloods mid cycle. Good shit as always halfwit.
Yeah, when one of the vets speaks, I'm definitely inclined to listen. I'm going to be getting bloods done in a week and a half to see how stane is working for me, then probably pick up some letro and have a try at that. Definitely interested in your results! :)

after my blood work came back with a 35 for E2 from using 12.5 i decided to only double up on the days i think im spiking, so one to two time a week i add an evening dose

Also interested in how this works out for you brother. It's funny how obsessed we get as we get older with trying to perfect these things. ;)
diluadid i hear works well...


I learned the hard way why it's called "kicking he habit". That stuff scares the SHIT out of me now as I was prescribed (hydromorphone) it for a really bad case of spinal arthritis and a crushed disc. My doctor at the time (fired his ass) had me on a HUGE dose which of course felt GREAT as I was stoned more than a teenie bopper at a Pink Floyd laser show. Then he made me go cold turkey (which can kill you) because he didn't want to take the risk of having the DEA look at him with scrutiny. It was a week of HELL!

For those interested, it's called "kicking the habit" because your mind literally freaks out and your legs will spasm into uncontrollable kicks when you're trying to sleep. Never, ever again - I'll take the pain from now on thankyouverymuch! :p
lol yea def dont take diluadid for muscle pain haha.... that med i meant for gunshot wound pain lol
It's more potent than pure morphine, yeah - stuff is strong! Oh, fun fact: Opiates can render you hypogonadal with extended use. :p
after my blood work came back with a 35 for E2 from using 12.5 i decided to only double up on the days i think im spiking, so one to two time a week i add an evening dose

What do you aim for as a good E2 level? Mid to high 20's? Also, what are the tell tale signs that make you think you're spiking. Since 35 is a good E2 level, I wouldn't imagine there would be any blatant signs of a spike, how do you guage this?