First cycle Stanozol/Naposim


New member
Hey guys, i'm 18 years old, 19 in 7 months .. i have been working out for 3 years now with 2 months pause because of prolapsed disc, doctors said that i should stop, but i didn't and i'm already alright. I wanna start my cycle with Stanozol and Naposim, both tablets for 7 weeks.. 200 tab of Stanozol and 100 of Naposim what do you think ?
Do you know what your endocrine system is?

Do you know what your HPTA is and what happens to it when you take any form of AAS?
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That's the cycle btw.

And yeah, i know both for sure
Oral cycles are for women only. Everything shuts down your natural test production. Without test, you will not be a functional male and likely be on your way to a sex change...