First cycle: Test e/tbol

Make sure you injecting your upper outer quad too,

try warm up your vials before drawing, makes the oil flow smoother, and inject very sloooooow... the slower the better

make sure you aspirate properly as the quads have plenty nerves, blood vessels and veins etc, gets better over time, I love my quad jabs, I only do quads and delts nowadays, don't bother with glutes.

I warm up my vials before I draw, draw with a 20g, inject with a 23g 1" needle and inject very slowly, I don't feel a thing, even in the days following...

Also, try run your Anavar (var) for 8 weeks @ 80mg, that's the sweet spot for me

thanks for all the advice unchained, appreciate it man, i've been using 19g needles to draw from the vials and use either 24 or 25g needles to inject, i always aspirate-really dont want to mess up anything in my quads, i'll try my delts sometime for sure. i take about 30 seconds to inject the 1ml of test- is that sufficient?

i definitely agree with the tbol, the Anavar (var) is extremely pricey so for another cycle i'll be sure to use dbol. how do you warm up your vials? heard of guys leaving their vials in hot water and others leave it under the arm for 5 mins?

had a killer session today, did back and bi's, increased weight slightly on all curls and had a great pump! not sure if it's the Anavar (var) but my arms were feeling solid and pumped to another level
last pin went well, battled for 2 days with pip, going to have the next pin in the morning and use my legs, seems to be the cure

over the last two days i can definitely say things are starting to kick in, without noticing it i just kept pushing heavier and doing more and more on legs yesterday, legs were pumped like never before, the same happened today, the sessions seem to be getting better and better.

had some bloat so took 0.5mg arimadex today, think i killed my estrogen by taking 0.5mg eod as i started to develop symptoms of low estrogen so now taking 0.5mg e3d, thinking of doing .25mg eod

i've always had a short fuse but this is on another level, have to remind myself to cool off every now and again when things get frustrating, developing a bit of acne but will keep it in check

spoke to a few of my mates who had used this Anavar (var) before and they all say it kicked in really quickly for them, if i'm seeing results like this with the Anavar (var) already i'll be sure to run it for 6-8weeks, have just over 3 weeks worth at the moment, but it's definitely worth it's weight in gol with these pumps and increases in strength

been on cycle for just over 2 weeks, am up 2kg but think some of it was water from bloat during weigh in today
3 weeks done and starting fourth week today, just finished with my 7th pin, off to gym in a couple hours, have added 15 min cardio to every session now and will increase the cardio as the weeks progress, have decided to purchase another vial of test e and the outstanding clomid i need for pct, decided to run the test for 12 weeks as i've been told

the Anavar (var) has given me a great increase in strength, start of cycle i was capable of doing 3x 20 on 16kg curls and found it heavy, yesterday i managed a build up set of : 24kgx8 (4 reps each arm) 20kgx12, 16kg x22, 14kgx 24, pump was insane, for 8 days worth of Anavar (var) i'm sure that's quite decent, mixing the training up as i used to build up the weight and drop weights, keeping everything Anavar (var) ied at the moment.

as for my weight it's only up by 1.6kg from start of cycle, patiently waiting for the test, been speaking to a few of my mates and the one ran Sustanon (sust) at 1gram a week (6th cycle) and he's looking huge, another is running tren and all i can say is that stuff works!!!

diet has been slightly off this week with work commitments but have prepped my meals for the week and really knuckling down for the next 9 weeks, running arimadex at 0.5mg e3d, seems to be working as i havent had any high or low estrogen symptoms

my new training breakdown (changed due to work and uni)

mon: back and bi's
tues: quads, hams, calves
wed: abs, shoulders
thurs: chest and tri's
fri: abs, calves

sat: going to switch between the two following superset/bodyweight/compound exercises

1: 10 sets of 20push ups, 10 pull ups, 15 dips, 10 hanging leg lifts

2: bench: bodyweight
deadlift: 1.5 times bodyweight
squat: will see how it goes
ten sets and it starts at first set at ten reps then decreasing by one rep every set till you're at 1 rep
oh and for my previous mindset of doing only cycle, stuff that!!! with strength and weight gains going up i can see why people never want to come off, loving this cycle so far, definitely worth it
Keep it up bud. Yeah doing ONLY ONE CYCLE usually doesn't happen lol another week or 2 and that test should be kicking real nice. How are you liking the var?
Keep it up bud. Yeah doing ONLY ONE CYCLE usually doesn't happen lol another week or 2 and that test should be kicking real nice. How are you liking the Anavar (var) ?

