First cycle: Test e/tbol

thanks for the advice ocdude, yeah she seemed to be in a hurry! he had no pip at all today, so i'm sure she found the right spot, i'll try that small air bubble out on my next pin on tues... his vial is 100mg per ml, whereas the gear i've seen is usually 200-300mg/ml

well rested after the weekend, keen for another hard week, will keep you guys updated!
Great log, really enjoying it. Keep it up, sounds like you're doing everything right so far. I might have missed it but are you running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle? If not, have you noticed any shrinking? I also appreciate your thoughts on the tbol. Was debating it or dbol. Think I'm going to go with the dbol for financial reasons and I'm not too worried about the bloat.
Great log, really enjoying it. Keep it up, sounds like you're doing everything right so far. I might have missed it but are you running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle? If not, have you noticed any shrinking? I also appreciate your thoughts on the tbol. Was debating it or dbol. Think I'm going to go with the dbol for financial reasons and I'm not too worried about the bloat.

thanks potatoguy!... i will run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) soon, i've noticed some shrinkage, would say my boys are 80 % their original size, i've been taking eurycoma for about 4 days now as well and it has taken my sex drive to another level, going to start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) around week 8 or 9... some guys get great results on tbol but for me it wasnt the best, if the var was cheaper i'd run it for 8 weeks, been on for 3 weeks now and have about 3 days worth left, going to miss it... i would take dbol as well, was thinking about it for a cycle in the future, very cheap and a lot of bang for your buck

i did arms today, started off with tri's to mix things up, was feeling really flat when i started but the session just got better and better, i achieved personal bests on every exercise today... my 4th bicep exercise was the preacher curl machine, 3 weeks ago i could do 3-4 sets of 12 reps on 32kg, today i managed 4 sets of 8-10 on 50kg, felt like a machine!

the record setter came after the session, a mate needed a spot on the bench, so decided to join him, before cycle i could max bench around 110kg for a rep or two, today managed 16 reps on 100kg, really enjoying the strength gains, think the test is kicking in now as i'm starting to look fuller

i may be worrying too much but i've noticed very slight stretch marks starting under my arms, very very slight, about a mm or two, i've seen some heavy juicers with monstrous stretch marks, should i be concerned or am i jumping the gun here?
did my 11th pin this morning, went well and no pip so far... had a great shoulders and abs session, weight is still at 87kg, but looking more vascular and noticing a definite increase in strength... chest seemed to have grown over night... i have currently finished one vial and used about half of my current one, have bought another two, seeing as i'll have some left over if i keep my 500-600mg/week dosage, should i up the dosage in the coming weeks? or extend my cycle? i really dont want to leave that extra test lying around
Amazing log bro and glad your seeing progression, as far as the extra test I would extend instead of upping the dosage, you will benefit from an extra 2 weeks or more to solidify gains rather than a few shots at a higher dosage IMO.
Started with an amazing base can't wait to see the final results. Keep pushing it to the limit mentally and physically..
thanks so much for the advice Kaz!...i was initially only going to do 10 weeks, but have bought enough to last 14 weeks i'm sure, is 14 weeks too long for my first cycle? i'd like to run it as long as possible and finish up with a solid pct... i feel like the test is only starting to kick in now and so looking forward to some nice gains, will upload some progress pics in the next few weeks
14 weeks is fine, just listen to your body if its too long your body will let you know but you should be fine. Your in for a treat once the test levels maximize and stabalize, enjoy the ride man..
14 weeks is fine, just listen to your body if its too long your body will let you know but you should be fine. Your in for a treat once the test levels maximize and stabalize, enjoy the ride man..

