First Cycle: Test E 500mg 10 weeks


New member
First Cycle: Test E 500mg and Winstrol!

Well I started this cycle on the 31st so I am about 16 days in at this point. I'm sure there are a million logs that are nearly identical to this one but if you have any questions or comments feel free!

Age: 29

Height: 5'6

Starting weight: 154lbs
BF: Around 12-14%

Been weight training for about 7 years on and off, but have been an athlete my entire life...I got up to 165 naturally a few years ago but wasn't able to maintain it because of having to eat like a pig all the time.

Most of my traning now consists of plyometrics, jogging, and compound exercises...not a big fan of being in the gym anymore but I would like to drop body fat and gain muscle on this cycle. If I can get keep 10-12lbs when all is done I'll be happy.

Week 1:

First injection was scary as hell...pinned into my left upper glute with a 23g 1" needle but because I was nervous I went in a little crooked. It was tough to aspirate while reaching around at that angle but I did and got no blood so I slowly injected 250mg. It didn't hurt as bad as I expected, although my ass was sore as hell for about 5 days afterward.

Second injection into the right glute 4 days later went smoothly as well, except I got a bit of a drip from the needle when I pulled out. Again I was a little nervous and only had the needle pushed in about 80% at one point, which I realized too late.

Side effects: Not much, other than a slightly better sense of well-being and a sex drive I could definitely tell was rising, lol.

Weight: 158lbs, +4. Also a slight reduction in body fat, obliques are starting to become more noticable.

Week 2: Injected into left glute again...smooth sailing this time...soreness was not nearly as bad either. Second injection was same same. Oddly enough I'm starting to look forward to them now.

Side effects: Highly elevated sex drive...went a bit bananas with the ladies but strapped up every time : ) Anger was up ever so slightly, but I am a laid back guy anyway so no worries. Also been having some vivid, crazy dreams, and a bit of puffy nips...took 100mg of Clomid for 3 days and it was gone. For some reason Nolva/Arimidex is really tough to find here without a prescription, but roids you can buy OTC.

Weight: 165lbs, +7 (11 overall). Body fat continuing to drop, overall better definition all-around, stamina feels better. Definitely look bigger in all areas!

I will update again on Sunday as well as add some before pics and maybe some where I'm at now.

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So week 3 is coming to a close...this week's injections (left thigh, right upper glute) were both pretty painful.

The syringe in my thigh did not want to go in easily, and neither did the liquid. I must say it hurt like a bitc* too, maybe because I played soccer for 20 years and my legs are pretty solid. The pain for the next 3 days was pretty bad too...I'm reluctant to shoot there again.

The glute was also bad, but not nearly as painful. I soaked the syringe with alcohol before injection so maybe that was why.

Today I also noticed I have an acne-like mark not far from the injection that I'm guessing is the beginning of a bacterial infection. I have pre-existing scar tissue there and also I only waited one week before using the site again.


Anyway, tomorrow I will go to the pharmacy and get some antibiotics. Luckily they are very easy to come by here.

Anyway, that was this week.

Weight: 167.5 lbs, +2.5, +12.5 overall. Not much to mention in the way of looks, at least from what I can tell.

Side effects: Definitely up this week. Acne on my chest has gotten marginally worse, as well as several scattered pimples throughout my body. Sex drive is back down to normal, which actually may be a good thing for me, lol. Blood pressure and heart rate seem slightly elevated as well. I'm considering buying some Proviron to help with the sides but I'm not sure yet.

Do you guys think it would help?

Anyway, I'll continue to work hard and eat well, as hard as it is to find big meals, let alone protein in this country, lol.

DAY 23

Finally found Novla at a pharmacy today! It is brand name stuff and apparently is controlled here so it is about $30 for a box of 30 pills but well worth it.

In the preceding few days the nips have started to look a little more puffy than usual, and been itchy and just feeling weird. In the last 24 hours the nolva has definitely least I don't think it's placebo : )

I also started running Proviron @50mg/day and it has seemed to balance out my mood and my sex drive a little bit.

On another note is has gotten VERY tough to get sore, even from the heaviest weights/max reps I can bang out. I guess this isn't such a bad thing...just time to get creative with the exercises.

I think my test levels are just starting to peak, and the best gains are in the coming time to hit it hard!!
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fucking right hit it hard and eat big gota love when that test hits good thing u got that nolva in time shouldnt have stated w. out it on hand but seems like u were able to have quick recourses....good luck w. the gyno put up an update as to how u feelin n lookn now w. it
fucking right hit it hard and eat big gota love when that test hits good thing u got that nolva in time shouldnt have stated w. out it on hand but seems like u were able to have quick recourses....good luck w. the gyno put up an update as to how u feelin n lookn now w. it

Yeah you're right man the nolva I definitely needed before...I thought clomid/proviron would help but they didn't do jack for the gyno. Thankfully the nolva KO'd the litte bit of puff that was there.

Definitely can feel the test kickin in...confidence is up...feelin' good!!

Definitely been a tough week to train since I was out of the country for 5 days in the 3rd world...did a lot of cross training (swimming, sprints, soccer, etc.) but didn't have any real gym access. I still managed to eat pretty well and get some hard training in, but damn it felt good to get my first real time back in the weight room today!

Hit the delts, traps, and biceps hard for about 45 minutes and did some ab work. My endurance seems like it's gone up a lot in the last week, and with it so has the workout intensity.

