First Cycle - Tbol 75mg + Test 600 mg

Feeling good today. Hittin' chest or arms today - haven't decided yet.

New side: I've had like 3-4 really vivid, crazy dreams in the past few weeks. A few were straight nightmares, the last 2 were just odd. Oh well.

Sex drive isn't up at all either which I find pretty weird, its actually less than it was off cycle. This probably has something to do with my E being out of whack - I took 25mg Aromasin on Monday + 20mg Nolva for 3 days because I started to feel sensitive nips.
Been taking 25mg/Aromasin for the past few days to crush my estrogen - I have next to no sex drive right now. Probably going to get bloodwork next weekend.

Otherwise, strength is up a lot. Hit 405x2 on deads last night. Bench I haven't maxed, but I'm hitting 225x12, and squats are ~275x4.

No crazy changes in the past few weeks - but I have gotten a few comments about looking bigger (weighing in at 193 as of last night). Definitely have some pudge on my stomach right now, around 14% bodyfat (slightly visible abs when flexed). Cut my calories back the past week. Going to get a little more strict on keeping it at about 2700 to start cutting/recomping.

My 'goal' is 195-200 lbs @ 10% - so 185-190 @ 10% after this cycle would be ideal.
Estro is still high - gonna go on 25mg/Aromasin for a week to settle it once and for all.

Weight has settled around 190 lately. I've cut calories a lot, only eating around 2700 which is about maintenance for me. Just need to lose some fat and things will be great. Strength is up every workout.
Whew! Today was a nice turning point - I felt HORRIBLE yesterday, really dark, depressed, and even caught myself talking to myself out loud on my commute home.

This morning I woke up and feel like a million bucks.

As far as progress goes, I've lost a bit of water weight and some fat. I was getting chunky at 193 - so I've been reducing calories and weighing in at 185ish and noticably leaner - went from 16% bodyfat to about 13%. The heavy Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use is what I attribute a lot of the weight lost to - excess water, etc.
Alright, time for an update:

This is week 9 of 12. I feel good, estrogen is much more in check. Lots of bunk/underdosed ancillaries later - I'm fine. Broke down and ordered pharma grade Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

Highly debating kicking this up to 16 weeks, because I want to run Anavar/Epistane at 50mg/50mg for the entire month of April before I come off.
Strength is up like crazy - which is pretty cool.

Reppin 90 lb dumbbells on flat bench for sets of 10 then hitting inclines at 80/85 for 10-12.I swapped over to dumbbells because I noticed my chest was growing unevenly.
I've noticed my muscle looking 'harder' and more mature the past few weeks since I've been cutting. I'm around 185 right now - I'll probably go back to a 500 calorie surplus when I add in orals in April to get a little more lean mass in.
Been a while, checking in. Sitting around 185 and ~11% bodyfat. Diet has been an afterthought for me lately. I've been hitting the gym 4-5 times a week steady.

This week, I'm going to start 3 weeks of orals until then come off. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast + clomid/nolva protocol.

I recently purchased pharm grade Aromasin - and its amazing. I actually have a sex drive again after about ~5 days on 25mg. I'm gonna be on 25mg eod until I come off from here on out. I tried Pinnacle Aromasin, no good. Manpower research, no good. Research Stop, no good. Quite a frustrating experience with ancillaries.
Been a while, checking in. Sitting around 185 and ~11% bodyfat. Diet has been an afterthought for me lately. I've been hitting the gym 4-5 times a week steady.

This week, I'm going to start 3 weeks of orals until then come off. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast + clomid/nolva protocol.

I recently purchased pharm grade Aromasin - and its amazing. I actually have a sex drive again after about ~5 days on 25mg. I'm gonna be on 25mg eod until I come off from here on out. I tried Pinnacle Aromasin, no good. Manpower research, no good. Research Stop, no good. Quite a frustrating experience with ancillaries.

From what I have heard, aromasin doesn't work for everyone. I switched to adex and have no problems now with estrogen control.
I almost feel like you should be more then 7 pounds up for being 10 weeks into your cycle, you think your test is under dosed?
I almost feel like you should be more then 7 pounds up for being 10 weeks into your cycle, you think your test is under dosed?

I've been talking with another forum member doing the same cycle, and he's very concerned about the same thing.

Keep in mind, I'm 7 lbs. up but also leaner than when I started.
I almost feel like you should be more then 7 pounds up for being 10 weeks into your cycle, you think your test is under dosed?

I've been talking with another forum member doing the same cycle, and he's very concerned about the same thing.

Keep in mind, I'm 7 lbs. up but also leaner than when I started. I'm also holding no additional water weight at all, so at least its a good 7-10 lb increase.
Infection - whose Arimidex are you using? I have a bottle of RUI I was using for a while that didn't seem to be doing much, hence the switch over to Aromasin.
I've been talking with another forum member doing the same cycle, and he's very concerned about the same thing.

Keep in mind, I'm 7 lbs. up but also leaner than when I started. I'm also holding no additional water weight at all, so at least its a good 7-10 lb increase.

Blood test would answer the question if its the gear or something your doing wrong, I paid $52 for a blood test with insurance going through a local clinic