ok thanks Kaz, cant wait for it!... hitting back today so will let you guys know how it goes

eating like a horse today, HUGE salad and 4 chicken breasts for lunch, really starting to notice some changes in my body now, arms are much more vascular, but think that's due to the var.... hope the test gives me a nice boost in size over the next few weeks, mid way into week 6 and going to take kaz's advice and run the cycle for 14 weeks, not even halfway and already happy with the progress, will see how things go but am currently eating clean and cardio for at least 15mins every day, but may consider doing a lot more as cycle progresses, want to hit that 6-8%bf range

abs reminding me that i worked them properly yesterday, shoulders feeling fine
hit a low today, got stuck in traffic and got to gym 2 hours later than usual, after a long day of uni i was finished... cycled hard but was really flat till about my 3rd exercise, got a massive pump-looked at myself in the mirror and made sure i changed my attitude, the rest of the workout went great, a case of mind over matter

hit pb's on all exercises again today, went into the changeroom and couldnt get my vest off i was so pumped up, did some proper checking of my progress in the mirror and am so pleased with the results, am really starting to fill out and getting some awesome new veins

hitting chest tomorrow and cant wait, had to do a few sets of bench before i left the gym today, just to remind my chest what's to come haha

weight is up to 88kg, 4kg up from start of cycle, decided to eat anything clean when i'm hungry instead of waiting for my next meal, figured i can always diet an drop the weigh at a later stage, right now i need i'm focusing on giving these new gains all the nutrition they need... with strength and pumps getting better with each session i am now sure the test is kicking in, facial hair is growing twice as fast lol
on thurs i did chest, was going great, was increasing weight on all exercises, my left elbow started hurting about halfway through the session, eventually had to cut the session short as the pain increased... cant describe it but it feels almost as if my tendon is swollen, spent 15mins in the sauna and the pain subsided, i took fri and sat off -skipped leg day:(... but decided my body needs a rest, think i'm increasing the weights far too quickly for my joints etc... my pump was insane, i honestly blow up during sessions, i dont recognise myself haha... i do the cable cross overs in front of a large mirror, striations and veins were exploding all over my chest, shoulders, traps and arms, felt great to see the progress

12th pin on friday went well, had no pip whatsoever.... will rest till monday and hit the next week with full force!
did my 13th pin today, it was probably the worst and most painful pin ever haha, while injecting i sneezed( i tried everything to stop it) and in doing so i flexed my quad while the pin was in, hurt like a bitch, aspirated and withdrew the needle which was probably just as painful, massaged it and put a heat pad on it for ten mins... no pip yet so am hoping i'll be pain free tomorrow

after a long day of uni i hit the gym, decide to give my elbow as long of a break as possible and so i did legs, strength is up again, did a killer session and already feeling it... hope these legs start to grow, especially after today's session

Leg Press: 4 set build up
Squat: 4 set build up _maxed on 12 reps of 100kg, it's not heavy i just have to watch my lower back, and have torn my hamstring twice so easing up slowly on the squats
Hamstring curls: 4 set build up
standing calf raises: 4x12
leg extensions: 6 set build up
stiff leg deadlift: 4x12
seated calf raises: 4 set build up
seated calf raises outter: 3 set build up
seated calf raises inner: 3 set build up
4 sets of 20 reps lunges

a mate of mine has given me 3ml of sustanon, it's 250mg/ml, i was thinking of using sust for my next cycle, i was thinking of adding 0.5ml of sust a week toward the end of my cycle, just to see how i react to it, any advice?
did a great back workout today, pump wasnt as great as last session but think it's due to dropping the var... found some NAC, going to be taking 500mg morning and night for liver support

weight has seemed to be staying around the 88kg mark, but i still look more vascular so think i'm dropping bf and gaining lbm, strength is still going up every week

my nipples have been feeling itchy and puffy for the past few days, this morning it was on another level, even though i had 0.5mg adex yesterday i took another 0.5mg and then 30mg nolvadex, nipples are now feeling normal again

any advice on the sust towards the end of the cycle?
Glad to hear you found some NAC, did you get caps or powder? I usually get mine in powder form to save on cost True Nutrition | N-Acetyl Cysteine ? NAC Powder (100g)