The infection I thought I had turned out to be an allergic reaction of some kind (I have scar tissue from a surgery years ago on my right glute) Maybe the oil didn't agree with it for some reason but anyways it turned out to be all good and the swelling/redness had gone away.

Weight: 172lbs +5lbs for the week, +18lbs overall.
I can really tell a big difference in my physique right now and it feels good...body fat is down - both in my face and torso, it seemed like the layers I could never shed before regardless of training/diet are disappearing.
Some of my clothes are starting to get pretty tight around the chest/upper back area. It's nice not knowing anyone here because I know all my bros back home would be questioning WTF was going on...haha.

Side effects: Small amount of hair growth on my back. Acne has pretty much gone away. Temper has gotten a bit worse...I've had to hold myself back several times from losing my cool, but I figure just take my aggression out on the weights. Cajones seem unfazed. Nothing much negative to report!

My laptop got jacked in Bangkok so I won't have any pictures for at least 3-4 days until I can get a new one with a memory card reader.

Until then I'm gonna keep hitting it hard...yeaaah buddy!

Any motivation you could give me would be appreciated bros!
18 pounds in 4 weeks ?! thats enough motivation right there bro that you are back in the gym make up for that lost week . Soon you will not want to leave and the intensity is def. a sign the test is kicking in it's like you don't want to put the fucking weights down . Keep it going and dont slack off on pct thats the most important part!
18 pounds in 4 weeks ?! thats enough motivation right there bro that you are back in the gym make up for that lost week . Soon you will not want to leave and the intensity is def. a sign the test is kicking in it's like you don't want to put the fucking weights down . Keep it going and dont slack off on post cycle therapy (pct) thats the most important part!

Lol that's true man...I always heard the first cycle is the best because your receptors are fresh.

I have clomid and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) but do you think HCG would help too? I added 40mg ED Winstrol (winny) to the cycle too for the last 6 weeks!

Decided to add some Winstrol (winny) into the cycle @ 40mg ED! I'm hoping it will help manage the bloat and give some improved definition and so far (today is day 5) it has already made a little difference. Picked up some milk thistle and am running @ 1G ED and NAC @ 1.2G ED.

Thursday's injection into my left thigh was by far the worst one yet! Up until today it felt like somebody hit me in the leg with a fuckin baseball bat! My jog to the gym was tough and it's only a little over a mile.

Weight: A little over 173lbs, +1 pound this week, 19 overall. Been focusing on trying to clean my diet up a little bit as well as mix cardio in along with the weights. I know AAS can have a bad effect on cholesterol, and even though I'm taking Bestin and Fish oil ED I want to stay healthy even if it means losing a few lbs. Also I gotta admit being in a country where being "too muscular" is unattractive, it's messing with my head a little bit. I guess sooner or later part of you will assimilate into the mixing bowl but anyway fuck it onward ho.

Side effects: Alpha male feeling is really kicking in right now! Aggression is definitely up. Finding it hard to walk by attractive women on the street without stopping to holler, lol...normally I'd probably just mind my own business. Other than that my skin is getting pretty oily, especially on my face. I take 2-3 showers a day, but partly b/c it's so hot here. Testes are starting to feel a bit soft but no shrinkage. Taking 20 of Nolva ED because nips start to feel puffy if I don't.

I'll post a pic from tonight @ 173lbs below.

good progression pics bro and yeah the hcg will help w. the ball shrinkage if it happens which it is sure to do. Let me know how that Winstrol (winny) is treating you in the next few days i was looking into that shit.
Thanks man, yeah the Winstrol (winny) is good so far it has definitely leaned me out a bit and helped with definition but it's only been about a week so I'll keep you posted.

Last jab was painless...went in like butter. Had 2 solid workouts the last two days...stamina and pumps are great!

Sorry for the lack of updates yall, had to do a hellish visa run and was sick for a few days afterward...but I've also been a little lazy about posting so no excuses : )

Well I stopped taking the winny...I knew I was going to drink during the world cup and have gone out on a few other occasions so I figured why risk it. I'm going to save it for next cycle in a few months.

Weight is up to 180lbs...+7lbs in the last 2 weeks, +26lbs overall.

I didn't think I'd ever be saying this, but I really dont' want to be much 5'6 I think if I put on much more I'm gonna look disproportionate. I'm expecting to lose between 5 and 10 during post cycle therapy (pct) so....

Anyways still gonna ride it out for the last 3 weeks full stream ahead. It does feel good knowing I have an extra 20+lbs...

I'll try to post some pics soon if anyone is interested.
Safety issues

Before this thread fades into obscurity, just wanted to take a sec to talk about the support supps I've been taking throughout cycle.

AAS is definitely not without side effects, so I hope anyone considering using takes their health seriously before, during, and after cycle.

Week 1-10: Finasteride @ 1MG/Day prostate support and hair loss prevention
Week 1-10 Fish Oil @ 1G/Day for cholesterol
Week 1-10 20MB Bestin ED for cholesterol
25MG Proviron as needed for bloat & estrogen, and after for improvement of sex drive
25MG Nolvadex for estrogen control as needed
Week 7-10 Milk Thistle @ 1G day for liver support (decided to discontinue my Winny)

and of course Nolvadex and clomid for post cycle therapy. I would also add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if I could find it to combat testicular atrophy.

Be safe!
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