Make sure you injecting your upper outer quad too,
try warm up your vials before drawing, makes the oil flow smoother, and inject very sloooooow... the slower the better
make sure you aspirate properly as the quads have plenty nerves, blood vessels and veins etc, gets better over time, I love my quad jabs, I only do quads and delts nowadays, don't bother with glutes.
I warm up my vials before I draw, draw with a 20g, inject with a 23g 1" needle and inject very slowly, I don't feel a thing, even in the days following...
Also, try run your Anavar (var) for 8 weeks @ 80mg, that's the sweet spot for me
thanks for all the advice unchained, appreciate it man, i've been using 19g needles to draw from the vials and use either 24 or 25g needles to inject, i always aspirate-really dont want to mess up anything in my quads, i'll try my delts sometime for sure. i take about 30 seconds to inject the 1ml of test- is that sufficient?
i definitely agree with the tbol, the Anavar (var) is extremely pricey so for another cycle i'll be sure to use dbol. how do you warm up your vials? heard of guys leaving their vials in hot water and others leave it under the arm for 5 mins?
had a killer session today, did back and bi's, increased weight slightly on all curls and had a great pump! not sure if it's the Anavar (var) but my arms were feeling solid and pumped to another level