First Cycle Suggestions.


Big Cahunas
Im ready totake the plunge what do you guys think would be good to start on. I have never taken a steriod in my life and have no idea what to do so I appreciate your help right now. Im 6'0 226 pounds @ 11% bf.
well what do you want from teh cycle? just bulking or do you wanna cut near the end of the cycle?
what is your training history? also the most common recomended first cycle is 500mg of test a week for 8-12 weeks. i would do 12
didactic said:
Why 12 weeks? I train 3/4 times a week depending on work.

Why 12? 'Cause it takes four or five weeks for the effects of the drugs to really kick in, and most guys seem to hit a plateau in their strength and weight gains by week 12.
i like a minimum of 10 weeks on test cyp/eth/sus250/omnas and i prefer 12 weeks because they are a long ester and will take a while to build up blood levels
didactic said:
Then how soon can I move on to the next cycle and will I keep all my gains?

Already planning for the second? You steroid addict you! :D

Keeping the gains all depends on how well you manage your diet and training after the cycle.

Don't forget the post-cycle therapy to help your nuts recover.

The general wisdom is time off = time on; if you take a 12-week cycle, wait at least 12 weeks before starting another.
didactic said:
Then how soon can I move on to the next cycle and will I keep all my gains?
if you run 12 weeks then wait 2 weeks to begin post cycle therapy (pct) and run 3 weeks post cycle therapy (pct) thats a total of 17 weeks . so 17 weeks from post cycle therapy (pct) till next cycle is reccomended
Mr. dB said:
Already planning for the second? You steroid addict you! :D

Keeping the gains all depends on how well you manage your diet and training after the cycle.

Don't forget the post-cycle therapy to help your nuts recover.

The general wisdom is time off = time on; if you take a 12-week cycle, wait at least 12 weeks before starting another.

And what post cycle therapy do I have to do? and is there anything I need to take along side the test so there are no sides and so I can keep the gains?
didactic said:
Then how soon can I move on to the next cycle and will I keep all my gains?

Di-Diddy, I would advise to get blood work done to check all of your levels, and also take another one midway thru your cycle.

You should listen to these guys as they know their stuff, go for the 12 weeks, read up on the diff test profiles and choose yours. It all plays a very important part, read up on where are you planning to inject, needle gage and lenght, swipe with alcohol, ASPIRATE and dipose of everything properly.

As far as starting the second one, Homeostasis will dictate that.

Remember that this absolutely NO SHORTCUT, with this you have to work even harder with your diet, lifting and rest, You do not want to half ass on any of these. But Diet, pay special attention to your diet, what's your daily caloric intake right now??
So whats the difference between the human grade and the vet grade test? My calorie intake I have never actually counted to be honest but I eat about 4 times a day. Just had two chicken breasts now. I guess I have to be more serious if I want to juice and do what you suggest. What do I ask the doctor to check for??
didactic said:
So whats the difference between the human grade and the vet grade test? My calorie intake I have never actually counted to be honest but I eat about 4 times a day. Just had two chicken breasts now. I guess I have to be more serious if I want to juice and do what you suggest. What do I ask the doctor to check for??
the need for protein and calories is magnified when on gear . food is the most anabolic substance . as far as keeping gains with a good diet and training schedule during post cycle therapy (pct) and afterwards theres no reason you cant keep most of your gains , especially if you havent reached your " genetic limit " but if you train like a mad man and eat properly while on cycle and as soon as its over start partying and missing meals and workouts your gonna lose gains ESPECIALLY while your hpta is still recovering . as for vet vs human naturally human is better but qv and denkall is pretty good stuff