first cycle should I stack


New member
Height: 74***8221;
Weight : 214
Age: 24
I have been lifting for years and cant seem to get any decent size on me that stick. A buddy of mine has been taking teste 250 and gave me a cycle. I was wondering if I should just take the teste 250 alone or should I stack it with winstrol or anything else. I am new to this and I dont want to take his word on it. I have been going through the message forums and many individuals have different replies because of the individuals body specifications. This will be my first cycle the more advice the better.

Thank you,

I forgot to add I will be taking 1 cc of the teste 250 once a week for a ten week cycle.
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It's too small a dose. Take 2 shots per week for 10 or 12 weeks. Learn about aromatise inhibitors, SERMS, PCT, diet, etc. Just keep reading the boards.
twice a week

Thank you for your response, so I should take two doses a week for a ten week cycle. Do you recommend any aromatise inhibitors or SERMS, and should I start them at the same time I start the test cycle?
500 Mg a week, ,take 250 on Monday and 250 on Thursday, ,better to run it 12 weeks , long esters like test e don't really start working. , noticeably, until week 5 , should you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin ar adex well you really wont know that's why you should do a test only cycle first to see how your react, but definitely have one on hand, pct should include nolva and clomid, ,and you can find that out with the stickies, ,good luck
You really should just keep reading. If you have to ask about how and when to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then you aren't knowledgable enough to start using.
I know I am not knowledgeable enough yet, that is why I joined the forum to get enough insight from experienced users. The best way to gain the knowledge is go straight to the source. Do you think it would be better to take an oral steroid for my first run then? The oral stack would be D-anobal and Deca 250 with a liver saver for toxicity levels. I am just trying to gather enough knowledge from experienced individuals.
Test E 500mg a week 1-12
Aromisin(exemestane) on hand or 12.5 mg a day if any estro side 1-18
Clomid 50mg,50,50,50 15-18 (4 weeks)
Nolva 40,40,20,20. 15-18 (4 weeks)

Or torem 60,60,30,30. 15-18 (4 weeks)

Read the stickys at the too of this forum
test enth is a good starter but u should get a minimum of 500mgs per week and read up on pcts, ai's, and diet diet diet diet. fuck all works without a disciplined diet and proper training........still need to do the basics train hard and eat good!
I know I am not knowledgeable enough yet, that is why I joined the forum to get enough insight from experienced users. The best way to gain the knowledge is go straight to the source. Do you think it would be better to take an oral steroid for my first run then? The oral stack would be D-anobal and Deca 250 with a liver saver for toxicity levels. I am just trying to gather enough knowledge from experienced individuals.

do not run an oral only cycle...

user laid it out perfectly for you!
I'm basically doing (currently in week 4) the exact cycle User204 laid out, except I'm only taking 400mg Test E (200mg Mon and Thurs).

This is my first cycle in 12 years.

Do I really need to bump it up another 100mgs or am I ok?
