First cycle: Test e/tbol

so it's been a whole week off from gym, hotel had no gym and basically had no time due to work commitments... feel like shit... bp is back to normal, bought an ECA stack so jumping onto that tomorrow and starting to cut, keeping my diet the same just upping the cardio... going to be doing double training sessions 5 days a week, cardio every morning and weights in the evening... will keep you guys updated
so first day back went well, weight is up to 91kg, (7kg up) probably due to the fact that i ate like a pig during the work trip, 3 all you can eat buffets a day treated me well, kept carbs low but piled up on the protein, ate clean though (quite an achievement when you have all you can eat dessert in front of you)... had a great chest session:

bench machine: 4 set build up 20x68kg, 20x91kg, 16x 91kg, 14 x 91kg
flat dumbell press: 20x22kg, 16x36kg, 12x 40kg
fly machine: 4x12
dips: 3x20
cable raises: 4x12
push ups: 3x20
Glad to see your back at it. Sucks no gym in the hotel but hey sometimes a small break is a good thing.. All you can eat dessert OMG that would have been so hard. Nice progress man keep it up, can't wait to see some progress pics..
yeah Kaz it was so hard man, but i just ate pure quantity while i was there, 2 plates breakfast and lunch, dinner i managed 3 the one night, never again haha... ok so i'll upload pics tomorrow night, way too broken after today's sesh to get pumped up and take pics

today's workout

bicep curls: 4x10 (each side) 20kg
tri rope pull downs: 4 set build up

preacher curl: 3 set build up
tri pull down: 3 set build up

mixed grip ez bar curl: 3x12 35kg
close grip cable curl: 3 set build up

3x20 dips

came home and did the following
1.5k run
5 sets of : 20 push ups
10 pull ups
15 hanging leg lifts

will be sure to upload the photos tomorrow night, appreciate the responses