As far as the sust goes - test is test is test, sust is just test with multiple esters for release rate and honestly 1/2 ml a week is not worth it, save it to run a sust cycle like you were thinking. Due to the esters in sust you need to inject it EOD or E3D to take advantage of all the different esters. Alot of people run it at 2 shots per week and get good results but IMHO its a waste of the prop ester and they should have just used enan or cyp for more stable blood levels. Again test is test and your body will react to it in pretty much the same way as the test your running now.
thanks for the advice Kaz, it's a 90 tablet container, 500mg per tablet so will last just over a month if i run it at a gram a day... as for the sust i'll take your advice and run it on my next cycle, just dint want to leave the vial of sust for 4 months and then use it, so will probably give it to a mate to use

recovery is improving, feeling fine after doing a heavy back session yesterday, going to hit arms today and see how it goes with the elbow, it seems to be fine in tension, like pull ups etc, the problem only seems to arise when i do compression like push ups and bench etc
did chest today:

bench press 6 set build up
cable raises: 4 set build up

incline dumbell fly 4x14 with 14kg
incline dumbell press, 26kgx24, 30kgx 18, 36kgx16, 42kgx12-had a spotter for last set, 9 quality reps, last 3 were 80%

decline bench; 4x12 70kg (was broken after the superset)
cable cross overs; 4 set build up
3x20 push ups to finish off

throughout the day my nipples were sore and puffy, took 30mg of nolvadex before session and another 30mg when i got home, hope it goes away soon... have a slight bit of acne on my back, wouldnt call it acne but rather a few pimples here and there

going to do 14th pin tomorrow morning, if i still have sore nipples i'm going to take 60mg nolvadex after pin and then 30mg evening-any advice on that would be appreciated, still keeping adex at 0.5mg eod

chest was looking great, i literally blow up during the session, guys in the gym tend to stare as i get really pumped up very quickly, not complaining haha

i'm really enjoying this cycle, i will admit i honestly thought i would be at 92kg by now, but i kept my diet clean and limited, i'm now eating anything clean when i'm hungry, seeing as i'm not putting on fat i decided to eat as much as i feel whenever i get hungry, i've naturally always eaten a lot, but my hunger has reached another level lately

for the past few days my urine has been really dark, have been using milk thistle and NAC, and dont have any pain or discomfort, i'm drinking large amounts of water, at least 4 litres from breakfast till gym, then another 3 litres during gym, and another litre between gym and bed... i have been upping the multivitamins- is that a possible cause?
puffy nipples issue has disappeared, however blood pressure is up, have been off Anavar (var) for over a week so am not sure what could cause the raised bp, it was 158 over 85, nurse said normal for my age is around 120 over 80, will monitor it

workouts have been going well, been really busy everyday with uni so workouts are definitely the highlight of my day, weight seems to have plateaued, still on 89kg (5kg up)... strength is increasing but slowly, not as fast as it was during the start of the cycle

running the test for 14 weeks so i will upload photos during week 9
If your weight holds steady longer than you like, start adding carbs... 200cal every couple days. If you're truly up 5kg of mostly lean mass, you're TDEE will have changed, that's why you've plateaued
Great work so far, keep it up brother!
never though thought of that, thanks for the advice ocdude, my hunger has been through the roof lately, i'll be sure to up the carbs

any suggestions on the high blood pressure?
Blood pressure is just part of it. Tbol will raise it for sure. It's not dangerously high but def keep an eye on it. It will go back down after the cycle.
You can and should donate blood. I don't know how much it will help, but that never hurts. Austinite I think says Cialis will help blood pressure, if you want to check that out. I haven't fully read up on that though.
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thanks again for the advice, i'll check out the link, am going away for a week on a business trip, will be easy to keep my diet in check but going to have to work hard to make the most out of the hotel gym, consists mainly of a bench, treadmills, spinning bike and a few dumbells... i'll give you guys updates when i get back