completely agree! cant wait for the test to start kicking in properly, the Anavar (var) is amazing! did my pin at 2pm and took the 30mg Anavar (var) at 1pm, hit the gym at 4pm and had the best session of my life! tri's were a bit sore from doing back yesterday and so i did chest and shoulders, i went up on every exercise, the pump was insane, every single one of my mates say i'm looking bigger by the day, another example of the strength increase would be the cable cross overs, before cycle i would finish a build up set on 31kg at about 8 reps, today i managed 10 reps on 41kg, honestly felt super human

only prob i had was my shoulders felt like they were on fire, had to either raise or lower my arms after every set, and not just for a few seconds, but took a much longer rest period and killed it

weight went up to 88kg after the session but that's just water weight as i drink roughly 2-3litres of water during a workout
will weigh in at the end of the week and post, currently pinning on tues and fri, no pip at all from the pin today, actually look forward to pinning now

back and bi's feel solid after yesterdays session, sleeves on all my shirts are getting tighter by the week, have also noticed some nice veins showing themselves after a good ab workout (ana Anavar (var) for the win)
Cant wait to see end result...looks like your building on a great base! Work hard, and cant wait to see more pics at te end of your journey!!
Cant wait to see end result...looks like your building on a great base! Work hard, and cant wait to see more pics at te end of your journey!!

thanks frank, really appreciate it

this week has been really mixed up due to uni, setting up my new routine once again due to timetable changes etc, will keep you guys posted, 7th pin left my right quad swollen for 4 days, still isnt right yet, pinned left quad today and pip has already set in, going to try my butt next week, cant keep limping around and postponing leg day, watched so many different videos and tried all the techniques with regards to pinning and the pip i still ridiculous

workouts have been great, most noticeable difference has been the increase in size of my arms and vascularity in chest and arms, really aiming for that 6-8% bf range so been doing cardio everyday for 15 min, going to change it up and start running in the mornings too, strength goes up everyday

pumps have been great, still cant get over the chest and shoulders workout earlier this week, felt like a beast in the gym, i've always been one to eat a lot but my appetite has gone through the roof and i just want to eat everything in sight!

doing abs and obliques tomorrow and then taking sunday off, amped for next week - just want to lift!!
ok so the weekend has past, hit the beach on sat, gave me a LOT of motivation to get into really great shape! have prepped all meals for the next 2 days, really keen to kill it this week, upping the cardio to 3 sessions a week plus 15min cycle or run before or after each session, will keep you guys posted as the week progresses. bought some eurycoma l on sat, it seems to be working well ( had a boner 30-40 mins after pill) test might have helped that too! pip wasnt bad after the 8th pin, things looking better, cant wait to pin on tues and kill it!
thanks metsfan4life! really appreciate the comment bud

ikhann: no side with regards to acne, i had terrible acne as a teen and so was thinking i would sprout volcanoes all over my back and face, but none whatsoever at the moment, about 2 weeks in i had a little breakout but that's all gone now, i take a supplement called "beta ecdysterone" a supplement company claims has the equivalent anabolic activity to dianabol (bullshit!) but myself and a few mates buy it on a monthly basis and a dose of 800mg per day will clear up any problems you have within a week or two, i've been on roaccutane as a teen but this stuff is much better, havent read any scientific evidence as to why it works so well with your skin but if it works for me and a handful of my mates i'm sure it will sort you out too

workout today went well, not super amazing but better than average, strength up once again, managed 6 reps on incline dumbell press at 46kg at the end of my build up set, really mixed things up today and it gave me a greater pump, did a hard ten min cycle before the session, missed the morning run as i did a 4k run on sunday... so tomorrow will be a 3k run first thing in the morning and i'll still keep the 10/15 min cardio before/after each session

noticed some new veins on my calves and quads today post workout, next pin is tomorrow_ CANT WAIT!!!!
had a killer session today, ten min on the bike for warm up, one min on one min off, then did back, had a mind blowing pump, felt like my lats were going to tear my skin haha, then after session had a 30 min break and went and did hill sprints, sprint up and walk down, roughly 600m hill-started at medium run and built up to flat out sprint near the top of the hill

did 9th pin at around 1pm, didnt hurt at all and no pip whatsoever, hoping this is the first pip free pin!

noticing some real improvements, weight is up to 87kg, 3kg up so far, but am sure bf has dropped slightly,will upload some photos around my 12th pin
Nice work so far man, keep pushing and stick to a solid diet (the most important part)... Looking forward to your results!
Nice work so far man, keep pushing and stick to a solid diet (the most important part)... Looking forward to your results!

thanks ocdude! am keeping my diet really strict, guys at uni have a laugh at me every now and again with the ready packed meals for the day haha, i find if i dont prep them before hand i tend to eat junk, so prepping all meals at least two days in advance

currently using whey protein, GABA, and beta ecdysterone to keep skin looking fresh, as well as a pre workout which i use when i feel i need a kick, was thinking of adding creatine monohydrate during my cycle, any thoughts or suggestions?
Not real familiar with GABA, but I think you're on the right track. I've got a small regimen of pills: BCAA, NAC, L-carnitine, liv52 (for oral steroids), multi vits, etc.
I'd add some NAC into the mix, and go easy on the shakes as much as possible... Real food is way better.

