First Cycle -- Test Prop


New member
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lbs
BF: 9% (calculated a couple weeks back)
Training Experience: 7-8 years

6 Weeks @ 50 mg Test Prop ED
Rotating between six sites: R&L Glutes, R&L Quads, and R&L Delts.

Weight Lifting Plan:
Day 1
Power Clean
Clean Pull
Back Squat
Single Leg Squat
Glute Ham Raise
Band Good Mornings
Hip Lifts

Day 2
Hang Snatch
Snatch Press
Incline Bench
Overhand Bent Row
DB Bench
DB Row
Shoulder Circuit
Weighted Back Ext

Day 3
Push Jerk
Hang Clean
Front Squat
DB Luges
RDL & Shrug
Glute Ham Raise
One Leg Hip Lifts
Swiss Ball Leg Curls

Day 4
Bench Press
DB Row
DB Incline
DB Overhead Press
Overhand Inverted Row
Shoulder Circuit

Running Plan:
Day 1
12 x 100 yd sprints

Day 2
1 Mile

Day 3
12 x 100 yd sprints

Calories: 400 to 500
Fats: 3 to 10g
Carbohydrates: 50 to 90g
Proteins: 30 to 35g

Calories: 75 to 150
Fats: 0
Carbohydrates: 10 to 50g
Proteins: 0

Calories: 500 to 600
Fats: 10 to 15g
Carbohydrates: 50 to 100g
Proteins: 50 to 60g

Calories: 50 to 100
Fats: 0
Carbohydrates: 10 to 25g
Proteins: 5 to 10g

Calories: 500 to 600
Fats: 10 to 20g
Carbohydrates: 40 to 50g
Proteins: 40 to 60g

L-Arginine AKG 3000mg
L-Glutamine 5g

I am trying to put on some lean muscle, increase strength, and cut fat to hopefully reduce BF% to 7%.

I had some miscommunication with my trainer and was doing 100mg Test Prop ED instead of the correct amount of 50mg for the first week and a half (700mg versus 350mg a week is clearly a huge difference). I didn't notice any negative issues while on the higher dosage except for very intense soreness which would last for days post injection. However, now that my dosage is back to 350mg/week the soreness has decreased.

While I had a foot injury recently and wasn't able to do cardio for a couple weeks, I have noticed that running has been going well while on the Test Prop. My HR is slightly more elevated than usual while I'm exercising but nothing that I am concerned about--it just feels like I'm getting a better workout.

Any and all comments/suggestions/criticism are appreciated. Thanks!
Yea bro 50mg ed is low, and since its your first cycle, y not run test e or c at 500mg/week for 12 weeks. and you'll only pin 2x/week. When your running prop ur gonna have to pin eod. Btw you have no pct.... clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20
i like the test for your first cycle but why prop? and you can double the dose and pin EOD to save yourself some pain.

Also, you have not laid out your pct????
Hey man, hows the pain from prop? Are you very pain tolerant or just average with that? wondering how bad it really is, and most people don't try prop on virgin muscles so it's tough to know. Thanks brother, best of luck with your cycle
Since it's your first cycle, it's not like you won't see gains at 350mg/week. That's definitely a conservative dose though.

A 6 week cycle though? That's realllly short. You should be looking to run it in the 8-12 week range. Some (stupid) people run orals longer than you plan on running your cycle.
Agree with above, up the cycle to at least 10 weeks, consider a longer ester test unless you can only get prop, and MOST importantly of all take a hard look at post cycle therapy (pct).

This is a long thread, but the beginning is a MUST read before you should cycle.
Sorry for the late reply to all those who have commented on my thread.

I forgot to add that my PCT will consist of Nolvadex 40mg ED for one week, three days after my cycle ends. The dosage will be dropped to 20mg ED for three more weeks as natural levels kick in. Would Nolva 40/40/20/20 be better for my PCT?

As far as the length of my cycle goes, I had it be a very short cycle due to the fact that I am approaching a period of time where I may be randomly drug tested. Therefore a short run of test prop seemed like the only choice given the short amount of time I had to work with. I would have gone with other tests except for my detection time constraint.

Lastly, the pain/soreness was BAD for the first week or two. I am pretty tolerant to pain, and the injections themselves didn't hurt much or at all, however for the first couple weeks my soreness persisted for 24 to 72 hours after I had pinned. My muscle tolerance seemed to increase as the cycle progressed, yet there were plenty of days during those first two weeks where I would be limping/unable to move easily and my muscle sites were extremely painful to the touch (almost as if I had a dead leg or dead arm). Now that I think about it, it didn't help that I was pinning 100mg ED into virgin muscle though either. If I did it all over again I would start with a lower dosage (~80mg ED) and just pin twice daily for the first week to help with the pain. Has anyone tried doing this with success? The other alternative would be to pin EOD with a higher dosage.
At 50mg everyday you are only getting 290.5 mg's of actual testosterone a week. That is a glorified testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose in my opinion so while the libido will be solid, your muscle-building potential and strength increases will not be there. I wouldn't touch anything short of 400 true mg's per week, which would translate to pinning 0.69 ml's daily which would amount to 400.89 true mg's per week.

Also, breathe easier because the pain will subside. Those virgin muscles will get used to it, just be sure to rotate spots enough because even though the muscle may not be in pain it can still be inflamed from the previous injection. Although blood levels are more stable with everyday injects, you can get away with an every other day protocol with prop and be and feel just fine. And get yourself an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you want to keep your gains really lean and bloat down. If your intention is to bulk, then up that dose and eat like a horse and forget the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) unless extreme estro symptoms occur such as gyno. Good Luck!
Also, breathe easier because the pain will subside. Those virgin muscles will get used to it, just be sure to rotate spots enough because even though the muscle may not be in pain it can still be inflamed from the previous injection. Although blood levels are more stable with everyday injects, you can get away with an every other day protocol with prop and be and feel just fine.

Wouldn't the muscle site pain be worse at 150mg, pinning EOD, than at 75mg, pinning ED?

And get yourself an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you want to keep your gains really lean and bloat down. If your intention is to bulk, then up that dose and eat like a horse and forget the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) unless extreme estro symptoms occur such as gyno. Good Luck!

So you're saying using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle would lessen gains but will keep me cut? What I intended on doing was to bulk up a bit and increase gains and then afterwards cut down a bit post cycle.
for a first cycle 350mg is not necessary very low ... it may be on the lower side. But guy with fresh receptors certainly would get results.

If you can tolerate the 50mg ed injections go for it. I prefer this but i am sensitive to changes in test levels .

or you can try to pin 100mg eod. And see how you feel. What lab is your test prop ?