First cycle starting on monday, last checks


New member
Hello everyone,

Im gonna start my first cycle ever on monday, Test En only for 10/12 weeks (will see how it goes after 10).
Im 27 years old, 168 cm and 62 kilos, not sure about bodyfat, Im quite lean. I've been training seriously for 3 years, Im on TRT lifelong.
My nutrition and workout plans are provided by 3J and I feel pretty happy about it already, gonna be a 5 days split and on 3500 calories with different carb intake throughout the week, goal is building muscle staying fairly lean.

My cycle will be:

250 ml Schering Testoviron Enhantate E5D
Arimidex 0.25 EoD

No PCT cause Im on TRT forever. First pin gonna be on glutes this monday.
I have Nolva on hand, blood work done and everything is fine, gonna do more of them every 2 weeks to make sure everything is fine.

Any constructive criticism happily accepted, I will update and give more deep infos about everything if anyone is interested.
Cheers :)
so your already taking test being your on TRT , correct.. whats your trt dosage ? I got on trt a few years back myself, my first cycle was just like yours, 250 mg test every 5 days and I ran that for 20 weeks.. made plenty of gains. if I was to go back and do it again though I would do 250 mg twice a week M/F.. also, being on trt you already know how your body reacts to test, personally I'd through another compound in there and really try and get the most out of this blast.
so your already taking test being your on TRT , correct.. whats your trt dosage ? I got on trt a few years back myself, my first cycle was just like yours, 250 mg test every 5 days and I ran that for 20 weeks.. made plenty of gains. if I was to go back and do it again though I would do 250 mg twice a week M/F.. also, being on trt you already know how your body reacts to test, personally I'd through another compound in there and really try and get the most out of this blast.

My TRT dosage is very very low, always been, this is the very first big blast I do so it should give me pretty nice gains.
I might consider running a bit more than 250/E5D but I dont wanna get over 400 mg/week and I prefer running just test for this time, I'm not experienced enough to mess up with multiple compounds at once
Hey everyone!
Not sure if anybody cares but anyways, started my cycle today.
First pin on right glute, no pain or anything but yeah, Im used to injections and Test En so no surprises here.
I trained my chest, pretty intense stuff by 3J, got some problems resting 45 seconds only and finding out the right weight for the reps range, but I took note of everything so its gonna be better next time.
The diet is pretty intense for me either, not used to eat that much protein, but im committed.
Looking forward some nice gains
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Hey everyone!
Not sure if anybody cares but anyways, started my cycle today.
First pin on right glute, no pain or anything but yeah, Im used to injections and Test En so no surprises here.
I trained my chest, pretty intense stuff by 3J, got some problems resting 45 minutes only and finding out the right weight for the reps range, but I took note of everything so its gonna be better next time.
The diet is pretty intense for me either, not used to eat that much protein, but im committed.
Looking forward some nice gains

45 minutes of rest?? ;)