As far as creatine... You don't really need it on cycle, it will do more to bloat you up than anything. Tbol will give you plenty of pump during your workout, but when that's run out, you could consider adding a nitric oxide, which may already be in the pre workout.
Not real familiar with GABA, but I think you're on the right track. I've got a small regimen of pills: BCAA, NAC, L-carnitine, liv52 (for oral steroids), multi vits, etc.
I'd add some NAC into the mix, and go easy on the shakes as much as possible... Real food is way better.

As far as creatine... You don't really need it on cycle, it will do more to bloat you up than anything. Tbol will give you plenty of pump during your workout, but when that's run out, you could consider adding a nitric oxide, which may already be in the pre workout.

forgot to mention i do take a arginine based supplement as well for pump, pre workout isnt a strong one at all-about 150mgs of caffeine per serving, sometimes take a double serving if needed... i've been looking around for some NAC but havent found any yet... i'll take your advice and lay off the creatine, have been taking a double dose of milk thistle daily for liver support, have all the other multi vits as well

have been eating a lot of clean food, will throw in a cheat meal on sundays, get these weird cravings for peanut butter haha, thanks again for the advice man
did abs, obliques and calves today... abs were on fire, i managed slightly less than last week, probably due to the extra 10mins of HIIT on the bike (had a peanut butter sandwhich-cheat) so i did a little more cardio

calves were so pumped i had to cut my final set short, took about 10 mins before i could walk haha, hope i feel it tomorrow, overall i'm losing bf and gaining muscle, so stoked, it may be slight but i can definitely notice it, early morning cardio tomorrow so hope it goes well
10th pin was a complete stuff up, went to pin left quad, for some reason it hurt like crazy so i withdrew and pinned another area, same problem occurred, on the 3rd attempt it still hurt, so ended up pinning my right quad... despite the terrible start i had no pip whatsoever, hoping i'm over the pip hurdle

did legs on Friday, strength is up once again, single leg extension went up from 45kgx8 at the end of a build up set to 55kgx7, needless to say i spent saturday feeling rather stiff haha, have been running the var at 50mg all pre workout for the past two sessions and it's amazing, last week i managed 24kg bicep curls and went up to 26kg this week, i find i'm having to add more sets into my workouts as i feel so much stronger and have a lot more aggression in the gym

only side effects so far have been increased aggression n the gym and on the road, find i get really agitated very quickly, increased facial hair growth as well

in the past 3 days i've noticed a major increase in vascularity in my chest, shouders and arms, and lower ab region, everywhere else is just about the same, weight is still on 87kg, been eating well but had a well deserved cheat meal, besides that the diet is clean and going well


My dad recently got put onto Test replacement therapy by his doc, he's 55 so i dont think it's anything out of the ordinary, but here's where i'm so confused, i went in with him to have his injection done so I can do it for him in the future etc (acted all ignorant haha!) the qualified nurse draws his 2ml of test cypionate with an 18g needle, then replaces it with a 20g to inject, this needle looked dangerous honestly compared to the 24g i use, but she injected it with a large air bubble into his glute, did not aspirate at all, and literally just found the spot and put it in as she was throwing a dart at a board, then once she with drew the needle she simply wiped the area with an alcohol swob and sent him on his way with no rubbing or massaging of the area, it's been about 8 hours since his pin and he has no pip... is her procedure correct, because to me she couldnt have done it any worse!

any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Nice job so far bro! Keep up the hard work.

As for your pops, medical professionals, generally speaking, have been at it for years and either don't care or are in a hurry. They tend to know exactly where to stab, and just breeze right through it. My doc's nurse came in, showed me what to do, told me to massage it a little myself and said ok Let me see you do it. Most never aspirate and a little air bubble won't harm you. In fact, I actually like to get a little air in near the plunger so I make sure every last drop gets pushed out of the needle... Nothing like the sound of rushing air through a needle!

Pharma grade AAS is super pure because of the manufacturing process, therefore there won't be any PIP like with your UGL.