First Cycle Test-E and Winny


New member
Hey guys I was looking for some help with my first cycle. I am 24 y/o 6'0" 195lbs and probably sitting between 15-18% body fat. I have been hitting the gym hard for a year now and have put on 30 lbs naturally with some extra unwanted body fat. My goal is to maintain my strength and get lean as I can. I have a vial of 250mg/ML test-E and two vials of Winstrol (winny) depot 100mg/ML. I am looking for some advice on how to specifically run it and what PCT I need and how to run them properly. This is the current plan without PCT built in. 250mg of test-E once a week for 10 weeks. 50mg Winstrol (winny) every day the last 40 days of my cycle. As I said PCT is up in the air. What advice do you guys have for me? Much appreciated.
I have seen a lot of Winstrol (winny) bashing as well as only dosing 250mg a week of test. But I only have two 10ml 100mg/ml vials of Winstrol (winny) and one 10ml 250mg/ml of test-E. So that being said if that is all I have how would you suggest I run it and what pcts do I need and how should I run them. I already started my first 250mg test injection and wont be able to get my hands on anything else for a little while but I can definitely get my hands on the right pcts by the end of my cycle.
MISTAKE 1-first cycle should only consist of TEST ONLYY...Mistake 2-never start your cycle before you have EVERYTHING you need including all test and post cycle therapy (pct). Mistake 3-250mg of test is pretty much a waste of time.. so is pinning once a week. Your test Levels will differentiate too much

up your test to 250mg Twice a week and get more test.
PCT clomid/nolva

Now that ive read both your posts more throughly. 1 10ml bottle... you'll have max of 9weeks of 250mg... once again.. too short of a cycle too low of a dose...
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All you are doing is wasting ur time and money. Shouldn't ever even think about starting before u have EVERYTHING you need