First Cycle Test E Only - To maintain, or bulk?


New member
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and to juicing in general. My stats are 25, 5'8", 165 lbs, 10% bf. I'm currently on a caloric deficit diet @ 2500 calories consisting of 311/235/35 protein/carbs/fat. I've been cutting for approximately 2 months now and have dropped down from 175 lbs, ~13% bf. I can confidently say my diet, rest and training are now in check. Currently getting in workouts 5 days a week with at least 3x 20min HIIT sessions/week on the regular.

I've been lifting since the age of 18 (7 years) where my stats were approx 127 lbs, ~11-12% bf. You will have figured out by now I'm your generic ectomorph/hard-gainer with a high metabolism.

I'd like to say I have done my fair share of research, but just to reassure myself I thought I'd ask for your feedback.

I'm wanting to put on another 6-8 lbs of lean muscle and have decided to start cycling. For my first cycle, taking advice from this forum I'm considering:

Week 1 to 10: Test E @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total)
Week 1 to 12: Arimidex @ 0.25mg EOD
Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20 14 days after last shot.

I did suffer from acute acne as a teen, and unfortunately there are family members on my mother's side with baldness over the age of 40. Am I right in understanding that I may be susceptible to hair loss and acne?

Secondly, I understand with gear I will gain muscle even on a calorie deficit. My underlying question here is, is it likely I will achieve my target of 170-175 lbs @ <10% bf, while continuing to drop body fat on my current calorie deficient diet? Or will I need to bump up to maintenance @ ~2800, or bulk @ ~3200 to see the results I want? Obviously will need to adjust calories as weight increases. My biggest concern is putting on body fat as a result of bulking.

Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance :)
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First, in regards to the hair loss, I think everyone is at risk technically. Those who have it strong running in the family bloodline will probably be more susceptible of course.. but at the same time you're just not going to really know until you get into the cycle. I would recommend reading up more on it around the forums for advice on that in particular. I know a lot of guys are like... "really, hair is seriously a concern to you?" So, be prepared for that when you ask around or read other threads on this subject.

Personally, I think if you're truly an ectomorph.. you're going to need all the calories you can get. Why waste your first cycle with worry of a little fat gain. I would recommend at least 200 calories over maintenance a week and 500+ over maintenance during post cycle. You can cut a month or two after PCT dude... just don't go overboard while on cycle, i.e. 2000 calories over maintenance of pure shit food..

I'm still trying to wrap my head around why you're worried about gaining any fat.. eat clean, real clean, hit your calories, exercise regularly, and look into getting HCG as well.

If you can't find HCG, wait until you do to start the cycle. Considering it's not included in your plan, I would research a bit about why it's being used frequently by everyone in the forum community.

Don't take this matter lightly, and do your due diligence in researching what you're wanting to inject yourself with. You may not get much more help around the forum until you get some more posts under your belt.. get involved in the community here and you'll be taken care of when you need it.

Until then research, research, research.
Thanks for the input Hypnotix. Yes I did want to include hCG but haven't been able to get a hold of this just yet.

My reason for avoiding fat gain is because I'm going on holiday soon and wanted to look my best. What you're saying makes perfect sense though. The more I think of it, the more it makes sense to make the most out of my cycle.
If you're going somewhere soon, just wait it out and do it after. I would, if it meant I would gain 15-25lbs, or more! You know?

First cycle is usually the biggest jump from what I've read. Planning mine now, but I'm definitely not worrying myself about getting the little fat that comes along with it.. besides, I've hired 3J sir. I'll be eating A LOT he says, and considering how my recent cut has gone with him, I trust everything he has me do. I also know that when I put on the 30+lbs I'm after, that any excess fat will be ripped off anyway with his plans.

Find 3J! If you got 50,100,200,500 extra bucks, lay it down and see what a real diet will do for you before you start the cycle! He's so worth the guap. Do it! And tell him I recommended you too, maybe he'll give me a cheat meal.. lol probably not though.