First Cycle! Test E - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - Aromasin - Nolva - Clomid


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First Cycle! Test E - HCG - Aromasin - Nolva - Clomid

I began my first cycle today and I am very excited about the next 17 weeks. I was pleasantly surprised with my first pin. It wasn't that bad... My shoulder was a little sore during my workout this morning but very minor. I will post pics soon and every 2 weeks during the process. My stats are: 5'6" 205lbs 14.8 % Body Fat. My goal really is to maintain all the muscle mass I have now 172 lbs and eat a good diet but at a calorie deficit to strip the fat away. If you have suggestions or advice it is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Test Only Cycle

Weeks 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate (Primoteston)
250mg Monday /250mg Thursday

Weeks 2-12: Aromasin (exemestane)
12.5mg every other day

Weeks 6-12: HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
500 IUS two times a week

Post Cycle Therapy

Weeks 14-17: Clomid (Clomiphine citrate)
Week 14: 50mg
Week 15: 25mg
Week 16: 25mg
Week 17: 25mg

Weeks 14-17: Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate)
Week 14: 40mg
Week 15: 20mg
Week 16: 20mg
Week 17: 20mg
I would run your hcg and your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right up to your post cycle therapy (pct). Also I personally do hcg at 250iu's - 2x/week but hey whatever. All in all pretty nice cycle / pct set up.
I would run your hcg and your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right up to your post cycle therapy (pct). Also I personally do hcg at 250iu's - 2x/week but hey whatever. All in all pretty nice cycle / pct set up.

So run them all the way to week 14?

Thank you!
run clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20

agree with above as well

looks pretty good

Ok I will definitely do that with the Clomid and Nolva. Is hcg a case to case dose? If I start with 250 ius and see too much shrinkage, should I just move it up to 500ius. 250 ius would be great because I dont have enough to go till week 14 at 500ius. Thanks for your help, sorry if these are bad questions.
i PERSONALLY dont think hcg is needed on a simple test cycle. i think its a bit overrated imo.

other people think its really helpful and usually recommend 2 shots of 250 iu a week. but it varies
Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't updated this in a few weeks. I have now completed my 3rd week and am really starting to feel the Test. The very first pin was a little painful but now I find myself looking forward to my next pin and getting a little anxious the three days I have to wait. I started Aromasin in week 2 EOD. It tastes terrible but its quick and a small amount of liquid. I can see some sediment accumulate at the bottom of the bottle, am I supposed to shake it?

I have no negative side affects except a little increased bacne. I have been using a benzoyl peroxide wash and 10% cream. It seems to be controlling the acne well and drying my skin out nicely. I was really worried about increased male pattern baldness but rogaine twice a day seems to be working so far. I do feel a little watery and bloated but it is not bad at all.

I didn't feel much pump the first two weeks but now after the 3rd week it has really kicked in. My sex drive is crazy, my focus is up, and my aggression is way up, however only in the weight room. I don't feel any negative aggression, like wanting to fight or beat people up over arguments. I don't have any type of rage except in the weight room. I do however find myself having to be very patient in the weight room. My chest is the strongest part of my body and I find it hard to not always try and pr at bench. I am constantly telling my self to stick to my workout program and use the test to strengthen the weaker parts of my body like biceps and back.

Please if you have any suggestion or comments about the weeks to come, please let me know. I am nervous about starting the hcg in week 6 and need some more detailed information on how to take it.

Thanks everyone!
From what I have read,. If you don't have any adverse affects right now,. I'd keep doing exactly what you are! Adding something else might screw up a good balance you have goin now.
More updates...

I have now completed my fifth week of test and I feel fantastic. When I started my cycle I weighed 207 at 15.4% body fat. I just got re measured with a Poloquin BioSignature Modulation and my weight is now 212 at 14% body fat. My lean mass went up from 176 to 182. I know these tests aren't perfect, but it does show that I have put on a few pounds of straight mass. I have been working out 5 days a week in the morning and playing basketball, football, or wrestling 3 nights a week. That has been the biggest difference with the test. I want to workout all the time and I don't get sore. Although I am very please with my gains, my original goal was to get ripped instead of just packing on more muscle. If I eat at a larger calorie deficit will I be able to maintain my mass while lowering scale weight and body fat? If so what are your recommendations on calorie intake and protein goals?

Thanks everyone!
Plan on starting my first cycle sometime after new years. I will be following this thread. Great info and insite. GOOD LUCK!!
Bad pin! I'm in my 6th week and my second shot of the second vile. I'm now using 23 gauge needle and my first pin hurt more than usual. I pinned again in the right deltoid and it is red, hot, and hard to the touch. I'm very worried. I went to the doctor and told him it was from a flu shot. I asked him to drain it but he just prescribed me antibiotic keflex 4x day for 10 days. Will this work? Should I drain it myself? Please I'm very worried and researching this is making more worried.

Thank you
Had to stop my cycle! Huge bummer I was really getting strong. I finished my first vial with no problem. I had to order new needle because I ran out. My very first pin with the new needles and the new identical syringe gave me tremendous pain. The injection site was swollen, red, hot and hard. I didn't want to take any chances so I immediately went to doc and got Keflex. It started to go away so I did another pin and got similar results. I felt like I was getting the flu and my whole body hurt. I pinned again the next, week in my glute and right on schedule I got sick and the area was very hot and red. I'm always very careful when I pin. I take a shower, sterilize the site meticulously, sterilize the vial and I even change the needle not using the one I draw with. I have two friends that are using the same brand test and the same exact brand needle. They are having no problems at all. What am I allergic to? Can you be allergic to the metal in the needle? Do I just have a bad vial?

Also should my post cycle be exactly the same?

Thank you!
Is this a bad program?

10 Week Testosterone Program Protocol
.Testosterone Cypionate (1) 200mg/ml vial (10 ml vial)
Protocol: One injection of 200mg / 1ml weekly IM (Intramuscular)
.Anastrazole (20) 0.05MG capsules
Protocol: Take 1 capsule By Mouth Twice Weekly Day 1 and Day 2 After Testosterone injection
.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 500 units (25 U on Insulin Syringe) Twice Weekly Sub Q
.MIC Complex 0.5 cc - (1) 30 ml vial
Protocol: One Injection of 0.5 ml Twice Weekly Sub Q

Post Treatment Starts 2 weeks after your last testosterone injection

.HCG (1) 11,000 unit vial
Protocol: One injection of 1,000 units(50 U on Insulin Syringe) Sub Q Daily for 10 days
.Clomiphene Citrate (30) 51mg capsules
Protocol: One capsule by mouth Twice Daily for 15 days